FFATA – Town Hall Meeting Kim Linkous, CRA Director of Post Award Office of Sponsored Programs Virginia Tech
FFATA Objectives For Open Discussion FFATA
What and Why Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Provides public information on Federal award spending via one searchable website (USAspending.gov) (FFATA or Transparency Act - P.L , as amended by section 6202(a) of P.L Federal Acquisition Regulation clause
Who Prime recipients of federal funding with first-tier subawards > $25K – A sub-award is a monetary award, made as a result of a Federal award to a grant recipient or contractor, to a sub-recipient or sub-contractor – “a sub-recipient relationship exists when funding from a pass-through entity is provided to perform a portion of the scope of work or objectives of the pass-through entity’s award agreement with the…awarding agency.” (OMB Circular A-133 Compliance Supplement)
Distributing to Public Federal government uploads prime award information for Federal awards >$25K Prime recipient uploads required elements into FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS) Public searches USAspending.gov Government Prime Recipient Taxpayer
When is FFATA applicable? Federal contracts, cooperative agreements and grants with first-tier subawards > $25K Subaward originally awarded for $25K, begin reporting Does NOT include awards made by a first-tier sub-recipient to a lower tier sub-recipient
When is FFATA Not Applicable Recovery Act awards Awards to individuals Recipients that had a gross income of $300,000 or less in their previous tax year Classified information
Required Information Name of entity receiving award Amount of award Funding agency NAIC code for contracts/CFDA program number for grants Program source Award title descriptive of the purpose of the funding action Location of entity (including Congressional district) Place of performance (including Congressional district) Prime award number and subaward number If applicable, total compensation and name of top executives (prime and subawards) if applicable
When is Executive Compensation Required? 80% or more annual gross revenues in Federal awards and those revenues are greater than $25 million annually and the public does not have access to information about the compensation of their senior executives of the entity through periodic reports to SEC
Where to report? Prime awardees will report using the FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS) Pre-populates, to the maximum extent possible, recipient information from existing Federal agency databases, such as the Systems for Award Management (SAM) All Federal contractors and prime grant recipients are required to register in SAM
Responsibilities WhoWhatHow Funding Government Agency Prime award information for Federal awards $25K or more FPDS-NG for contracts FAADS-PLUS file submission to USAspending.gov for grants Prime Awardee Prime award information Executive compensation First-tier subawards of $25K or more SAM FSRS Sub-recipient Register for DUNS Number Provide required entity information, including executive compensation responses to prime awardee Dun & Bradstreet
Are there deadlines for FFATA reporting? Government must report within 30 days of award The prime recipient will have until the end of the month plus one additional month after an award or subaward is obligated to fulfill the reporting requirement October 15, 2012 subaward issued, the prime recipient has until November 30, 2012 to report the subaward information
What is SAM? Government recently consolidated the following websites – Contractor Registration (CCR)/Federal Agency Registration (FedReg) – Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA) – Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) FSRS is expected to be included in the next phase
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