Grant Writing November 2013
Text Art & Science Art Do you have a compelling story to tell? Science Do you have the tools to help people be part of your story?
Foundation Types Family Foundations Ford Family Foundation or Meyer Memorial Trust Community Foundations Oregon Community Foundation or Oregon Jewish Community Foundation Corporate Foundations Portland General Electric or Intel Government Grants*
Where do you get leads for new grants? Brainstorm
Text Sources of Information PMSP Collaboratory Grants (can elect to receive notifications) GetEdFunding ( alerts based on your parameters) Grants Alert STEM Grants (website not updated, but see Collaboratory page for STEM Grants guide)
What are the steps you need to follow in order to be successful and organized? Now what?
Grant Tracking System Ask Amount Award Amount Term of Grant Date submitted Money received Foundation Program Next Deadline Activity Funding History Contact
Building a Budget Salaries$100,000 Benefits$24,000 Rent$6,000 Supplies$1,000 Travel$4,000 Phone/Web$2,000 Insurance$3,000 Total$140,000 Project A $20,000 Project B $10,000 Project C $8,000 Project D $12,000 Project total = $50,000
PMSP Mentor ProgramFY2014 Expenses Project Cost JPMC Allocation Description Salaries/Wages Director, Collaboratory$6,000 Management of coordinator, liaison with Oregon Mentors Director, Partnership Development$6,000 Outreach to partners, liaison with TOSAs Lead Teachers$6,000 3 schools, $2000 coaching stipend, paid as Personal Services Agreement Volunteer Coordinator$5, FTE for 9 months, based on $35,000 annual salary at 1.0 FTE Total Salary $23,250$11,250 Fringe Benefits Based on Impact NW OPE rate, includes payroll taxes, no benefits Total Fringe Benefits $1,380$420 Contract ServicesGrey text = In-Kind PMSP Research and Assessment5000 Pre-, post-assessment for Academic Engagement/Motivational Resilience/Supportive Student-Mentor Relationships; work with Oregon Mentors to drive training improvement Oregon Mentors days curriculum/script writing, 2 x 5 hr mentor training delivery, 2 x 2 hr lead teacher training delivery, 1 day reflection/revision of curricula American Chemical Society, Portland Chapter$3,000 support mentor training, placement, and support for their members American Chemical Society, Portland Chapter$4,000 ACS Mentoring Lead, Section President coordination time, 100 hrs x $40/hour (donated in-kind) Total Contract/Professional $16,050$9,050 Equipment/Supplies Student project materials1500$1,500$500/school Supplies and catering, workshops200$200 $25 per 2 hour workshop (2), $75/ 5 hour workshop (2) Catering, Year End Innovation Showcase200$200Light snacks, hosted at a school. Materials, Year End Showcase200$200printing, backboards, etc Total Equipment $2,100 OtherTeacher training stipends x 2hr training, ~$71/training (Oregon Mentors + 1 ad hoc PMSP) Management fees Impact NW (7%)1750$1,750Based on JPMC grant Total Expenses $44,960$25,000
Total% to ThisProjectTotal RequestBudgetIncome Income Sources Government Grants k98 0.0% Foundation and Corporate Grants 50,000 65, % United Way 0.0% Individual Contributions 0.0% In-Kind Support 0.0% Other Income 0.0% Total Income 50,000 65, % Expenses Salaries & Wages (inc benefits and taxes) 34,599 49, % Total Personnel Costs 34,599 49, % Supplies and Materials* (see note below) 2, % Equipment Purchase/Rental* (see note below) 0.0% Telecommunication Expenses % Travel Expenses 1, % Marketing/Promotion 3, % Postage and Delivery 0.0% Other Expense 1 (Event Services/Catering (STEMposium) 5, % Other Expense 2 (PSU Foundation Management Fees) 2, % Other Expense 3 0.0% Other Expense 4 0.0% Other Expense 5 0.0% Total Non Personnel Costs 15, % Total Expenses 50,000 65, % Excess of Revenue Over Expenses - - Please provide an explanation if your grant request does not equal your grant expenses.
Text Budget Tips 1. Excel and formulas 2. Expense narrative 3. Other funding sources 4. Indirect expense allowance 5. Diversity in expenses 6. Funding diversity
Letter of Inquiry Brief background Mission statement Organization history Board and staff Constituency & region served Services Support request Activities Need/issues addressed Objectives and anticipated outcomes History of performance. Funding needed Request for this foundation Other sources of support (requested and secured)
1. Logic model 2. Attention-grabbing introduction 3. Answer the question 4. Concise connections 5. Use research 6. Keep it interesting 7. Community needs, not organization needs 8. Passion 9. Time to brag 10. So what? Grant Writing
Cover Letter 1. Title and amount 2. Thank for prior funding 3. One page maximum 4. Impact
Text Final Tips Follow directions carefully No extras Attachments Read final and read again Assemble carefully Save online grants Deliver Keep records
What “pieces” should I have on the shelf, so that when I go to put a grant together, I don’t have to start from scratch? “Shelf” Grant
“Shelf” Grant Components Organization overview Community need Project description Success stories Population description Staff resumes Similar organizations Partnership examples Project and organization sustainability
Follow the guidelines Letters for pre-selected charities Utilize your contacts Relationships Final Thoughts
Text For More Information Nonprofit Association of Oregon (trainings) The Grantsmanship Center Guidestar GrantStation
For more information, go to: Celeste Janssen Executive Director ext 203