Communicating With Your Government Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Know Who You Need Is your issue best handled by….. The Federal Government? The State? The County? Someone else entirely?
How Do I Know? Federal Government State Government Other Resources Google
Give us a call Send us an Write us a letter Schedule an appointment to come see us Another great way to get our attention…. Invite us to come see you! It’s federal. So now what?
When calling in… Which office should you call? Have a clear goal in mind We can best help those who help themselves Be nice
When ing… Is it urgent? Do you need a specific response?
When writing a letter… Send it to your local office Be brief Be original
Make an appointment? Do you need one? Is it the best use of your time? Is it the best way to get the result you want?
Or… Let us come to you! It’s helpful for us to get an up-close look at what you do.
So What Can Your Senator’s Office Do For You? Agency inquiry Provide a legislative update Navigate the bureaucracy Navigate the legislative process And… Help with funding resources
Appropriations Difficult to obtain Always specific Not currently available
Grants/Loans A competitive process May require a local match Not free money
How To Find Them If you can’t find a grant program for which you are eligible, try partnering with another organization, or with your state or local government. And BE CREATIVE!!!!!!! You may not find the perfect fit, but you may find some PARTIAL funding.
How We Can Help We’ll support your application. And… Don’t stop with us! You can often solicit these letters from as many federal, state, and local legislators as you like. The more the merrier!
How To Reach Us Locally: Office of Senator Carl Levin 107 Cass, Suite E Traverse City, MI Ph: Fx: DC: Office of Senator Carl Levin 269 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC, Ph: THANKS FOR ATTENDING!!!