Welcome to North Quincy High School Course Selection and High School Planning March 5, 2012
Agenda Welcome Graduation, promotion and college entrance requirements Course selection overview
Keep Options Open
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Here are some general ways you can prepare for WHATEVER the future holds...
Take the RIGHT COURSES! Ensure that your child takes the right courses More rigorous courses will prepare them better Make sure use they use their time outside of school wisely Help them start thinking about the future Get help when you need it
Take the RIGHT COURSES! Most of 8th graders plan to attend and finish college Students need to take college prep courses in high school Without college prep courses, YOU WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR COLLEGE!!
North Quincy High School Graduation Requirements English 4 years = 20 points Mathematics 3 years = 15 points Science 3 years = 15 points Social Studies 4 years = 20 points Foreign Lang. 2 years = 10 points Physical Ed. 4 years = 4 points Additional points from electives in the creative and performing arts, career and technical education, ROTC etc. 100 points (credits) MCAS graduation requirement: ELA: 240+, Math: 240+, Science: 220+
Promotion Requirements Students must earn a minimum of: 20 points to be promoted to 10th grade 45 points to be promoted to 11th grade 70 points to be promoted to 12th grade 100 points to graduate
Minimum College Admission Requirements English 4 years Mathematics 3 or more years Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2 Science 3 or more years 2 years of lab science Social Studies 2 or more years Foreign Lang. 2 or more years in the same language Electives from creative and performing arts, career and technical education, ROTC etc.
Remember! The choices your student makes during high school will better prepare them for their future. Make High School COUNT!
Course selection process Course selection materials will be distributed to students this week Students must choose 5 academic courses (English, Math, Science, World History and Foreign Language) and 1 elective. All students will be automatically assigned to physical education. Students may choose one or two alternates to their elective request Students should choose one alternate to their primary foreign language request Middle school teachers will help select appropriate levels (standard, honors, advanced)
Course selection process Parents must sign and return the course selection sheet to the middle school by the school’s deadline Middle school deadline is assigned by each middle school Changes to the course selections can be made prior to the end of the school year A printed schedule from North Quincy High will be mailed home in August with additional information The summer mailing will include instructions for making last minute schedule changes
9th Grade NQHS Math Course Offerings If you are taking: and earn: you should take: _______________________________________________________________ Algebra Advanced A, A- Geometry Advanced * Algebra Advanced B, B+ Algebra 1 Advanced * Algebra Advanced C or below Algebra 1 Honors ______________________________________________________________ Algebra Honors A Algebra 1 Advanced * Algebra Honors B Algebra 1 Honors Algebra Honors C or below Algebra 1 Standard ____________________________________________________________ Pre-Algebra A Algebra 1 Honors Pre-Algebra B, C Algebra 1 Standard Pre-Algebra D or below Algebra 1Part A- Standard * Additional qualifications for advanced level include 8th grade teacher recommendation and a proficient score on the most 7th grade Math MCAS
9th Grade NQHS Science Course Offerings If you are taking: Your average is: You should take: ______________________________________________________________________ Advanced Science A Bio Adv or Earth/Phys Sci. Adv* Advanced Science B or higher Earth/Phys Science Advanced* Advanced Science C Life/Physical Science Honors Advanced Science Below C Life/Physical Sci. Standard Honors Science A Earth /Phys Sci. Advanced* Honors Science B or higher Life/Physical Science Honors Honors Science C or below Life/Physical Science Standard Standard Science A Life/Physical Science Honors Standard Science B, C Life/Phys Sci. Standard Standard Science D or below Integrated Science Standard * Additional qualifications for advanced level include 8th grade teacher recommendation, department head approval and placement test
9th Grade NQHS Foreign Language* Course Offerings If you are taking: You can take: Spanish in grade 8 Spanish 2 (S, H, A)* *for 2nd year Spanish students with 8th grade teacher recommendation Other foreign language options: Mandarin 1 (S,H) Latin 1 (S, H) French 1 (S, H, A) Fundamentals of Spanish 1 (S) Italian 1 (S, H) *students are not guaranteed their first choice of foreign language and are recommended to add an alternate choice to their foreign language selection
9th Grade NQHS English and Social Studies Course Offerings Placement is based on middle school grades and 8th grade teacher recommendation English 9 S, H, A World History S, H, A
9th Grade NQHS Elective course offerings All courses below are worth 2.5 credits and students should choose 1 primary elective pair and an alternate elective pair or full year course on their course selection sheet. Career & Technical Education/Performing Arts Semester Course Offerings Computer Applications 1 Nutrition & Wellness Introduction to Carpentry Technical Drafting Entrepreneurship Intro to Theatre
9th Grade NQHS Full year elective course offerings All courses below are worth 5 credits and students should choose 1 primary elective and an alternate elective or elective pair on their course selection sheet. Creative & Performing Arts Photography 1 Art 1 Choir Band Dance AFJROTC Aerospace Science 1
Guidance Services Individual/group counseling Post-graduate and college planning Career exploration Crisis intervention Academic support/monitoring Parent information Student scheduling Testing administration and interpretation College financial aid information
Guidance Services GROUPS Boys’ Anger Management Children of Immigrants Dating Safely Grief and Loss Group RAD/Self-Defense Social Skills Development Study Skills
NQHS Guidance website and Naviance Family Connection Guidance information is found on the North Quincy High School website Guidance counselor contact information, scheduling information, links for many resources, and copies of guidance presentations Guidance calendar of events Link to Naviance Family Connection Naviance offers college information, career exploration, personality & learning style assessments, and planning tools Naviance is introduced to students as freshmen and used throughout high school
Extracurricular Activities There are many sports and clubs offered Freshmen will transition better when they are involved in school activities It’s an opportunity to meet new friends and become part of the school community
Extracurricular Activities Sports Fall Sports Soccer – Girls & Boys Football – Boys Volleyball – Girls Cross Country – Boys & Girls Golf – Boys Fall sport try-outs and physicals: Information will be provided to middle school students in June and will be posted on Channel 22 in the summer.
Activities Sports-continued Winter Sports Basketball – Girls & Boys Hockey – Girls & Boys Wrestling – Boys Swimming – Girls & Boys Track – Boys & Girls Spring Sports Baseball – Boys Softball – Girls Lacrosse – Girls & Boys Tennis – Girls & Boys Golf – Girls Sailing – Girls & Boys Volleyball – Boys Track – Boys & Girls
Clubs & Activities Students can sign-up at the Club Fair in the fall Hip Hop Club Interact Club International Club Knowledge Master Leo Club Literary Magazine Math Club Mentoring National Honor Society Operation Days Work Peer Education Peer Mediation Philosophy Club Photography Pride Committee Robotics Rugby S.A.D.D. Science Club Select Choir Spectrum:GSA Student Council Thomas Jefferson Forum United Nations Club Yearbook Academic Decathlon Air Force Jr. ROTC Alliance Against Racism Anime Club Art Club Art Gallery Asian Culture Club Band Book Club Break Dance Team Calculus Team Cheerleading Chess Club CCG Club (Collectible Card Game) Computer Club Concert Choir Dance Team Drama Club Environmental Stewardship Club Film Club Foreign Language Honor Society French Club History Club History Book Club Students can sign-up at the Club Fair in the fall
9th Grade Fly-up and Orientation Day Fly-up day – Date TBA: Tours, lunch presentations Sept. 5, 2012- First day of school for 9th grade only Students attend opening day assembly Escorted to homeroom Shortened class periods Free luncheon/picnic
Thank you!