RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS By: Julie Le and Mary Le 5/2/12 4 th pd.
What is it? Chronic inflammation of joints and other areas of the body -wrist, knees, knuckles, ankles Progressive illness that can cause joint destruction and functional disability Affects people of all ages
How is the disease autoimmune? Immune system produces antibodies -attacks and destroys healthy tissues found in joints Immune system attacks the synovium-the lining that covers various joints Inflammation of synovium is symmetrical
Symptoms Morning stiffness (could last for at least 1 hour) -joints harder to use Swelling and pain -area is sensitive and tender Nodules - lumps under the skin Fluid buildup Flu-Like symptoms
Treatments Medications -immunosuppressant -Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Therapy - exercises to keep joints flexible Surgery -total joint replacement -joint fusion -There is no known cure
Additional Information Causes of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown Common rheumatic disease that affects approximately 1.3 million people in the U.S. Disease is 3 times more common in women than men
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