Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering Slide 1 LMS l Response to requirements “We gave them what they asked for, so we are not to blame if the system is not being used” l Clients may leave out requirements that are “obvious”
Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering Slide 2 LMS Requirements questions l Interface? GUI. l Online search? l Library number required? Unique id? Expiration? l Electronic interlibrary loans? l Patron’s use of research databases Limits? Cost tracking? Does patron status determine which resources can be used?
Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering Slide 3 LMS Requirements questions l Should the system advise staff on potential books to retire? Criteria? How do we notify staff? l How long is a requested resource held before it is returned to circulation? l Are overdue fees the same for all types of resources? l What indexes and databases are provided to library patrons? l …
Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering Slide 4 Supported activity list Allow library staff to perform administrative tasks Change status of book Check if patron has valid library id number Validating that a patron has an up-to-date library number, no resources > 2 weeks, not too many resources checked out
Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering Slide 5 Supported activities l Giving library number to patrons l Deleting expired library numbers and patrons. A library number is valid until a student graduates. A library number is valid until faculty/staff terminate employment at college l Checking out books for various loan periods. Students – 4 weeks, faculty – 3 months, staff – 1 year l Checking out other resources. 1 week only. References cannot be checked out
Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering Slide 6 Supported activities l Checking in resources l Change status of resource from “reshelve” to “available” l Putting a resource owned by the library on reserve. Faculty and library staff. Reserved resources cannot be checked out l Putting an item not owned by library on reserve. These items cannot be checked out
Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering Slide 7 Supported activities l Requesting a resource for a patron. Requested resource will be held for two weeks for a patron. If not checked out within two weeks, returned to circulation l Searching online catalog by author, subject, keyword, resource title, or Dewey call number l Interacting with online research resources such as Infotrac, Wilson’s Guide to Periodicals, and First Search
Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering Slide 8 Supported activities l Adding a resource to the online catalog l Deleting a resource from the online catalog l Generating lists of overdue resources l Generating form letters for patrons with resources more than two week overdue l Determining the fee amount for each overdue resource. $0.25/day for each resource to a maximum of $5.00 per resource
Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering Slide 9 Supported activities l Linking to the online catalogs of other libraries for searching l Generating interlibrary loan requests
Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering Slide 10 HCI l Two modes Public Search catalog, databases, indices Private (Staff) – password protected View library record of any patron Add/Delete resources Work productivity information Request lists of overdue items Check in /Check out resources
Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering Slide 11 Solved Problems List l No information
Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering Slide 12 Information Source List l Other libraries Need to query UNLV’s collections l Online research resources InfoTrac, Wilson’s guide to Periodicals, and First Search l Existing online catalog Convert (one-time) existing catalog to new format l Existing patron database Convert (one-time) existing database to LMS format
Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering Slide 13 Information Source List l Student records Database Admissions, graduations, … Affect patron addition/deletion l Employee Database Employ, retire, dismiss, … Affect patron addition/deletion
Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering Slide 14 Information requesting entities l Other libraries l …
Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering Slide 15 Automated Checks and Balances l All dates must be checked for validity (Feb 31, 2001) should not be allowed l Publishing dates for resources cannot be in the future l Only students/employees of College can be patrons
Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering Slide 16 Security/Fault tolerance l Passwords for staff l What happens if system goes down? Paper/pencil records until system comes up again
Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering Slide 17 Interoperating systems list l?l?
Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering Slide 18 Present Info capacity and growth l How many resources, how much memory? l How fast is the library growing?
Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering Slide 19 Projected time frame l Ready for Fall 2002
Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering Slide 20 Prioritization of Requirements l Which requirements will be done first? l What SDP will you follow?
Computer ScienceSoftware Engineering Slide 21 Ethical Concerns l System keeps track of past check-outs of patrons If subpoena, who has access to this history? What if patron is a minor? … l Does our system use internet search engines? Should we allow unrestricted access?