Sensory TRaining for Interveners and Paraprofessionals in Educational Settings Linda Alsop – Director Lori Rowan – Coordinator
1 Background: Currently the Department of Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education in the College of Education at Utah State University offers two unique programs that increase access to affordable online education for paraprofessionals working with students with blindness and visual impairments and for interveners working with students with deafblindness. Both programs of study offer a Certificate of Completion in Blindness or Deafblindness. The Deafblind program offers an Associate’s Degree of Science in General Studies with a Focus in Deafblindness.
2 Funded under Focus Area B: K through 12 Paraprofessional Preservice Programs, Paraprofessional Preservice Program Improvement Grants (CFDA: N) Purpose: To improve and enhance the programs of study in deafblindness and blindness (Year 1). To implement and evaluate the improved programs with students in rural, suburban, and urban areas (Years 2, 3, and 4).
3 Partners: The key collaborators for this project are The Department of Communicative Disorders at Utah State University, the SKI-HI Institute at Utah State University, and the Hadley School for the Blind in Chicago, Illinois.
4 Objective 1 Improve and enhance the coursework in the online preservice training program in deafblindness by incorporating evidence- based and competency-based practices.
5 Objective 1 Current coursework (two 4-credit courses) is being revised to include updated evidence- based practices. A new 4-credit course is being developed based on evidence-based practices.
6 Objective 2 Enhance the practicum experience for both preservice online training programs in blindness and deafblindness.
7 Objective 2 Online Practicum Model Review of literature and research Development of Coaching component Use of technology Connection to National Intervener Credential through National Resource Center for Paraprofessionals
8 Objective 3 Implement the improved coursework and the practicum. Field-testing done with 9 Interveners - Spring Semester 2011
9 Objective 4 Evaluate the improved and enhanced coursework and practicum, and disseminate information about the project.
10 How Project STRIPES can contribute to the field… How the field can contribute to Project STRIPES…
11 Funded by: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Special Education Programs Linda Alsop SKI-HI Institute 6500 Old Main Hill Logan, UT (435) (voice) (435) (fax) (435) (tty) Contact Information