Daniel Burukhin, Kyle Yoshihara, Jack Curtis, Graham Wrightson, Jacob Jorgensen
The immune system is a system of many biological structures and processes within an organism that protects against disease. To function properly, the immune system has to detect a lot of different destructive bacteria including worms.
Bone marrow- most immunity cells are created and split here. Thymus- matures immunity cells in children, preparing them for maturity. Lymphoid organ- the place where the defense cells do their actual work, These organs include the lymph nodes, the spleen, the tonsils and other specialized tissues in the mucous membranes of the bowel. Tonsils- position at the throat and palate, the tonsils make the saliva in the mouth. Spleen- located above the stomach, contains white blood cells. Lymphocytes- play a large role. Leukocytes- has a high blood cell count.
Bone marrow- creates most of the defensive cells. Thymus- matures defensive cells during childhood into maturity and when the human body has matured it slowly turns into fat tissue. Lymphoid organ- includes spleen and tonsil and it is where the defensive cell actually do their work. Tonsils- trap and kill germs with special proteins in the saliva. Spleen- helps control the amount of blood in the body and dispose of old or damaged cells. Lymphocytes- two types T and B cells, B cells make the antibodies and the T cells attacks the viruses. Leukocytes- identify and eliminate pathogens
Autoimmune disorders are caused by the immune system being unable to distinguish between healthy tissue and antigens. The immune system then destroys the healthy tissue it thinks is an antigen, resulting in a weakening of whichever system the body tissue is a part of.
Type 1 Diabetes is an autoimmune disorder that results in the destruction of insulin- producing beta cells in the pancreas. Insulin is a hormone that allows sugar (glucose) to enter cells in the body to produce energy. Since there isn’t enough insulin to break down the glucose available, blood sugar levels can stay very low or very high, causing damage to several parts of the body.
Type 1 Diabetes: Although there isn’t a cure for Type 1 Diabetes, there are ways to treat it. They must check their blood sugar everyday, eat healthy, and take insulin when it is needed to maintain a stable blood sugar level. While there is no cure, scientists are working on creating an artificial pancreas which pumps the required amount of insulin automatically.
Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in the hands and feet. This inflammation causes pain in the joints, and gradually weakens the affected areas. Rheumatoid Arthritis can lead to bone erosion and joint deformity, and can even weaken the hands and feet until they’re unable to function.
Treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis consist of anti-inflammatories, biological agents, joint therapy, and surgery. The anti-inflammatories can be nonsteroidal for those who have a minor case, but many have to eventually switch to steroidal, which have worse side-effects. There are biological agents that target the parts of the immune system that cause the inflammation, but these agents weaken the immune system as a whole, increasing the risk of infections. Joint therapy is used to help people do needed functions even with injured hands and feet, and to help prevent further injury. People can also get joint replacement, tendon repair, and joint fusion in harsh cases.