Total Geographical Area MANDALPROFILE 1 Total Geographical Area 16289 Ha 2 Gross Cropped Area 12502 3 Net Cropped Area 10722 4 Gross Irrigated Area 5133 5 Net irrigated Area 4435 6 Number of Farm Holdings i) Marginal 11023 ii) Small 2272 iii) Others 1027 7 Total area operated by 4108.8 3107.1 3487.17
9 Cropping Intensity 117 % 10 Irrigation Intensity 41.04 % 11 Total wet area (HA) Kharif Rabi Paddy 3031 189 sugarcane 120 12 Total Dry area Ground nut 239 30 Maize 240 400 Mesta 24 Cotton 575
Farm machinery available Tractors 89 Tractor drawn implements 430 13 Sources of Irrigation Canals 0 Tanks 468 5377 Bore wells 310 277 Dug Wells 147 176.4 Other sources nill nil 14 Farm machinery available Tractors 89 Tractor drawn implements 430 Sprayers 318 power tillers and minitractors 8 Oil Engines 234 Post harvest machienery 17 15 Farm machinery required Tractorts 10 Paddy reapers 7 CHC package 6 Power tillers PP equipment 240 16 Types of soils (Ha) Sandy loams 8688.8 Sandy clay loams 1629 clay soils 543.07 No of active RMGs/JLGs/SHGs 2 18 No of LEC cards issued 143
NORMAL AREAS,PRODUCTION &PRODUCTIVITY OF CROPS 2013-14& 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 Sl. No. Name of the Crop Area (ha) Productivity (Kg/ha) Production (Mts) GVA Production (Mt) 1 Paddy 3120 4340 13540 1.89 3020 4631 13985 3. 6 2 Maize 431 4890 2107 1.08 495 5000 2475 1. 5 3 G.Nut 1004 930 933 1.8 830 1293 1073 2.2 4 Cotton 450 1550 675 0. 54 510 1270 647 0.36 5 Pulses 985 500 492 0.39 1050 550 577 0. 85
AREAS ,PRODUCTION &PRODUCTIVITY OF TARGETS OF GROWTH ENGINES 2015-16 Sl.No. Name of the Crop Normal Area (ha) Estimated Area(ha) Productivity estimated) Production (Mts) GVA % of Growth over 2014-15 1 Paddy 3315 3425 5000 17125 5.8 27.7 2 Maize 127 575 5500 3162 2.8 46.4 3 G.Nut 1005 239 1700 406.3 1.08 -- 50 4 Cotton 425 610 2000 1220 2.1 82.8 5 Pulses 1050 1185 625 740 1.2 29.1
KPI for DOUBLE DIGIT GROWTH Area Expansion Soil Health Varietal Replacement Good Agronomic Practices Cost of Cultivation Strengthening of Extension Farm Mechanization IT - Farmer use
GROWTH VALUE ADDITION S.NO KPI Projection in 2015 16 (in crores) 1 Area Expansion 2.87 2 Soil Health Management 0. 54 3 Varietal Replacement 0.178 4 Good Agronomic Practices 2. 57 5 Reduction of Cost of cultivation 0. 52 Total GVA 6.678
Key performace Indicators (KPIs) Additional Area (Ha) Sl. No. Name of the Crop Normal Area Additional Area Total Additional Area Yield increase GVA Canal Borewell Openwell Others WCP WCP (Ha) Drip (Ha) Sprinkler Drip(Ha) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 4 to 11 Paddy 3315 110 550 0.17 maize 127 448 2464 2.1 Cotton 425 185 370 0.3 pulses 1050 135 84 0.29 Total 4917 558 3468 2.86 Average GVA 0.71
SOIL HEALTH PROFILE BASED ON SOIL TEST RESULTS OF 2015-16 Sl. No. Total No. of Soil samples to be drawn based on grid system No. of Soil samples drawn in 15-16 No. of Soil samples to be drawn in 16-17 No. of Soil samples to be drawn in 17-18 1 942 999 910
