System for Award Management (SAM) ►Creating Efficiencies through Integration and Consolidation Presented to: TGI 2012 May 2012
2 What’s the System Landscape Today? The Procurement Process from a Government Agency Perspective Generate Requirement Review Offers Evaluate Offers/Select Vendor Administer Contract Close-Out Includes FedTeDS Solicit Requirement Create Contract Post solicitation and tech data Receive bids Validate entity status Validate entity performance Check wage determinations Entity data Contract data User action Includes FedReg ►Federal/IAE systems support the award process Includes FSRS Includes CPARS and FAPIIS Report performance Report contract actions
3 What Is Our Improvement Approach? ►Siloed – Separate systems, each with a separate login ►Redundant – Overlapping data creates opportunity for error and complicates changes ►Separate – Multiple vendors at many hosting locations, managed separately with varying levels of service ►Siloed – Separate systems, each with a separate login ►Redundant – Overlapping data creates opportunity for error and complicates changes ►Separate – Multiple vendors at many hosting locations, managed separately with varying levels of service Today ►1 Login! ►1 Login! – Functionality accessible at one online location to streamline the process ►1 Data Source! ►1 Data Source! – Centralized, normalized data to eliminate potential for conflicting values and improves agility to deal with future changes ►1 Host! ►1 Host! – Consolidated hosting to reduce O&M costs ►1 Login! ►1 Login! – Functionality accessible at one online location to streamline the process ►1 Data Source! ►1 Data Source! – Centralized, normalized data to eliminate potential for conflicting values and improves agility to deal with future changes ►1 Host! ►1 Host! – Consolidated hosting to reduce O&M costs Future Existing capabilities, streamlined for efficiency. Includes FedReg
4 How Will the New System Be Organized? ►IAE system capabilities notionally have been organized around six key functional areas Functional Area CapabilitiesLegacy Systems Entity* Management Manage entity core data Manage certifications/representations CCR/FedReg – Central Contractor Registration/Federal Agency Registration ORCA – Online Representations and Certifications Application Award Management Post solicitation and award data Maintain government-wide contract award data Manage government-wide subcontractor data FBO – Federal Business Opportunities FPDS-NG – Federal Procurement Data System-Next Generation eSRS/FSRS – Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System/FFATA Subaward Reporting System Wage Data Access wage determinations WDOL – Wage Determinations Online Performance Information Manage/maintain past performance information Manage exclusion list PPIRS/CPARS/FAPIIS – Past Performance Information Retrieval System EPLS – Excluded Parties List System Assistance Program Catalog Create/maintain assistance program catalog CFDA – Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Support Provide security/access control Provide reporting/communications support Provide internal controls * For the purposes of this capability area, Entity refers to prime contractors, organizations or individuals applying for assistance awards, those receiving loans, sole proprietors, corporations, partnerships, and any Federal government agencies desiring to do business with the government
5 SAM Phase 1 Capabilities ►SAM Phase 1 will cover Entity Management Exclusions portion of Performance Information ►SAM Phase 1 will cover Entity Management Exclusions portion of Performance Information
6 What Are Phase 1 Benefits? ►Entities Streamlined Process – One login allows entities to create or update their registration as well as their representations and certifications Streamlined process –For first-time registrants, process integration, re-ordering, and streamlining means less time to complete the process –Registration purpose question allows grantees to avoid contractor-specific content –For registered entities, one login allows them to create or update their registration as well as their representations and certifications Update Date Alignment – Capabilities in one location aligns CCR and ORCA record updates New glossary – On-screen tool clarifies what data needs to be entered Expanded NAICS viewing – SAM offers the opportunity to view other NAICS for which the entity is considered “small” ►Contracting/Grants Officers Streamlined Process – One login provides access to entity core data, representations and certifications, and exclusions information ►System Owners/Administrators Fewer interfaces – Consolidation reduces maintenance challenges and costs
7 SAM Access: What Do You Need To Know? ►Existing CCR/FedReg, ORCA, and EPLS data will be migrated to SAM ►Once SAM Phase 1 goes live, you will be automatically redirected from CCR/FedReg, ORCA, and EPLS websites to ►You will have to validate your information (e.g., ) to determine what if any legacy system roles can be migrated ►You can establish a new user ID or use the same as the one you use now – the system will guide you through the process Existing CCR/FedReg, ORCA and EPLS data will be moved to SAM The process of logging in will connect you with the data you have permission to view now Publicly available data will still be publicly available
8 SAM Access: Getting Started ►Getting access to SAM begins on the home page NOTE: Screen captures are from the SAM development site. They do not represent the final product and are considered work in progress. ►To create an account in SAM, click on one of the links
9 SAM Access: Completing Your Profile ►Only basic information about you is required NOTE: Screen captures are from the SAM development site. They do not represent the final product and are considered work in progress. ►You will receive an to validate your access to the address associated with your account
