Writing Tips! Navigating through the Writing Process
Why Do We Write? »To record our thinking as permanent »To share information with someone else (graphing is a form of writing)
Writing is… »Practical »Job-related »Stimulating »Social »Therapeutic
Stages of Writing 1.Picture writing 2.“Driting” 3.Scribble writing 4.Random letter 5.Sounding out words 6.“Sense of Sentence” 7.Pattern writing stage 8.Sense of story stage 9.Conventional writing
“Write” Tips for Parents »Make the experience enjoyable »Be a writer yourself »Provide a place »Allow time »Make it interesting »Respond »Don’t you write it! »Praise »No need to frazzle about spelling and punctuation!
Chunking »Chunks - parts of words »Chunks make reading, writing, and spelling easier and faster »Chunks - parts of words »Chunks make reading, writing, and spelling easier and faster
Kindergarten Writing Tips! »Subject »Think of sentence in head »Count number of words with fingers »Write blank lines or use pennies »Fill in lines »Use CUPS to check writing »C: Capital letter »U: Understanding »P: Punctuation »S: Sentence Structure
1st Grade Writing Tips »Create a story web »Jot down key words/ pictures in each square »Use key words/pictures to write a sentence from each square »Ex. Pet (what it looks like, favorite treat, what tricks it can do, feeling sentence) »Revise (CUPS) »Final copy
Writing for a Purpose! »Letters »Invitations »Thank-you notes »Writing poems that rhyme »Shape poems »Games »Narrative writing »Descriptive writing »Journaling