Avarage of the Parameter Neutral to slightly alkaline Sl.No. Parameter of the soil Range of the Parameter Avarage of the Parameter Status Remarks 1 PH 5.9 - 8.56 7.23 Neutral to slightly alkaline 2 EC 0.1 - 0. 5 0.3 3 OC 0 - 0. 52 to > 7. 5 0 to 6.5 Low 4 N 68 to 91 79. 5 Medium 5 P 4 to 70 37 High 6 K 82 to 198 140 7 S 4 to 58 31 8 Micronutrients a) Zinc ACL 55.8 % BCL 44.1 % b) Iron ACL 100 % BCL 0 % c) Manganese ACL 99 % BCL 1 % d) Copper
(III) Soil Health Management Fertilizer Requirement as per normal areas for last 2 years S.No. Name of the Fertilizer Requirement of Fertilizer (MTs) Actual Fertilizer utilized (MTs) Target Area (Ha) Fertilizer requirement as per farmers practice (MTs) Fertilizer requirement for 15-16 as per Soil test based recommendation (MTs) Saving of fertilizer (MTs) Saved fertilizer amount (Rs) 2013-14 2014-15 4234 1 UREA 607 620 497.4 677.8 3200 730 637.8 92.2 516320 2 DAP 271 277 347 317 378 298.8 79.2 1900800 3 MOP 328 349 278 329 378.3 4 SSP 80 75 77 53 240 48 5 COMPLEXES 207 220 299 274 249.7 79.3 Total 4317920 1439307
Micro Nutrient Normal area of the crop deficiency of nutrient deficient area in Ha Requirement of micronutrient Yield enhanced by application of micronutrient (KG/Ha) production in Mt GVA 3530 Zinc 530 10600 120 63.7 0.087 Boran 100 500 3 0.004 Gypsum 85 17000 8.5 0.01 Total GVA 0.101 Average GVA 0.033
( II ) Varietal replacement Sl.No. Crop New Varities Area in Ha Seed requirement Kg/ha Total requirement 100%in Qt 30% area 30% requirement <10 years in Qt Yield increase Kg per Ha Yield increase if 100% seed replaced Mt Yield increase if 30% seed replaced Mt GVA 1 Paddy MTU1001 2200 75 1650 660 495 200 132 39.6 0.037 BPT3291 500 375 150 112 22.4 6.72 0.007 2 Green gram ML 267 250 20 50 15 100 2.2 0.067 3 Black gram T9 300 60 90 18 2.7 Total GVA 0.178 Average GVA 0.047
Varietal replacement plan for 2015-16 Sl.No Crop New Varities Area in Ha Seed requirement kg/ha Total requirement 100% Qt 30% area 30% requirement <10 years Yield increase per Ha Yield increase if 100% seed replaced Yield increase if 30% seed replaced 1 Paddy MTU 1075 12 75 9 3.6 2.7 200 0.72 0.21 MTU 1064 24 18 7.2 5.4 1.44 0.43 MTU 1061 48 36 14.4 10.8 2.88 0.87 NLR 34449 80 62.5 50 15 150 1.08 4 Green gram LGG 460 170 20 34 51 10.2 100 5.1 1.53 TM 96-2 30 6 3 0.9 5 Black gram LBG 752 40 60 1.8 PU 31
Direct Sowing (Ha) Broadcasting PADDY Drum Seeder (ha) Direct Sowing (Ha) Broadcasting Area Amount saved per Ha Amount Saved 30 7400 222000 75 7500 562500
Machine Transplanting(Ha) Seed drill(Ha) Area Amount saved per Ha Amount Saved 10 3260 32600 5 8000 40000
Cost Reduction due to implementation of Integrated nutrient Management Name of the Intervention Cost per Ha No of Ha implemented Total savings Extra Yield to be achieved (Kg/Ha) Total extra Yield(kg) Total Amount 1 Green Manures 700 500 140 70000 952000 2 Soil Test based fertiliser use 1500
Name of the Intervention Pest management Cost Reduction due to implementation of Integrated pest management Name of the Intervention Cost reduction per Ha No of Ha implemented Total savings Seed treatment 1000 350 350000 Neem Oil Spray 500/ha 500 250000
Cost Reduction in Harvesting and Threshing operations S.No Name of theIntervention Cost per Ha No of Ha implimented Total savings Extra Yield to be achieved (Kg/Ha) Total extra Yield(kg) Total Amount 1 Mechine Harvesting 2 Mechine Threshing 1250 500 62500
