Techniques for creative problem solving & integration Problem solving projects; consulting (e.g., EWB), working with community needs (e.g., PALS) Worker owned cooperatives in West Baltimore Startups to serve social/environmental needs Live or historical cases Mini examples of core concepts that fall within sustainability Simulations & games All about developing critical thinking skills & adaptability to changing circumstances
River blindness world map
Child leading blind adult in Africa
Merck & River Blindness Have to decide whether to invest in anti-parasitic for human use Fundamental issue = disease where patients unable to pay Have students hash through the issues: Economic costs & risks Company reputation Organizational morale – what motivates scientists? Can also be context for illustration of core concepts in class: Pharmacology Culture/drug distribution Policy & regulation Organizational psychology Land use/geography & pestilence Ethics
Use in microbiology/organic chemistry?
Merck: What happened? 1978: Merck decides to develop Mectizan (ivermectin) Cost ~$25M to develop and test Believed that third party would pay for drug WHO eventually agreed to provide logistical support for clinical trials Sought to distribute drug through US AID, but no funds to distribute Distribution costs start at $2million, but quickly grow to $20million/year 1988: Merck decides to give away Mectizan First ever large scale donation program for a drug. World Bank and other NGOs will provide distribution funding 1994: Merck donates >$55M in Mectizan But, no distribution system existed to get drug to those who needed it Most remote locations on Earth Governments resist companies setting up distribution systems Difficulties measuring adverse reactions Can’t prevent black market 2001: >30M being treated with Mectizan (now 60M) Some villages reclaimed. Prevented 24M from going blind Not all have been treated – still struggle with wider distribution
Mini-examples within core concepts Estimating externalities: Gasoline Source: Parry, IWH & KA Small “Does Britain or the US Have the Right Gasoline Tax?” American Economic Review Vol.95(4):p A.Parry & Small estimate Total costs to society: $1.01/g B.International Center for Technology Assessment Total costs to society: $12.00/g Current tax (US average): $0.47/g
Fishbanks simulation: Tragedy of the commons
Other simulations…. World Climate: Negotiating a Global Climate Change Agreement Coul d be taught in the following courses: climate science, climate change policy, sustainability, public policy, environmental science and policy, energy technology, energy policy, energy economics, system dynamics/mathematical modeling, negotiations ( 9
Strategies for your classes? Back into groups of 4(ish) What strategies do you use for creative problem solving/high impact learning? What strategies would you like to try in your classroom to encourage creativity & adaptability? 20 minutes…~5 min each