2 Prayer “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you”. John 15:7 C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY
LETTERS PRESENTATION OUTLINE What to expect this session: Understanding the importance of letters Learn the different types of letter and purpose Learn how to build a cover letter step by step Compose and review your cover letter with a coach
C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY Letter - Types There are three basic letter types Cover letter– (our primary topic) Follow up letter Thank you letter
C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY Letters - Types Cover Letter Targets a specific employer Focuses on the job/position and your readiness for it Introduces yourself and your capability/experience Add additional detail not contained in your resume Emphasizes how your experience aligns with it Highlights current achievements and recent qualifications Closes with an interest statement – ask for the interview! Thankfulness is not overlooked – be sincerely grateful Sets you apart !
C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY Letters - Types Follow up letters Revisits successful and not so successful interviews Allows for follow through on rejections Can be used to make additions and corrections Can be used to say thank you as well as no thanks Restate and reaffirm your interest Sets you apart! Thank you letters Focus on gratitude toward those who you connected with Not limited to just after an interview Really sets you apart Sets you apart!
8 Job Seekers Ministry The Cover Letter
C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY INTRODUCTION TO COVER LETTER What is the purpose of a cover letter? How will it help me get a first interview? What does it take to make a good cover letter? NOTE: Your Cover Letter will require additional effort on your part Homework Guidelines and Tips One on One follow up
Let’s Build your Cover Letter Use the following template to help you build yours Take notes (sheets provided) they will be building blocks for the class We will examine and explain each section and you will make a draft Edit it where necessary and incorporate additional guidelines Career coaches will assist you if you have questions
Parts of a cover letter CALVARY CHAPEL SOUTH BAY Personal Contact Information Date & Company Contact Information Salutation Body in Three Parts Closing
C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY COVER LETTER TEMPLATE Personal Contact Information is provided in the header and should include the following: o Full Name o Full Address o Telephone Number (mobile optional) o Address This is what the letter header might look like: John Q. Public 100 S. Your Ave., Your City, CA.,
C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY COVER LETTER TEMPLATE Let’s write out yours now on the sheets provided : Full Name Full Address Telephone Number (mobile optional) Address It may also be the same format as your resume John Q. Public 100 S. Your Ave., Your City, CA.,
C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY COVER LETTERS TEMPLATE The Date, Company or Employer Contact Information is provided just below your contact information and should include the following: o Date o Full Name plus title if applicable o Full Address o Telephone Number This is what that might look like: March 23, 2012 Director Thomas Aquinas Tobesure Company 100 N. Park Lane, Wholly City, CA.,
C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY COVER LETTER TEMPLATE Let’s include the Date, Company or Employer Contact Information o Date o Full Name plus title if applicable o Full Address o Telephone Number If you know the information let’s add it now. If not, leave spaces or a “placeholder” information to edit later If you do not know this information leave it off the letter March 23, 2012 Director Thomas Aquinas Tobesure Company 100 N. Park Lane, Wholly City, CA.,
C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY COVER LETTER TEMPLATE It is important to use the appropriate Salutation (relative preferential order) o Richard Jones, o Ms. Janet Smith, o Hiring Manager: o Sir or Madam: o To whom it may concern: Start your Salutation under the Company Contact Info Add it now If you know their proper name use it If you do not know it use a more general salutation Thomas Aquinas
CALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY COVER LETTER TEMPLATE The body of your letter is direct and usually fits in three to four paragraphs and should include: Why you are writing – of course, with respect to their job opening What you specifically have to offer the employer That you will and how you will follow up This is what the first paragraph might look like in your letter: I am interested in the analyst position with your Company. I have fourteen year of experience in Data Analysis. I would like to be considered for your Analyst Program, or a similar position that requires refined analytical and communication skills.
C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY LETTER TEMPLATE Let’s draft a paragraph stating why we are writing now Why you are writing – of course, with respect to their job opening What you specifically have to offer the employer That you will and how you will follow up Focus on the job title described in the job posting Include your enthusiasm in pursuing it Use the Job code or number if applicable I am interested in the analyst position with your Company. I have fourteen year of experience in Data Analysis. I would like to be considered for your Analyst Program, or a similar position that requires refined analytical and communication skills.
C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY LETTER TEMPLATE The body of your letter is direct and usually fits in three to four paragraphs and should include: Why you are writing – of course, with respect to their job opening What you specifically have to offer the employer That you will and how you will follow up This is what that might look like in your letter: I am aware of the Company’s recent acquisition of the ABC Associates, which I see as Company’s commitment to achieving growth and success in the future for employees and shareholders. Confirmation of my leadership and analytical skills can be seen in my responsibilities as analyst at XYZ Company. My educational background in business finance compliments my expertise and has prepared me for a career with Company.