Total yield increase in kg Good Agronomical Practices PADDY S.No Intervention Target Area in Ha yield increase kg /Ha Total yield increase in kg GVA IN LAKHS 1 Seed drill 5 150 750 0.5 2 Drum seeding 30 100 3ooo 2.7 3 SRI 20 3000 0.4 4 SMSRI 10 200 2000 0.6 Line Sowing 6 GREEN MANURING 160 140 22400 3.04 7 SEED TREAMENT 350 50 17500 5.8 8 Clipping of leaftips 700 9 Maintanance of Optimum population Formation of alleys 11 Soil test based fertiliser application 1437 71850 53 Neem coated urea application 12 NPM Techniques 13 Red Gram on paddy field bunds 69 13800 14 Mechanical Harvesting 15 Mechanical Threshing 500 6.2 16 Vegetable cultivation on field bunds 40 8000 3.2 Crop Sequence (Cropping pattern) a Sesamum - Paddy - Maize 320 48000 28.8 b Sesamum - Paddy - Pulses 1230 246000 147 Crop rotation Cereals followed by legumes / Non legumes followed by legumes Double cropping system Inter cropping system - Cotton + Pulses 10000 Total GVA 257.84 Average GVA 17
STRENGTHENING OF EXTENSION Intensifying polam pilustundi program and developing measurable indicators for assenssing the impact of different interventions like pest &Disease control, sekectuib if right chemical & Dosage, balanced use of fertilizers, varietal replacement ect. Chandranna Rythu Kshetralu Identification of farmer Scientists Trainings by FTC under NSP Balanced use of fertilizers and IPM Demos under ATMA 1.Soil testbasedfertilizersapplication in P Mpuram village 2.Seeddrill /drum seeder in Dattirajeru ,Vangara andDasaripeta villages 3. Soil reclamation by Zypsum andmicronutrientusage in Porali village Trainings on SeedDrills usage in paddyandothercrops in Dasaripeta and Maradam villagesunder ATMA
Land preparation Equipment Available Required 1 Rotavator 12 4 2 Disc plough 10 7 3 Cultivator 47 17 others if any 49 14
Seed cum fertilizer drill Sowing Eqippment Available Required 1 Seed cum fertilizer drill 8 2 Seed drill 3 Drum seeders 4 others if any
Inter cultivation Equippment Available Required Power weeder 2 1 Power weeder 2 Plant protection equipment Sprayers 270 240 Harvesting and Post harvesting Equipment Paddy repers 4 Harvesters 3 Driers Tarpaulins 1400 400 5 Others if any
Agriculture services available through Mee seva Services IT Applications Online soil health card generation, Maps generation , Data available on google portal Agriculture services available through Mee seva Services Farmers Portal for sending crop wise best management practises in telugu Departmental Efficiency a) OLMS b) Crop data entry system through CM dash board c) Fertilizer Monitoring System d) Polam Pilustundi - Response of the farmers
Yield achievement kg/ha CROP WISE COST REDUCTION S.No Crop Component Cost reduction per Ha No Of Ha implemented Yield achievement kg/ha Total Yield increase GVA 1 Cotton STEM APPLICATION 1000 100 1 Neem oil spray 500 0.5 Cotton- Redgram intercropping 50 25 Mt 14 Mg spray 125 12.5 Mt 4.1 2000 350 625 19.6 2 G.Nut Seed Treatment 0.25 Gypsum application 4 150 4.25 3 Maize Zero tillage 200 2 Whorl application of Granules 40 5 Machiene Threshing 1500 600 8
THANK YOU….. Mandal Agricultural Officer Dattirajeru