An introduction to including students with disabilities For teaching artists The john f. kennedy center for the performing arts.


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Presentation transcript:

An introduction to including students with disabilities For teaching artists The john f. kennedy center for the performing arts

Essential knowledge and practice To fully include students with disabilities Special Education Law Characteristics of Disabilities Accommodations and Modifications Universal Design for Learning

Special Education: Supporting students with Disabilities Provides needed supports to students with disabilities so that they can be successful in learning and achieving.

IDEA Special Education law All students must receive a free and appropriate public education. (FAPE) Special Education law IDEA IDEA – Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Most recent reauthorization was in 2004 – IDE(I)A – Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act

Special Education Process Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Requires highly structured and monitored levels of support for students with disabilities in schools. Identification of students as eligible for services under IDEA is a process which includes testing Completion of the process might result in a student having an identification (not diagnosis) of a particular disability and be eligible for services. Services in schools are policy/law driven. Initiation of a request for an initial evaluation can come from teachers, parent, others working with student. Special education teachers, psychologist and related personnel perform initial evaluations, with parent consent, within 60 days. Check on RTI

Individual Education Plan Services Identification Individual Education Plan IEP Review/ Revise Yearly Re-evaluate for eligibility Every 3 years An IEP – Individualized Education plan must be implemented within 30 days of identification. Meetings are held annually to review and revise the IEP. Eligibility review, with re-assessments, occurs every 3 years.

(represents public agency) IEP Team LEA (represents public agency) Parents Student General Education Teacher Special Education Teacher Related services: OT, PT LEA – Local Education Agency (Agent) Job Coach School counselor Transition coordinator Outside agency reps Important to know: general education teachers, including arts teachers, are required to know the accommodations and goals for each student they teach. Accommodations should be shared with the teaching artist! Others per Parental Request Related Services

The IEP PLOP Services Goals Transition Plan Accommodations PLOP – Present Level of Performance Based on formative and summative assessments Identifies strengths and needs in a comprehensive array of categories Transition plan If age 14 or over Educational, Career, Independent living Goals based on needs from the PLOP Accommodations and modifications are identified. All teachers of the student should be provided with IEP information and expected to implement accommodations. In elementary schools, usually all teachers attend meeting, not as likely in upper grades because of logistics of scheduling. Teachers can meet weekly formally and informally to discuss students with IEP’s. Goals Accommodations

The Special Education Continuum of Services Supports are provided to students in the Least Restrictive Environment Least Restrictive Environment The environment that enables the student to have the most independence

The special education continuum of services Special Education General Education Teacher as resource Teacher Teacher co-teaches Teacher Special Education Teacher in Self-Contained Class

The Special Education Continuum of Services Paraprofessional teachers might provide assistance in any of the class configurations.

The Special Education Continuum of Services Students attend schools providing specialized services for students with similar disabilities .

Characteristics of disabilities What is disability? Crippled Moron Imbecile Wheelchair Bound Handicapped The term “Disability” is what we use to describe a condition that limits functionality (physical, mental, emotional, cognitive, developmental, sensory). NIDRR – indicated that disability is on a continuum, at any time in a person’s life they could be considered “disabled” – disability depends on the social, physical, academic, etc. environment With the right supports, a person is less, or no longer disabled. A student who receives the most appropriate supports would be less “disabled” in terms of her ability to access and gain knowledge, participate in activities with other students, socialize with peers, contribute to the group, etc.

“Disability” is a label Disability is on a continuum -at any given moment of our lives we are “more” or “less” disabled. The “disability” depends on various factors – the physical environment, the social supports, etc.

Disabilities Identified by IDEA Autism Deaf-blindness Deafness Developmental delay Emotional disturbance Hearing impairment Intellectual disability

Disabilities Identified by Idea Multiple disabilities Orthopedic impairment Other health impairment Specific learning disability Speech or language impairment Traumatic brain injury Visual impairment, including blindness

Percentages of disabilities in U. S. schools* Percentage of students age 6 through 21, served under IDEA, per disability category, Fall 2006 Other health impairments includes: attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, diabetes, epilepsy, heart conditions, hemophilia, lead poisoning, etc. Other disabilities combined includes: autism, deaf-blindness, developmental delay, hearing impairments, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairments, traumatic brain injury, visual impairments.

