Dr Piotr Grabiec, prof. ITE Dept. of Silicon Microsystem and Nanostructure Technol. Instytut Technologii Elektronowej (ITE) Warsaw, Poland ITE is a major Polish R&D centre in the field of semiconductor electronics and physics with a focus on development of innovative micro- and nano- technologies and systems, and their applications in micro/nano-electronics, optoelectronics, photonics and micro/nano-systems EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec
Investment in R&D is part of the solution to exit from the economic crises
Message to Poland ?
Research is transforming money into knowledge Innovation is transforming knowledge into money A good balance of both will create welfare After Josef Alois Schumpeter (1883-1950) EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec 4
KEY Enabling Technologies Communication COM(2009)512 of 30.9.2009 Micro- and nanoelectronics, including semiconductors Advanced materials Photonics Biotechnology Nanotechnology Advanced manufacturing Systems EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec
The industry underpins 1/6 of the world economy Telecom, Internet, Broadcast Services > $ 6,500B Consumer, Medical, Transport, Security, Space Products $ 1,105B Semiconductors $ 280B Cornerstone of high-tech economy Materials and equipment $ 80B 1. Nanoelectronics Vision Estimated world market figures for 2007 Source: Future Horizons Feb 2007 EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec
More than Moore: Diversification NANOELECTRONICS – A Key Enabling Technology Research in Europe - Advanced components in advanced systems enabling pervasive applications - More than Moore: Diversification Moore’s Law: Miniaturization Baseline CMOS: CPU, Memory, Logic 130nm 90nm 65nm 45nm 32nm 22nm Beyond & Extended CMOS Analog/RF Passives HV Power Sensors Actuators Biochips Information Processing Digital content System-on-Chip (SoC) Interacting with people and environment Non-digital content SoC & System-in-Package (SiP) Combining SoC and SiP: Higher Value Systems EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec
MEMS market forecast (Yole) Year oscilators micro-displ. Micro-phones micro-bolometers other RF MEMS Accele-rometrs pressure sensors Micro-fluidics 2010 17 4,5 201 253 207 262 1274 1360 757 2011 33 12,6 265 289 248 263 1371 1566 952 2012 60 65 326 312 297 1487 1744 1196 2013 106 122 368 338 397 354 1608 1960 1494 2014 178 215,5 421 400 540 494 1757 2222 1875 2015 282 307,5 480 478 706 649 1883 2415 2363 2016 416 460 573 569 857 814 2032 2557 2875 MEMS market forecast (Yole) EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec 8
Technology Readiness Level EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec 9
Technology Readiness Level EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec 10
TRL Funding Sources High TRL 9 8 7 Mid TRL 6 TRL Level 5 4 3 2 Low TRL Tier 1 VCs 8 7 Angel Organizations, Early Stage Funds 6 Mid TRL TRL Level 5 Gov’t Grants, SBIRs, BAAs, Angels Family and Friends Challenge: Find New Emerging Funding Sources 4 3 Gov’t Grants, Fed & Universities R&D Projects, Family and Friends 2 Low TRL 1 $$? <$500K <$2M $2M - $20M+ Investment EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec
manufacturing facilities KEY Enabling Technologies Observations of the HLG – The ‘Valley of Death’ Source: Preliminary HLG KET Report, Brussels, 09/02/2011 Technological facilities Pilot lines Demonstrator Globally competitive manufacturing facilities EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec
Colaboration of the Research with Industry This is all about a trust Colaboration of the Research with Industry Research institutions do not sell products. They sell trust, that the marketable product will be developed: On time Within budget Within expected specification. To meet demands of the industry it is required that research is equipped with: Reliable, modern research infrastructure, Best, highly skilled, talented researchers, Adequate finacing, Research marketing skill. EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec
EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec Basic research as % of total R&D expenditure, 2001 EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec 14
1st Year finacial report Bureaucracy 1st Year finacial report FP6 Integrated Project Structural funds POIG Project EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec 15
Bureaucracy EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec 16
Investing in education • Develop multi-disciplinary education and new training schemes covering the More-Moore, More-Than-Moore and beyond CMOS domains –ENGINEERING SKILLS! • Create greater public awareness of the societal benefits of advanced nanoelectronics research and industry in Europe EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec 17
Thank you for your attention 18
EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec 19
From Micro- to nanoelectronics Reduction of minimum feature size (in micrometers) along the years. EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec 20
