Religions and Discrimination A Summary
Homework “Religions help to perpetuate discrimination against women.” What do you think? Explain your opinion. (3 marks)
Christianity Religious Discrimination: considers itself to be the only true religion. Historically, used to discriminate against and suppress other religions. Rival Christian factions, Catholicism and Protestantism, used to wage long, bloody wars against each other.
Christianity Racial Discrimination: all races are welcome to convert to Christianity. Historically, used to discriminate against and oppress Jewish people, culminating in the Holocaust. Racial equality was slow to establish itself, with the US black population gaining full civil rights only in the 1960s.
Christianity Sexism: recognises the invaluable position of women but insists on different roles played by men and women. Historically, banned women from holding church offices. Gender equality was slow to establish itself, with the first Anglican female bishop appointed on 20 Sept. 2013.
Christianity Ageism: traditionally venerated old age and took care of the elderly. Traditionally stood against abortion and for protection and education of children. Homosexuality: traditionally discriminated against sexual minorities, with gay and lesbian ministers only recently able to take up offices in some branches of Christianity. Class Discrimination: traditionally stood for the rights of the poor and marginalised, and ran charities, shelters and hospitals for the dispossessed. In practice, however, bishops and clergy were drawn from the privileged classes.
Islam Religious Discrimination: considers itself to be the only true religion. Continues to discriminate against and violently suppress other religions. Rival Muslim factions, Sunni and Shia, are locked in an ongoing bloody conflict.
Islam Racial Discrimination: all races are welcome to convert to Islam. Racial inequality is rife among Islamic nations, especially when it comes to religious minorities, and some African countries are still not finished with slavery.
Islam Sexism: women play no role in religious life but are recognised as homemakers. Women are often denied civil rights and liberties, such as the right to vote or even drive a car. Women are often treated as possessions bought and sold through marriage transactions. Husbands have the right to beat their wives. Husbands can easily divorce their wives but not vice versa. Polygamy is permitted. If raped, the woman bears responsibility for the crime. An adulterer faces a fine or lashing, but an adulteress is put to death by stoning.
Islam Ageism: traditionally venerated old age and took care of the elderly. Traditionally stood against abortion and for protection and education of children, especially boys. However, girls could be subjected to genital mutilation, married off at infancy and given away at the age of 9. Homosexuality: traditionally discriminated against sexual minorities, with homosexuality still punishable by death. Class Discrimination: traditionally supported poor and marginalised. In practice, however, inequality is entrenched in Islamic countries.
Hinduism Religious Discrimination: considers itself to be pointing towards the truth but not prescribing any one way to achieve it. Historically, a pluralistic mix of practices and beliefs able to coexist side-by-side, although not without some violent episodes.
Hinduism Racial Discrimination: traditionally included a multitude of races that make up India. Minority groups were occasionally persecuted. Sexism: a wide variety of attitudes to women, ranging from discrimination to women playing major religious roles. However, girls are still often unwanted, maltreated and aborted. Ageism: traditionally venerated old age and took care of the elderly. Homosexuality: traditionally tolerant of various expressions of sexuality. Class Discrimination: traditionally supported a rigid order of castes, one of the worst systems of social oppression.