Cover Letters: Selling your skills on paper Welcome! My name is Jan Flight and I’ll be your facilitator today. This workshop is designed to give you a review of how to put together a cover letter. Pass out the “Selling Yourself on Paper” and a Resume Booklet (end of class). Please feel free to ask questions at any time during this workshop.
What is a cover letter? Your formal introduction The first read, it can make or break your entry A ‘must’ with your resume Your cover letter is your formal introduction of yourself. When looking at job positions, everyone should have (and include) a cover letter (even when emailing, if acceptable). Hard copy to mail. Keep copy for reference. Determines screening out process so it can “make” or “break” your opportunities for the interview. An effective cover letter can impress an employer and sway a decision to interview you. A poorly written cover letter can cause your resume to end up in the rejection pile. Who will be receiving this material? This determines how and what you address in your letter. Use a template to “fine” tune. Some employers look for a cover letter, others will not, but you have no way of knowing so be proactive. This is a best way to emphasize your highlights.
Generating Interest The goal is to get an interview! Should be brief and interesting Should highlight what you’ll bring to the job and specific accomplishments Should be versatile, suitable for severable jobs, but tailored when necessary Everything they’re looking for should be in your cover letter! Keep it brief but interesting! Show how you can be an asset to this company! Success Stories! If necessary, change the information to make it suitable. ALWAYS edit and proof read your letters! Have someone else read it through. Don’t ever send in “form letter” style. This indicates not much thought was put into it.
Pre-Cover Letter Research Research the company, their mission statement, policies, procedures, etc. Review websites, brochures, social media sites, etc. Try to speak with current employees; this will provide a unique inside perspective. Make sure you are qualified!
Getting Started Once you know what the company is looking for, now it is time to make yourself stand apart from your competition. Take some time to brainstorm Begin with a list of reasons why you are the ideal candidate Once you begin to write, be sure you follow the proper format!
Your Name Your Address Your City, State, Zip Code Your Phone Number Your Email Contact Name Title Company Name Address City, State, Zip Code Dear Contact Person: I'm writing to express my interest in the Web Content Specialist position listed on I have experience building large, consumer-focused health-based content sites. While much of my experience has been in the business world, I understand the social value of the non-profit sector and my business experience will be an asset to your organization. My responsibilities included the development and management of the site's editorial voice and style, the editorial calendar, and the daily content programming and production of the web site. I worked closely with health care professionals and medical editors to help them provide the best possible information to a consumer audience of patients. In addition, I helped physicians learn to utilize their medical content to write user-friendly, readily comprehensible text. Experience has taught me how to build strong relationships with all departments at an organization. I have the ability to work within a team as well as cross-team. I can work with web engineers to resolve technical issues and implement technical enhancements, work with the development department to implement design and functional enhancements, and monitor site statistics and conduct search engine optimization. Thank you for your consideration. Signature FirstName LastName Example
Avoid These 7 Killer Cover Letter Mistakes By Peter Vogt, Monster Senior Contributing Writer 1. Using the Wrong Cover Letter Format The student's cover letter looked more like a cut-and-paste email than a business letter. It had no recipient information, no return address and no date. The letter screamed unprofessional. 2. Making It All About You It may seem counterintuitive, but your cover letter, like your resume, should be about the employer as much as it's about you. 3. Not Proofing for Typos and Grammatical Errors Employers view typos and grammatical errors as evidence of your carelessness. Proofread every letter you send. 4. Making Unsupported Claims Too many cover letters from college students and recent grads say the applicant has "strong written and verbal communication skills." Without evidence, it's an empty boast. Give some examples. Employers need proof. 5. Writing a Novel A good cover letter should be no longer than one page (three or four concise but convincing paragraphs). that are easy to read. 6. Using the Same Cover Letter for Every Job and Company If you haven't addressed their company's specific concerns, they'll conclude you don't care about this particular job. It's time-consuming but worthwhile to customize each cover letter for the specific job and company. 7. Not Sending a Real Cover Letter There is no gray area here: You must include a well-written, neatly formatted cover letter with every resume you send. If you don't, you won't be considered for the job.
Create the right impression: 10 Tips 1. Letter geared for specific job opening Adapt letter to the needs of the job you want Refer to that job in opening sentences 2. Describe your related skills Tie your experience to your skills Show how they directly relate to the job description Ref: 1. First paragraph should identify the position and where you heard about it! For example, “as advertised in the Boston Globe on 5/3”. Give examples so they see what your skills are! Look at the description and give back your relation to the job. 2. HAND OUT SAMPLE OF “EXECUTIVE BRIEFING” STYLE COVER LETTER using T-Bar format. Explain. Every word should have an impact! Don’t use “I” to describe yourself. Also, take out the word “the” to shorten body of letter.
Create the right impression: 10 Tips 3. Make it personal Address letter to a specific person If you don’t have a contact, call and ask Use a comma after the name 4. Create a catchy opener Readers scan for content Open with attention-grabbing sentences Describe why you’re the best for the job Try to get the name of the HR person and/or maybe director – another marketing tool. Note: Controversy re using “comma” after salutation! I would use a comma ONLY if it was on a personal basis. Normally this would appear in the 3rd paragraph of your letter. What will make you stand out from the rest of the candidates? Be creative. Any examples?? “I’m the person you’re looking for!”
Create the right impression: 10 Tips 5. Include vital information Name, address, phone with area code Should be clearly visible First thing reader will need to contact you 6. Type and proofread It’s your first impression…make it good Be sure it’s neat and professional Errors will reflect badly on you Also include email address! Cell phone is strictly optional (think of when you would be answering that call!) First impressions are lasting! Make it good! Again, keep it to one page, professional, and appealing. Check for typos!!
Create the right impression: 10 Tips 7. Keep it brief Use action words, active sentences Limit letter to one page Three or four paragraphs 8. Be confident, creative, enthusiastic It’s a tool to sell your best asset…you! Let your personality shine in your letter Use action words! Every word should have an impact. Limit contents to 3-4 paragraphs or use T-bar format. This is your rap up and time to sell yourself!
Create the right impression: 10 Tips 9. Keep copies Keep a copy of every letter you send Past letters make job search easier Copies make follow up easier 10. Request a response Your letter is written to get an interview Ask for one! Use your copies as references to refer back on – makes it easier for follow ups. Don’t hesitate to call within a week or so. Follow up is good! Tap into our Resume Guide (pass out) for examples of cover letters – page 36 – 39. Executive Briefing on 39. Your letter is written to get an interview so end with “looking forward to interviewing with you” – then do a follow up! Lastly, be sure to sign your letter. You’d be surprised how many people forget!