Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook Worksheet
General Knowledge Questions 1-15
Question 1 To see a counselor, a student may go to the Counseling Office before school, at lunch or after school to sign up for an appointment.
Question 2 List the four valid reasons for requesting a schedule change: 1. Computer error 2. Changes needed to satisfy graduation requirements 3. Changes required by health 4. Completion of a course in summer school, correspondence or evening school course.
Question 3 How many of the 22 credits necessary for graduation are required in the area of English Language Arts? 4 credits
Question 4 Parents and students can check their current grades through the PowerSchool website.
Question 5 In case of illness or accident during the school day, get a pass from your classroom teacher to go to the Health Center.
Question 6 All medications, including over- the-counter medications, must be kept in the Health Center.
Question 7 Where is the Lost and Found? Health Center
Question 8 Library books are allowed to be checked out for what duration of time? Two Weeks
Question 9 Are students allowed to carry skateboards on campus, in their backpack or leave the skateboards on campus or the front office? No. They are prohibited on campus and not to be brought to school.
Question 10 List the two areas of campus a student must remain in if he/she does not have a full schedule. 1. Media Center 2. Picnic tables outside of the bookstore.
Question 11 Are students allowed in the buildings during lunch? No Students should use the bathrooms outside of the cafeteria during their lunch hour.
Question 12 Students must show their I.D. card to any faculty or staff member if asked. Students without an ID may be charged for a replacement, at the cost of $5.00.
Question 13 Food and drink are allowed outside of the buildings only.
Question 14 Who is responsible for items stolen from lockers? The student.
Question 15 Describe the MRHS dance guest policy. Each MR student may bring one guest. The guest must have high school ID or if out of high school have ID that proves they are under 21. No middle school students may attend. New: Non-MRHS student guests will need a completed guest form.
Attendance Questions 16-26
Question 16 A student may lose credit in a class upon reaching any combination of 12 excused or unexcused absences.
Question 17 When may a student make up work after an unexcused absence? Students should always make up work missed, but the work will be scored according to the teachers’ policies.
Question 18 Students may not exit the campus until the end of their school day. Students needing to leave for an appointment must be signed out in the front office by a parent. Leaving campus without authorization may result in a suspension and an unexcused absence. Mountain Ridge is a closed campus.
Question 19 Ditching, not attending class, or reporting to sweep within 10 min of the bell may result in detention or suspension.
Question 20 What must a parent do to excuse a student who is arriving late to school? The parent must accompany the student to the attendance office to excuse the tardy or absence.
Question 21 During first period only, if a parent accompanies a student and it is after 8:00 a.m., the student must report to the sweep room until the 2 nd period bell rings unless medical documentation is presented to the front office in order to minimize classroom disruptions.
Question 22 Mary had absences from school Monday and Tuesday. When are her assignments/tests for the days she was absent due? Friday.
Question 23 If a student is at home because of illness on the same day a long term project is due, when must the long term project be turned in? The day it is due - have someone bring it in.
Question 24 Unlike absences, sweeps accumulate for the entire year.
Question 25 As a result of going to sweep students will receive the following consequences: a. Students will not be allowed to work on assignments. b. Parents will be notified on the 3rd through 6th sweep. Detentions will be issued on the 5th and 6th sweep. c. 7th sweep receives 1 day of in school suspension (ISS). d. After 7th sweep, students will be suspended off campus (SOC).
Question 26 If a student is sent to the sweep room, when are his/her assignments due for each class missed? The same day. It is the student’s responsibility to get any assigned material on the same day of the sweep and have it prepared on the due date.
Discipline Questions 27-49
Question 27 Incidents of sexual harassment should be immediately reported to the administration.
Question 28 Expulsion is the permanent removal of a student from school by the Governing Board.
Question 29 Personal searches may be conducted by a district/school official when there is reasonable suspicion that a student is in possession of items which present an immediate danger of physical harm or illness.
Question 30 Suspension from a school bus may result in a suspension from school.
Question 31 The term “look-a-like” drug can include any over the counter non-prescription pharmaceutical. All medications are not allowed on campus unless they are checked in and approved in the Health Center by the Nurse. Some examples of over-the-counter, non-prescription drugs include, but are not limited to Tylenol, Advil, Midol, cold and allergy medications, supplements and/or nutritional supplements.
Question 32 Items considered to be electronic devices include but are not limited to: Cell phones, tablets, computers, pagers, and media players.
Question 33 Unless approved by the teacher, electronic devices must be in the off/silent position and out of sight. Misuse of an electronic device may result in a referral and disciplinary action.
Question 34 A student refusing to surrender an electronic device at the teacher’s request will result in disciplinary consequences.
Question 35 Possession of weapons such as firearms, knives, brass knuckles, and clubs will result in long term suspension or expulsion.
Question 36 There is no appeal process for a short term suspension of 10 days or less. However, a parent may request, in writing a campus administrative review of the procedures that resulted in discipline.
Question 37 The appeal process does not apply to short term suspensions of 10 days of less.
Question 38 When using computers on campus, what activities will result in disciplinary action? Failure to use hardware, software, electronic devices, web pages, and networks for the intended educational use or in a manner that causes a disruption. This includes unauthorized access of any computer, computer system or network as well as downloading unauthorized software or content.
Question 39 What type of clothing is not to be worn to school? Anything that detracts from the educational environment, safety, health, and welfare of self and others.
Question 40 Briefly describe the characteristics of an on campus threat situation. The communication of a death threat against self or others. The communication of a threat of mass violence. The communication of a threat involving weapons or explosive devices.
Question 41 Incidents such as those mentioned in Questioned 40 must be reported to administration immediately.
Question 42 What is the minimum disciplinary action taken for a student who is under the influence, or in possession of, alcohol at school or at any school function? 10 day suspension.
Question 43 Any student who engages or participates in behavior that violates any of the DVUSD standards for student conduct will be subject to the appropriate disciplinary consequences and will forfeit the privilege of participating in the commencement ceremony.
Question 44 Regardless of who throws the first punch, what are the possible consequences for participating in a fight? Short term (5 day) suspension, long term suspension, or expulsion.
Question 45 What are the possible consequences for being in possession of drug paraphernalia or drugs at school or any school related function? 10 day suspension, long term, or expulsion. This includes drug look- alikes and over-the-counter medications.
Question 46 What are the possible consequences for vandalizing any school property? Short term (3 day) suspension, long-term suspension, expulsion, and restitution
Question 47 What are the possible consequences for making a threat, even those made as a joke? Mediation, short term suspension, long term suspension or expulsion
Question 48 “Hazing” is defined as any intentional, knowing, or reckless act committed by a student, whether individually or in concert with other persons against another student.
Question 49 Bullying/Cyber Bullying are repeated acts over time that involve a real or perceived imbalance of power with the more powerful child or group attacking those who are less powerful. Bullying can be physical in form, verbal or psychological. Cyber bullying includes bullying through the misuse of technology.
Question 50 S tudent violence, harassment, intimidation and bullying are taken very seriously and must be reported to the conduct office or an adult on campus.