Damon Burton University of Idaho EXERCISE ADHERENCE Damon Burton University of Idaho
WHAT IS EXERCISE ADHERENCE? Exercise Adherence (EA) – is the ability to maintain an exercise program for an extended time period. Exercise adherence is one of the biggest health problems for American adults. EA is also a problem for children and adolescents, probably due in part to extensive reductions in required physical education classes.
EXERCISE ADHERENCE How big of a problem is exercise adherence among American adults? 3
EXERCISE STATISTICS 45% of adults are sedentary (i.e., totally inactive). Only 65% of children participate in regular physical activity. 35% of adults exercise once per week. 10-20% of adults get health benefits from physical activity. 10% of sedentary adults begin exercise programs each year. 50% of new exercisers will drop out within six months.
EXERCISE ADHERENCE What are the major reasons why adults exercise? 5
REASONS ADULTS EXERCISE Weight control for appearance and health. Health benefits--particularly for cardiovascular problems (i.e., hypertension). Stress and depression management. Enjoyment. Building self-esteem. Social and affiliation benefits.
EXERCISE ADHERENCE Do the reasons adults start an exercise program differ from the reasons that they continue to exercise? 7
REASONS FOR INITIATING EXERCISE PROGRAMS Health benefits. Weight control. Appearance. Increased energy. Mobility issues (e.g., joint problems). Meet people.
REASONS FOR MAINTAINING EXERCISE PROGRAMS Stress and depression management. Enjoyment. Building self-esteem. Maintaining social relationships. Weight maintenance. Health maintenance.
EXERCISE ADHERENCE What are the common excuses for not exercising? 10
EXERCISE BARRIERS Lack of time. Lack of knowledge. Lack of facilities. Fatigue.
OTHER EXERCISE BARRIERS Social support barriers. Health and fitness barriers. Other commitments. Resource barriers. Programming barriers.
FACTORS IMPACING EXERCISE ADHERENCE Personality factors. Situational factors. Behavioral factors. Programmatic factors.
PERSONAL FACTORS Exercise history. Knowledge/beliefs about health benefits of exercise. Personality factors: Type A versus Type B. Self-motivation.
BEHAVIORAL FACTORS Smoking. Income. Education. Occupational status: “Blue collar”. “White collar”.
SITUATIONAL FACTORS Social support. Convenience of facility. Time. Climate or region. DQ 5: Should everyone participate in both group and individual exercise activities?
PROGRAMMATIC FACTORS Exercise intensity. Group versus individual programs. Qualities of exercise leaders.
EXERCISE ADHERENCE STRATEGIES Environmental approaches. Reinforcement approaches. Goal setting and cognitive approaches. Decision-making approaches. Social support approaches.
ENVIRONMENTAL APPROACHES Prompts Contracts Perceived choice
REINFORCEMENT APPROACHES Attendance and participation rewards. Feedback and testing. Self-monitoring and self-reward.
GOAL SETTING & COGNITIVE APPROACHES Self talk. Thought focus strategies: Association. Dissociation.
DECISION-MAKING & SOCIAL SUPPORT APPROACHES Decision-balance sheet (cost/benefit analysis). Social support from partner, group or class.
BEST EXERCISE ADHERENCE STRATEGIES Make exercise fun and enjoyable. Tailor exercise frequency, duration and intensity to the exerciser. Promote group exercise. Keep daily exercise logs. Reinforce success. Find a convenient place to exercise.