Let’s transition from the histories of democracy to political engagement They are related!
What is Politics? In a democracy, how things are done reflects the will of the people. But, “the people” have a variety of values, attitudes, life experinces, and visions for the future. So, “the people” have a large variety of conflicting opinions on what should and should not be done. POLITICS is the name for all the different processes and activities that are undertaken to decide whose values and opinions will be followed in determining how things will be done. And, to engage in politics is to try to influence peoples’ thinking and decisions about how things should be done. Politics occur in all human social systems.
3 We live in many social systems
4 Identify Some Political Issues
Political Issue #1 Should CA increase the gasoline tax from $0.71/gal. to $1.00/gal. to induce people to drive less and/or to switch to alternative fuels, and to have funds to spur the development of the alternative fuel industries?
Political Issue #2 Should CA pass a law to allow doctors to provide terminally ill patients with pills that will enable the patients to end their lives peacefully at a time and place of their choosing? Brittany Maynard Case
Political Issue #3 Should the US Supreme Court allow each of the fifty states to create it own laws and regulations governing abortion?
Political Issue #4 Should California lower the drinking age to 18 to be consistent with all other adult rights and responsibilities?
Political Issue #5 Should all eligible voters be required to vote, with the consequence of a fine or community service if they do not?
How can we influence students’ thinking about some issue? Let’s Brainstorm 11
Using Your Computer to Engage in Politics Websites Blogs Facebook Twitter Text Messages Youtube
Please share your examples of college students engaging effectively in online politics.