Chapter 1 – Sex, Gender, and Work
Views on the trend Gender Equality ◦ Optimistic view ◦ Pessimistic view What does the glass ceiling entail? ◦ Lower-level management ◦ Underrepresentation on corporate boards ◦ Lower compensation
What can we attribute the differences to? Variation in national culture Definition of the term manager
Differentiate between sex and gender Sex differences vs. gender differences ◦ Perception ◦ Relationship between the two Self-fulfilling prophecy
Stereotyping Prejudice Discrimination
Primary dimensions ◦ Unchangeable personal characteristics Sex Race Ethnicity Physical ability/disability Secondary dimensions ◦ Changeable personal characteristics Education Income Marital Status Religion
Group membership visibility ◦ Sex Changeability ◦ Sexual orientation Categorization Self-identity
In research ◦ Assumption: sex & gender differences are similar across all racial and ethnic groups Comparing effects of stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination ◦ Oversimplification of complex issues
What is a bias? Differentiate between: ◦ Alpha bias ◦ Beta bias
Personal prejudice Two-category system ◦ A reinforcement of alpha bias Popular media
1. When a sex difference is found in an aspect of human behavior, this does not always signify completely polar behaviors between sexes. 2. Sex differences are not necessarily biologically based and they are subject to change.
Chapter 1 ◦ Analyze transition in sex/work relationships Chapter 2 ◦ Consider sex and gender work roles in the 20 th century ◦ Effects of historical influences ◦ Current status of women and men in today’s workforce
Chapter 3 ◦ Effects of sex and gender differences on behavior ◦ Psychological findings on sex differences ◦ Understanding male/female interactions ◦ Gender role expectations and limitations Chapter 4 ◦ Decision-making on employment relationships ◦ Differences in job search strategies ◦ Sex discrimination in hiring decisions ◦ Recommendations for reducing sex & gender effects on employment
Chapter 5 ◦ Effects of sex and gender on behavior in teams ◦ Differences of behavior in team composition ◦ Recommendations for team members and leaders Chapter 6 ◦ Effects of leader preferences and stereotypes ◦ Attitudes toward female leaders ◦ Sex differences in actual leader behavior and effectiveness
Chapter 7 ◦ Expression of sexuality in the workplace ◦ Sexual harassment and workplace romances ◦ Causes and consequences Chapter 8 ◦ Balancing work and family ◦ Diversity of family structures ◦ Sex differences in measurement of success Chapter 9 ◦ Solutions to problems identified in Chapters 1-8
Optimistic view Pessimistic view Glass ceiling Sex Gender Sex differences Gender differences Self-fulfilling prophecy Stereotype Prejudice Discrimination Primary dimensions of diversity Secondary dimensions of diversity Bias Alpha bias Beta bias Two-category system