*Source 30th Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 2008. From: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, US Department of Education

Specific Learning Disabilities Listen to Gerald’s story

Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD or LD) General term for specific kinds of learning problems Most often affects reading, writing, listening, speaking, reasoning, doing math One in every five people has a learning disability Not otherwise expected Self-aware Also, just “learning disability”. General term for specific kinds of learning problems. Vary from person to person – poor academic performance Can have trouble with reading and writing, or just math Related to how the brain processes information. People with learning disabilities usually have average or above average intelligence. Life-long disability. Students with this disability can be high achievers and taught ways to work with the disability. When a child has a learning disability, he or she: (see separate list)

Speech or language impairments Listen to Cynthia’s story

Speech or language impairments Expressive language Difficulties being understood Non-verbal Receptive language Not understand what is said Influences ability to learn to read and write and communicate orally

Intellectual disabilities Listen to Roy’s story

Intellectual disabilities* Significant limitations both in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior as expressed in conceptual, social, and practical skills, which are apparent prior to age 18. * Adaptive behavior: Conceptual skills – language, reading, writing, money, time, number concepts Social Skills – interpersonal, social responsibility, self-esteem, gullibility, naivete Practical skills – activities of daily living, use of money, safety, travel, use of phone

Emotional Disturbance Listen to William’s story

Emotional Disturbance Condition with one or more of the following, that adversely affects a child’s educational performance: Inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors Inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships Inappropriate behavior or feelings under normal circumstances Unhappiness or depression General pervasive mood Symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems

Autism spectrum disorder Listen to Carrie’s story

Autism Spectrum Disorder Developmental disability, evident before age 3 Broad range of differences Significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction Adversely affects educational performance Repetitive activities Resistance to change Unusual responses to sensory experiences Tendency to not understand abstractions

Listen to Amanda’s story Twice Exceptional Listen to Amanda’s story

Twice Exceptional Student who has a disability label (needs an IEP) and a giftedness label. Examples: Learning disability and giftedness Autism and giftedness

sources National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Smith, D. D. (2001). Introduction to Special Education: Teaching in an Age of Opportunity. Allyn and Bacon: Boston.

Challenges across disabilities Physical/gross motor challenges Physical/fine motor challenges Hearing impairments Visual impairments Communication challenges Reading challenges and non-readers Sensory challenges Cognitive processing challenges

Accommodations and Modifications Change that helps a student overcome or work around the disability Example: if a student has difficulty writing, she can give the answer orally Modifications Change in what is being taught to or expected from the student. Example: making an assignment less complex

You can request from teachers If so, which students? What accommodations or modifications do you use? Are there students who require modifications or accommodations?

Physical/gross motor challenges Sample accommodations Allow students to interpret movements, and character gestures, in ways they are able. Allow students more breaks if stamina is a constraint. Students in wheelchairs or scooters can move to the beat or work with a partner in ways that work best for them.

Physical/fine motor challenges sample accommodations Provide wider/thicker writing and drawing tools, pencil grips. Provide an anchor for paper, or a slant board. Provide a modified mouse. Allow students to give verbal or gestural directions if not able to manipulate objects.

Hearing impairments sample accommodations Use sign language or an interpreter. Provide all instructions in writing and/or pictures, either on the board or in a handout. Minimize extraneous sounds in and outside of the classroom. Provide adequate lighting in the classroom, so students can read lips, sign language, and non-verbal gestures. Allow students to feel the musical pulse through sympathetic vibrations – amplify vibrations if possible.

Visual impairments sample accommodations Provide directions and other written materials in Braille or large print. Provide verbal directions and verbal descriptions of pictures. Provide access to text-to-speech computer programs. Provide a tactile environment, with a variety of supplies and manipulatives.

Communication challenges sample accommodations Provide visual cues. Responses can be physically demonstrated, written, or drawn. Use student’s preferred communication assistive technology. Allow students to perform the action while another student narrates.

Reading challenges and non-readers: sample accommodations Provide verbal directions coupled with written directions. Provide other visual cues and pictures coupled with written material. Provide concept maps or graphic organizers. Pair students with students who can read when using scripts.

Sensory challenges sample accommodations Prepare students in advance, using a picture or written schedule. Provide area with reduced activity, away from other students if needed. Provide clear step-by-step directions. Allow space for students to move around and take breaks as needed. Minimize loud sounds, bright lights, and chaotic group activity.

Cognitive processing challenges sample accommodations Simplify directions. Speak in short and concise sentences. Check for understanding through eye contact and ask to repeat your directions. Use accommodations listed for reading, communication, and sensory challenges.

Thank You! Sharon Malley, Ed D