For your GLBT employees
Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender A diversity of sexuality and gender identity- based culture Anyone who is non-heterosexual
GLBT employees face social discrimination, which can be subtle in form but potent in effect. Social discrimination involves differential access to social networks, relationships and activities that can improve an employee’s job performance and promote their careers…A lack of access to social resources has been found to damage the careers of women and employees of color…The exclusion from valuable work relationships is a pervasive barrier faced by GLBT employees. - Belle Rose Ragins “Sexual Orientation in the Workplace”
Not being hired Not being promoted or denied training Denied mentoring or other networking Biased performance reviews Assigned less desirable work Harassment or discrimination Actual or fear of rejection by co-workers Anti-gay jokes or remarks Actual or fear of physical violence Source: Federal GLOBE
Lack of awareness regarding GLBT issues Discriminatory behaviors against GLBT employees Exclusion from important connections with others
Without information about the experiences and challenges of GLBT employees, people may rely on stereotypes which can lead to a hostile workplace.
Most co-workers and supervisors know each others sexual orientation (60-70%) Not as high as friends or family members (>90%) Why? ◦ It is not as easy to identify someone’s sexual orientation as it is other typical stigmatized identities Coming Out at Work: Reasons and Strategies ◦ Line Chamberland
Blatant and direct forms of discrimination ◦ Harassment leads to LGBT employees to stay silent or “in the closet” Inadvertent discrimination ◦ Some employees make rude jokes using homophobic phrases or words
I don’t believe it is anyone’s business vs. I want to be upfront and honest
Avoid conversations about private life Talk about personal life in a ambiguous or neutral way Avoid co-workers outside of work Pretend to be single when not Refer to partner in opposite gender Coming Out at Work: Reasons and Strategies ◦ Line Chamberland
Giving clear answers when asked a question Talking about partner Defending gay or lesbian rights when the topic comes up at work Take the initiative to tell someone at work Bring partner to social activity where partners or spouses are invited Coming Out at Work: Reasons and Strategies ◦ Line Chamberland
Determine what you know and don’t know about LGBT inclusion and learn anti- discrimination policies and resources for LGBT employees Support equitable career advancement and development opportunities and practices Listen to LGBT employees and learn about their workplace experiences Demonstrate your commitment to inclusion publicly
Remain open to education and information Learn and use the correct pronoun for transgender and transsexual employees Never make homophobic jokes Treat GLBT co-workers with the same level of professionalism and respect as other employees.
Federal GLOBE Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Employees of the Federal Government