World GDP as a function of time World GDP as a function of time. Data published by De Long and Nordhaus, found in: Morten Tonnessen, The Future of Growth, TRAMES 2008, 12(62/57),2, 115-126 EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec 21
EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec 22
KEY Enabling Technologies Recommendations by the HLG Recommendation n°5: A strategic approach to KETs programmes The High Level Group recommends that the European Commission defines and implements a strategic, industry driven and coordinated approach to KETs programmes and related policies across EC RDI funding programmes and instruments (CSF, ERDF). Recommendation n°6: Establish an appropriate set of rules to implement KETs programmes The High Level Group recommends that the European Commission adapts its selection criteria and implementation rules in the CSF programme to maximise its impact on the value and innovation chains. In particular, a "value chain correctness" criterion should be added Recommendation n°7: Combined funding mechanisms The High Level Group recommends that the EU should introduce a tripartite financing approach based on combined funding mechanisms involving Industry, Commission, and national authorities (Member States and local government), when required by the high costs of the KETs RDI projects, and put in place the appropriate program management and mechanisms to allow the combination of EU funding (CSF, structural funds), to enable the optimum investment in significant KET pilot line and manufacturing facilities across Europe. Recommendation n°8: KETs state aid provisions The High Level Group recommends that the EU adapts state aid provisions to facilitate RDI activities and large-scale investment in KETs, in particular through the introduction of a matching clause in the EU state aid framework across the board, review of the scaling-down mechanism for larger investments increased thresholds for notifications, faster procedures and the use of projects of common European interest. EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec
KEY Enabling Technologies Recommendations by the HLG Recommendation n°9: Globally competitive IP policy in Europe The High Level Group recommends that the selection criteria and terms of the consortium agreements of EU RDI funding programmes should be amended to ensure that participating consortia have a clear and explicit plan for both the ownership of and first exploitation of IP resulting from the project within the EU. It should explicitly include provisions similar to those of the “Bayh-Dole Act” and “Exception Circumstances”-like provisions to encourage the first exploitation and manufacturing of products based on this IP within the EU. Recommendation n°10: Build, strengthen and retain KETs skills The High Level Group recommends that the EU should create a European Technology Research Council (ETRC) to promote individual excellence in technologically focused engineering research and innovation and establish the appropriate framework conditions through the ESF regulation in order to support KETs skills capacity building at national and regional level. Recommendation n°11: A European KETs observatory and consultative body The High Level Group recommends that the European Commission establishes a European KETs Observatory Monitoring Mechanism tasked with the mission of performing analysis and a “KETs Consultative Body” comprised of stakeholders across the entire innovation chain to advise and monitor the progress in Europe of the HLG KET recommendations towards the development and deployment of KETs for a competitive Europe this should include all relevant data regarding policies and strategies evolution outside EU. EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec
As estimated by INTEL number of transistors sold in year 2003 has reached over 1018 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 pieces. Which is 100 times more than estimated number of ants in the whole world!!! EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec 25
Radiation detector with integrated read-out electronics for medical applications - SUCIMA FP5 (Growth) project Integration of the pixel detector and readout electronics in SOI substrate: Detector handle wafer High resistive (> 4 kcm, FZ, 300m) Conventional p+-n Electronics active layer Low resistive (9-13 cm, CZ, 1.5 m) Standard CMOS technology Prototype 128 x 128 channels, 2.4 2.4 cm EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec
Radiation detector with integrated read-out electronics for medical applications - SUCIMA FP5 (Growth) project „Electronics and Sensor Study with the OKI SOI process” by Yasuo Arai KEK、High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801, JAPAN ….. Pioneering work for a SOI pixel detector has been done by the SUCIMA collaboration [17]. Unfortunately the technology used there was rather obsolete (CMOS 3 µm technology), and suffered from many technical problems. … Proc. of Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics (TWEPP-07), 3-7 Sep. 2007, Prague, Czech Republic EKG Katowice, 15-05-2012 Piotr Grabiec