10 SAM Access: Account Security ►You will have 1 password for all functionality SAM will provide help in defining a password There will be fewer security questions ►You will have 1 password for all functionality SAM will provide help in defining a password There will be fewer security questions NOTE: Screen captures are from the SAM development site. They do not represent the final product and are considered work in progress. ►Passwords expire every 180 days
11 SAM Access: User Dashboard ►When you log in, the first page you’ll see will be your SAM Dashboard NOTE: Screen captures are from the SAM development site. They do not represent the final product and are considered work in progress. ►You can customize your dashboard to provide quick snapshots of information relevant to you, such as Action Items Saved Searches ►You can customize your dashboard to provide quick snapshots of information relevant to you, such as Action Items Saved Searches ►The available menu options differ based on your roles ►If you are a first time registrant or need to add an entity to your portfolio, click here to complete the entity registration process
12 Context-sensitive Glossary NOTE: These are screenshots of the alpha site (i.e., still in development). There will be changes before SAM Phase 1 is available to users. ►An on-screen glossary associated with each screen will help users understand what information they need to enter
13 Registering Entities in SAM ►Contractors and other kinds of award recipients are now collectively referred to as “Entities” ►You will answer Purpose of Registration questions to determine which registration sections are required for you ►Entity Registration is organized in four steps: 1.Core Data – Name, address, etc. 2.Assertions – Information used to determine small business status, NAICS codes, etc. 3.Representations and Certifications – Federal Acquisition Regulation compliance 4.Points of Contact – Contact information for specified roles ►SAM will walk users through the Entity Registration (or validation) process in four steps NOTE: Screen captures are from the SAM development site. They do not represent the final product and are considered work in progress.
14 Registering Entity: Core Data ►All entities must complete core data information ►As you move through each section, the bullet will change to help you track your progress NOTE: Screen captures are from the SAM development site. They do not represent the final product and are considered work in progress.
15 Registering Entity: Representations ►Your answers will provide a “representation” of your business, as you identify sections of the Federal Acquisition Regulation that apply to your business ►You will answer questions to complete the Representations and Certifications section NOTE: Screen captures are from the SAM development site. They do not represent the final product and are considered work in progress.
16 Points of Contact ►All entities must enter POCs for their registration ►The types of POCs required will be determined based on information entered in the registration NOTE: Screen captures are from the SAM development site. They do not represent the final product and are considered work in progress. ►You will fill in basic contact information ►Each type of POC will be noted on the screen
17 Submitting Registration ►The entire record must be reviewed in its entirety before it may be submitted ►Upon submission, the Annual Renewal Date for the entity registration will be set; entity registrations must be renewed every 365 days. ►An entity record will not be considered active until the IRS has successfully validated the TIN match and the CAGE Code has been assigned, if applicable ►Once the certification has been successfully submitted, a link to the SBA’s Supplemental page will generate, unique to that entity’s DUNS number
18 Search: What Do You Need To Know? ►“Public users” do not have to register for a SAM account; they search at any time for data deemed “Public” ►Any user can save or print the results of a search ►“Authenticated users,” those who have a SAM account, have the ability to save their search queries ►The Search feature in SAM is a full text search, which allows you to enter any search terms you choose
19 Search: Viewing and Using Results ►SAM provides tools to help users find, view, and review data NOTE: Screen captures are from the SAM development site. They do not represent the final product and are considered work in progress. ►SAM provides options for future viewing of the data ►You can save the query and refine the search ►You can filter and sort to narrow your search results ►SAM displays the searched terms
20 What’s Next? ►SAM Phase 1 will be available to users in late May 2012 ►Training for SAM Phase 1 is available online M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S FY10FY11FY12 CCR/FedReg, ORCA, EPLS Initiate Requirements Gathering 5/127/10 Development Capabilities Available in SAM Requirements input through CCBs, user groups, and industry meetings User Training Solicitation Testing/ Deployment/ Integration Acceptance Testing
21 SAM Training ►SAM will provide the following training tools online User Guides Presentation with screenshots to outline key functionality FAQs SAM webinar with replay capability
22 What Can You Expect When SAM Launches? ►1 login! – After migration, all the capabilities in CCR/FedReg, ORCA, and EPLS will be available at ►Redirect – Users will be automatically redirected from the legacy systems to SAM ►New User ID – Users will specify a new user ID and password (can be the same as the one you use now) – the system will guide users through the process Existing CCR/FedReg, ORCA and EPLS data will be moved to SAM The process of logging in will connect you with the data you have permission to view now Publicly available data will still be publicly available
23 What Should You Do Now? ►Review SAM information on ►Tell others about SAM ►Direct any SAM-related questions to ►Plan to review SAM training materials 2 to 3 weeks before you need to update or create your registration ►Review your organization’s CCR and ORCA administrators and users to verify access requirements and/or roles Please use available training materials, but wait to access SAM until registration renewal