Grade 9 Enriched Religion St. Benedict’s Catholic Secondary School
This course invites students to a deeper understanding of both the joy and the demands of following in the way of Christ and living out the call to discipleship as it is described in the Scriptures. Through a lens filtered by Scripture, Profession of Faith, Christian Moral Development, Prayer, Sacramental Life, and Family Life, students use the Beatitudes and 10 Commandments as a touchstone to examine the attitudes and actions that characterize the Christian life. Students will explore a variety of topics related to the themes of personhood, interpersonal relationships and sexuality. They are encouraged to understand and nurture within themselves the virtues which will enable them to deepen their relationship with God in and through Christ in the context of a Spirit-filled community.
With an awareness of the uniqueness of each student and a recognition that religious development takes place through a process of stages and within a community, this is an enhanced program for interested, self-motivated student. The course curriculum will be enhanced from the HRE10 through field trips, guest speakers, school based service leadership opportunities, leadership development and enhanced scripture exploration.
Ways to Enrich our Curriculum The common ground will be that the activities should include: · challenge · enjoyment · exposure to new knowledge and ideas · thinking in different or unusual ways · risk taking.
Unit Title/Description Topics Assessment 1 September Called to Journey Students will understand that loving yourself is loving Jesus. Trip & Journey SPIES Learning Preference Multiple Intelligence Truths Image of God Jesus Infancy Narratives Parables *Liturgy of the Word Coat of Arms 9/13 SPIES Quiz Life Map 9/27 Unit Test 9/26 Guest speaker- Focus is using the Six Thinking Hats 2 Called to Church Students will understand that the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes prove our covenant with God Values & Virtues(link to Liturgy) Genesis Bible Stories Scripture Sin Evolution and Creation The 10 Commandments The Beatitudes Sacraments Reconciliation & Forgiveness (C’s of conversion) Symbols of the Church Bible Story Activity Unit Test Retreat with the Grade 10 Enrichment Class- Focus is the Gifts of the Holy Spirit 3 Called to be Loving Students will understand that prayer increases happiness. The Family-4th Commandment Virtues & Vice Love & Infatuations Chastity & Abstinence STI/STD Self Esteem Sacredness of Life Decision Making Healthy Relationships Retreat with the Grade 9 English & Grade 10 Enrichment Class- Focus is on identifying people of good character and being inclusive. Guest Speaker- Holocaust Survivour Guest Speakers- Free the Children- Water 4 Called to Discipleship & Action Students will understand that in order to be a disciple of God you must forgive and reconcile Prayer Rosary Conscience Authority - Magisterium Common Good- Table Fellowship People who Model Hope Mary Servant Leaders/Discipleship Justice Prejudice/Discrimination Challenges to Freedom Peer Pressure Prayer Assignment Retreat in Cambridge with the Grade 10 Enrichment class. Focus is on sharing our gifts. Guest Speaker- Father Toby Collins (tbd) Culminating Activities Reflections -2 Brochure Exam