Business Department Courses Accounting I & II Business & Personal Law Business & Sports Management Computer Applications International Business Intro to Business and Marketing Money Management INSTRUCTOR – MICHELLE CHANG
INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION Mrs. Chang Business Instructor and Co-advisor Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Email – Telephone – 908-713-4199 ext. 4228 Resource Time Room 128 – Mods 17 & 18 Afterschool Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 2:25 to 3:10 North Hunterdon High School Website - Naviance
CLASS WEBSITES Accounting I mods 1-2: Accounting II mods 3-4 International Business mods 5-6 Money Management mods 11-12 Intro to Business & Marketing mods 13-14 Intro to Business & Marketing mods 15-16
Students should check HomeLogic Grading Criteria - Point Value Grades are based on a percentage of the total points earned. Extra credit is available. Projects Assignments Assessments – Quia on-line testing Class Participation - Professionalism-Behavior Includes: Warm-ups – Posted activities completed upon arriving to class Ethics – Doing what is right and following the rules Teamwork – Working as a positive productive member of group activities Safety – Following safety procedures and policies Students should check HomeLogic
CLASS RULES & ROOM MANAGEMENT PLAN A. Students will come prepared and on time for class. B. Students will respect the rights of others. C. Students are expected to behave in a professional manner D. Students will be responsible for following all rules and policies in the Student Handbook Harassment, Intimidation, & Bullying Policy
ACCOUNTING I & II COURSE ACTIVITIES COURSE GOAL: Students will gain knowledge of basic accounting terminology, understand accounting concepts, principles, and practices, apply accounting procedures, and progress from simple to complex by building on previous learning. COURSE ACTIVITIES CAREER & COLLEGE PLAN QUICKBOOKS SOFTWARE ETHICAL CASE STUDIES SIMULATION BUSINESS PROJECTS ACCOUNTING CYCLE FOR A SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Course Goal: This course will provide students with the foundation necessary to understand international business and the various aspects of conducting business in a global economy. PORTFOLIO PROJECTS GLOBAL E-COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PLAN CULTURAL ANALYSIS OF A FOREIGN MARKET GLOBAL BUSINESS OPERATIONS CAREER & COLLEGE PLAN EXPORTING PLAN LAWS AROUND THE WORLD
MONEY MANAGEMENT COURSE ACTIVITIES CAREER & COLLEGE PLAN COURSE GOAL: This course is designed to give the student an understanding of the theory and practice of financial management. The subject matter will be presented from the perspective of an individual planning for their future. COURSE ACTIVITIES CAREER & COLLEGE PLAN FINANCIAL PLANS INVESTMENT STRATGIES STOCK CLUBS IDENTITY THEFT & FRAUD BANKING SERVICES
INTRO TO BUSINESS & MARKETING COURSE GOAL: The marketing course is for students who are preparing for careers in marketing, merchandising, and management. The students will study basic marketing concepts such as promotion, advertising, merchandising, salesmanship, event planning and more. COURSE ACTIVITIES CAREER & COLLEGE PLAN ADVERTISING PUBLIC RELATIONS PRODUCT MANAGEMENT EVENT PLANNING SALESMANSHIP
BUSINESS LAW COURSE TOPICS COURSE GOAL: Students will become acquainted with their legal rights as well as their legal duties, responsibilities and understanding of their place in society. Students will gain a general understanding and classification of laws which will most likely affect them in their personal and business transactions. Existing statutes and case studies as well as current events are discussed regularly in the hope that students will become familiar with law as part of their everyday life. COURSE TOPICS The Meaning of Law Courts Contracts Buying & Selling Renting, Owning and Transferring of Real Property Consumerism Mock Trial
BUSINESS & SPORTS MANAGEMENT Course Goal :The course will focus on the importance of management, marketing and the developing of strategies in business and sports related industries. PORTFOLIO PROJECTS FRANCHISE DEVELOPMENT LOGO DESIGN EVENT PLANNING COLLEGE & CAREER PLAN PROMOTIONAL PLANS BUSINESS PLAN MARKETING CAMPAIGNS
COMPUTER APPLICATIONS Business Computer Applications I course designed to improve keyboarding skills necessary for office and personal use. COURSE ACTIVITIES KEYBORADING SKILLS DOCUMENTS - WORD SPREADSHEETS - EXCEL POWERPOINT INTERNET
FINANCIAL LITERACY COURSE UNITS CAREER & COLLEGE PLAN FINANCIAL PLANS COURSE GOAL Money Matters, a course in financial literacy, is designed to alert, inform, and educate students in concepts of personal finance and money management. Students will begin to develop the skills and strategies that promote personal and financial responsibility related to financial planning, savings, investment, and charitable giving in the global economy. COURSE UNITS CAREER & COLLEGE PLAN FINANCIAL PLANS INVESTMENT STRATGIES IDENTITY THEFT & FRAUD BANKING SERVICES
PROFESSIONAL STUDENT ORGANIZATION Career & Leadership Development Community Projects Competitions Awards Scholarships Grey Day – Cure for Cancer
FBLA Activities Fund Raising Battle of the Bands Pizza & Popcorn Sales Grey Day – Brain Cancer Awareness Community Service Annual Coat Drive March of Dimes
New Jersey Consumer Bowl Competition
FBLA - Giant Stadium Tour
Business & Marketing Education Day
Future Business Leaders of America SUPPORT OUR TROOPS Future Business Leaders of America
Rotary Business Plan Project 2011 – Winning Team Jessica Auger & Kayla Mabie -Sweet Booth- International Candy & soda shop FBLA NJ State 4th Place
Practical Arts Department Business Technology Consumer & Family Sciences
Practical Arts Courses Fulfill the 5 Credit Requirement for Graduation Some of these classes are not available to Freshmen. Business Education Accounting I & II Business Sports Management Computer Applications I & II Fundamentals Of Money Management International Business Business Law Intro to Business & Marketing
Practical Arts Courses Fulfill the 5 Credit Requirement for Graduation Some of these classes are not available to Freshmen. Family & Consumer Science Food Survey Cooking For Singles International Foods Gourmet Cuisine Food & Fitness Fashion Design And Merchandising Sewing For Fashion Interior Design Child Care & Child Development And Parenting Independent Living
Practical Arts Courses Fulfill the 5 Credit Requirement for Graduation Some of these classes are not available to Freshmen. Technology Education Drafting And Design Engineering/Cad I II& III Architectural Drafting And Design I & II Applied Technology And Design I & II Web Page/Animation I & II Robotics And Automation Small Engines I & II Landscape Design