AJ korespondence Centrum pro virtuální a moderní metody a formy vzdělávání na Obchodní akademii T.G. Masaryka, Kostelec nad Orlicí
Signature This is like the signature block in a letter, although it can include more details,e.g. the sender´s company or private address, and telephone and fax numbers. You can program your software to add your signature automatically to the end of outgoing messages.
Style of s The style of writing s should follow the same principles as any other form of business correspondence. Here are some basic tips about style: In general it is the same as in letters, however if you know the recipient well, you may dispense with the salutation and complimentary close Write clearly, carefully, and courteously; consider audience,purpose,clarity and tone.
Style of s Use correct grammar,spelling,capitalization, and punctuation Do not write words in capital letters in an message. If you want to stress a word put asterisks on each side of it. Keep your message short and to the point. Limit yourself to one topic per message. Check your message for mistakes before you send it.
abbreviations In order to keep s short, people sometimes use abbreviations for common expressions. These are known as TLAs (three- letter-acronyms),although some of them are more than three letters,e.g. AFAIK as far as I know BFN bye for now BTW by the way FYI for your information NRN no reply necessary
Length of a business letter All correspondence should be long enough to explain exactly what the sender needs to say and the receiver needs to know. You must decide how much information you put in the letter.The style and the kind of language you use can also effect the length. Too long – which means that the letter contains too much information that is not important and essential for the recipient.
Too short If the letter is too short it could sound rather rude and it does not include the essential details that the recipient should know, so it means that you have to use the right salutation and complimentary close, quote the date and reference, draw attention to items which might be of particular interest to the enquirer. New products should be pointed out, as well as any discounts and delivery dates should be mentioned.
Too short Warwick House Warwick Street Forest Hill London SE23 1JF Telephone +44 (0) Facsimile +44 (0) Your ref.: DS/MR Date: 21 September 2010 Ms B. Kaasen Bregade 51 DK 1260 Copenhagen K DENMARK Dear Sir Thank you for your enquiry. We have a wide selection of watches which we are sure you will like. We will be sending a catalogue soon. Yours faithfully
The right length It is neither too short nor too long. It provides all the relevant information you might need. Draws attention to some specific products which may be of interest to you. Relevant discounts, delivery dates and terms are mentioned. Current catalogue and price list are sent. The correct salutation and complimentary close are used.
The right length Warwick House Warwick Street Forest Hill London SE23 1JF Telephone +44 (0) Facsimile +44 (0) Your ref.: DS/MR Date: 21 September 2010 Ms B. Kaasen Bregade 51 DK 1260 Copenhagen K DENMARK Dear Mr Arrand Thank you for your enquiry of 5 November. We enclose our winter catalogue, and price list giving details of CIF London prices, discounts, and delivery dates. Though you will see we offer a wide selection of watches, may we draw your attention to pp , and pp , where there are styles we think might suit the market you describe. On page 25 you will find our latest designs in pendant watches, which are already selling well. All our products are fully guaranteed, and backed by our worldwide reputation. If you need any further information, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely
Order and sequence Your letter should contain not only the right amount of information but also make all the necessary points in a logical sequence, with each idea or piece of information linking up with the previous one in a pattern that can be followed. Do not make a statement, switch to other subjects, then refer back to the point you made a few sentences or paragraohs before.
Planning a business letter The way to make sure you include the right amount of information, and in the right order, is by planning. Ask yourself what the purpose of the letter is, and what response you would like to receive. Note down what you want to include before you start writing, then read it and check whether you have included all the information which is relevant, and that you have put it in the right order.
First paragraph The opening sentence is important as its sets the tone of the letter and creates a first impression,e.g. Thank you for your enquiry of 8 July in which you asked us about our range of... As you probably know we appeal to a wide age group, and our products are retailed all over the world. Thank you for your letter of.....,which we received today. We can supply you with.... you asked about.
Použité prameny Ashley, A.: Oxford handbook of commercial correspondence, Oxford 2003