C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY LETTER TEMPLATE Now let’s add why we should be at the top of their candidates list Why you are writing – of course, with respect to their job openingWhat you specifically have to offer the employer That you will and how you will follow up Highlight the reason why you are the right fit or best qualified Include relevant things you researched regarding the company or key individuals (this is optional but it makes a statement) I am aware of the Company’s recent acquisition of the ABC Associates, which I see as Company’s commitment to achieving growth and success in the future for employees and shareholders. Confirmation of my leadership and analytical skills can be seen in my responsibilities as analyst at XYZ Company. My educational background in business finance compliments my expertise and has prepared me for a career with Company.
C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY COVER LETTER TEMPLATE The body of your letter is direct and usually fits in three to four paragraphs and should include: Why you are writing – of course, with respect to their job opening What you specifically have to offer the employer That you will and how you will follow up This is what your closure might look like in your letter: Please review the enclosed resume and consider my application for the Company Analyst program. I would sincerely appreciate the opportunity to interview with you and further explore the job opportunities at Company. I will call your office next week to discuss these possibilities. I look forward to possibilities and itemizing the positive contributions I would offer as a member of your organization.
C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY COVER LETTER TEMPLATE OK let’s close with a strong interest and ask for the interview Why you are writing – of course, with respect to their job opening What you specifically have to offer the employer That you will and how you will follow up Note that the focus remains on the position and your interest Please review the enclosed resume and consider my application for the Company Analyst program. I would sincerely appreciate the opportunity to interview with you and further explore the job opportunities at Company. I will call your office next week to discuss these possibilities. I look forward to possibilities and itemizing the positive contributions I would offer as a member of your organization.
C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY COVER LETTER TEMPLATE Signature and Closing Sincerely, Best regards, Kind regards, Respectfully, Thank you, Thank you for your consideration, This is how your signature and closing might appear in your letter: Thank you for your consideration, John Q. Public enclosure: Resume
C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY COVER LETTER TEMPLATE All right, let’s finish by being courteous and grateful… Sincerely, Best regards, Kind regards, Respectfully, Thank you, Thank you for your consideration, Leave an extra space for your signature if this is a mailed letter Thank you for your consideration, John Q. Public enclosure: Resume
25 C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY Homework - Cover Letter Do’s –Use the same guidelines, format, fonts and paper as your resume –Neatly outline who you are and the why you are writing –Match key words and phrases used in the job description –Research the company/individuals – become knowledgeable –Double (& triple) Check you work – spelling and grammar –Be Respectful and Courteous - it goes a long way –Review your letter with a career coach or a trusted source - check for clarity Don’ts –Use too many pronouns –Make it longer than one page –Brag it may be viewed as egotism or arrogance –Relate different topics than those on your resume –Assume that you have found all the mistakes, rechecking is good –Waste your first impression - it only come once - make yours profitable
26 C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY 26 Job Seekers Ministry Follow up letter And Thank you letter
27 C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY Variations - Follow Up Letter Follow up letter should be sent in a timely manner – it’s a bridge –5 working days after sending a resume – a call afterwards is appropriate also –2 working days after an interview – make a follow up call too Resume Follow up - Contact the department and your future boss. –Tell the person that you are following up on your resume. –Possible questions if you have not had an interview: Did you receive my resume and cover letter? What else might you require at this time? When would you begin interviewing? Interview Follow up - Contact the department and your future boss. –Tell the person that you are following up on your interview. First – be thankful – then discuss follow up issues requested during the interview Once you have answered their concerns - Ask - Did that satisfy the request? –Possible questions if you have had an interview: Does everything else seem in order? What else might you require at this time? Is there anything I have not provided preventing a decision?
28 C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY 28 Variations - Thank You Letter The thank you letter provides a bridge or closure –Be different – say thanks! –It’s a hand shake without needing to be there! Provides closure to a successful interview –Opportunity to express gratitude to an individual –Opportunity to confirm agreements –Opportunity to continue communication pending hire Provides closure to a not so successful interview –Opportunity to express sincere gratitude for their time –Opportunity to ask for advise to improve for your next interview –Opportunity for reach back - ask Who might be able to use my skills? What department may my qualifications better match?
29 C ALVARY C HAPEL S OUTH B AY 29 Job Seekers Ministry … do all as unto the Lord Colossians 3:17-23