IGCSE Business Chp. 19 & 20 Keywords – CV, external/internal recruitment, Job description, Person Spec, Discrimination, Unfair dismissal. Class : Y10 Lesson Topic: Human Resources Scheme of Work: Recruitment and Legislation
IGCSE Business Chp. 19 & 20 Keywords – CV, external/internal recruitment, Job description, Person Spec, Discrimination, Unfair dismissal. Tell me three things... about the topic we are studying. Or, you learnt in the last lesson. STARTER
IGCSE Business Chp. 19 & 20 Keywords – CV, external/internal recruitment, Job description, Person Spec, Discrimination, Unfair dismissal. Questions you would like to ask Today we will begin studying ____________. What are the questions you would like answered.
IGCSE Business Chp. 19 & 20 Keywords – CV, external/internal recruitment, Job description, Person Spec, Discrimination, Unfair dismissal. Noun Play _________ is like (a) ________ because…. First blank is for the topic, concept etc. Second blank is for the random noun. e.g. Communication is like driving because…
IGCSE Business Chp. 19 & 20 Keywords – CV, external/internal recruitment, Job description, Person Spec, Discrimination, Unfair dismissal. Lesson Objectives P&D Planning and Planning and Data ALL (KNOWLEDGE) Describe/ Define recruitment process and legislation MOST (ANALYSIS) Analyse an element of the recruitment process SOME (EVALUATION ) Evaluate the usefulness of good recruitment to a business Higher thinking Skills
IGCSE Business Chp. 19 & 20 Keywords – CV, external/internal recruitment, Job description, Person Spec, Discrimination, Unfair dismissal. Recruitment and Selection Responsibility of ________ __________ Dept. Can hire people from within the business (internal) or outside the business (external). Identify two pros and cons of internal / external recruitment? Identify two pros and cons of internal / external recruitment?
IGCSE Business Chp. 19 & 20 Keywords – CV, external/internal recruitment, Job description, Person Spec, Discrimination, Unfair dismissal. External Recruitment Recruiting internally would be through a promotion. External recruitment can be various methods; – Advertising – Headhunting – Word of Mouth – Jobcentre – Agency
IGCSE Business Chp. 19 & 20 Keywords – CV, external/internal recruitment, Job description, Person Spec, Discrimination, Unfair dismissal. Stages in Process First stage of process is identify a workplace need.
IGCSE Business Chp. 19 & 20 Keywords – CV, external/internal recruitment, Job description, Person Spec, Discrimination, Unfair dismissal. Main components of Process Job Advertisement – Simple advert to attract the right staff. Job Description – States all the details expected in the job. Person Specification – Details the qualifications and skills of the suitable person. Curriculum Vitae (CV) – Job applicant completes this document outling their previous roles and responsibilities.
IGCSE Business Chp. 19 & 20 Keywords – CV, external/internal recruitment, Job description, Person Spec, Discrimination, Unfair dismissal. Employment Legislation Contract of Employment is drawn up between both parties. Workers must be protected from discrimination on grounds of race, gender, disability or sexual orientation. Also workers are protected from unfair dismissal if they join a Trade Union, an organisation representing their interests.
IGCSE Business Chp. 19 & 20 Keywords – CV, external/internal recruitment, Job description, Person Spec, Discrimination, Unfair dismissal. Examples of UK Legislation Sex Discrimination Act ‘75 Race Relations Act ‘76 Disability Discrimination Act ‘95 Equal Pay Act ‘70 Health and Safey at Work Act ‘74 Research one of these for homework and bring in to next class a short summary…
IGCSE Business Chp. 19 & 20 Keywords – CV, external/internal recruitment, Job description, Person Spec, Discrimination, Unfair dismissal. Lesson Objectives P&D Planning and Planning and Data ALL (KNOWLEDGE) Describe/ Define recruitment process and legislation MOST (ANALYSIS) Analyse an element of the recruitment process SOME (EVALUATION ) Evaluate the usefulness of good recruitment to a business Higher thinking Skills
IGCSE Business Chp. 19 & 20 Keywords – CV, external/internal recruitment, Job description, Person Spec, Discrimination, Unfair dismissal. CONNECTIVES for Analysis CONNECTIVES for Application CONNECTIVES for Evaluation COMPARING Equally… As with… Like… In the same way… Similarly… Even so… Likewise… CAUSE & EFFECT Consequently…Due to… As a result…Therefore.. Because of…Because… CONCLUDING Firstly…After… Secondly…Before… Overall…I believe… Finally…I think … In conclusion…it depends… To conclude…short term… Meanwhile…Long term… CONTRASTING Although…Except… Moreover…If… However…Yet… Apart from…Unless… Despite…As long as… EMPHASISING Most importantly… Significantly… Notably… Especially… Above all… In particular… Indeed… QUALIFYING Despite…Yet… As long as…Unless… Apart from…If… Moreover…Except… However…Although… ADDING In addition…And… Too…Also… Additionally…As well as… Furthermore… ILLUSTRATING For instance…Such as… In the case of…So… For example… As revealed by… As illustrated by…
IGCSE Business Chp. 19 & 20 Keywords – CV, external/internal recruitment, Job description, Person Spec, Discrimination, Unfair dismissal. Exam style questions A-A* 1.Discuss 2.Evaluate (8-12m) 8+ connectives & key words C-B 1.Explain 2.Analyze (5-7 m) 5+ connectives & key words E-D 1.Identify 2.Define (2-4m) 2 + connectives & key words ATD Apply to Apply to demonstrate
IGCSE Business Chp. 19 & 20 Keywords – CV, external/internal recruitment, Job description, Person Spec, Discrimination, Unfair dismissal. Questions you would like to ask e.g. Today we have been studying_______________. Think of 1 questions to ask other people in the class about today’s lesson. PLENARY
IGCSE Business Chp. 19 & 20 Keywords – CV, external/internal recruitment, Job description, Person Spec, Discrimination, Unfair dismissal. Freeze Frame Students have to produce a freeze-frame showing one aspect of their learning. E.G. A communication method or a finance or a sector of the economy
IGCSE Business Chp. 19 & 20 Keywords – CV, external/internal recruitment, Job description, Person Spec, Discrimination, Unfair dismissal. Spell a key word to your friend using sign language…
IGCSE Business Chp. 19 & 20 Keywords – CV, external/internal recruitment, Job description, Person Spec, Discrimination, Unfair dismissal. Exam Question Write an exam question based on your learning today. Then, swap books and answer someone else’s question. Answer PLAN: Intro – define key word Explain 1 advantage (BLT) Explain 1 disadvantage (BLT) Conclude – I think, however, it depends… E.g. Discuss whether a bank loan is suitable for business startup. Start with; Discuss or Evaluate whether or To what extent is ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ (6m)