2 SOFTWARE TROUBLE SHOOTING. POINT OF SALE S. no. PROBLEMSREMEDY 1When the Point of sale is started, it shows error “ERROR NO.52” It denotes that software is unable to link to the server. Check whether the server is on. Check whether the system is connected to the network. For this, check the task bar. If this icon is present, then it shows that network link is not available. Log off and again logon to the domain. Check whether the network cable is connected to the system.
3 SOFTWARE TROUBLE SHOOTING. POINT OF SALE S. no. PROBLEMSREMEDY 2User name of counter PA not appearing after shift begin. Ask the supervisor to check the work allocation. The time may be given wrong. Ask him to modify it. 3In transaction screen “OK” appears instead of “PRINT” Supervisor to log on. Under Tools menu, click on “Receipt printing” 4While doing transaction, against the weight column, the system shows “Not OK” and not responding. Go to Tools menu, remove the click before “Weighing machine”
4 SOFTWARE TROUBLE SHOOTING. POSTMAN S. no. PROBLEMSREMEDY 1While clicking the “Post sorting” option, it shows error message “No beat is allotted to you” Ask supervisor to give beat allocation to your user name under Tools Menu. 2While clicking the MO Returns option to take returns of MOs by Postman, “Cash Is yet to be issued to postmen” message appears. Ask supervisor to submit the MO amount to treasury under menu, Treasury-> Submit-> Cash to Postman. If already submitted, then ask Treasurer to give cash through Treasurer software. 3While invoicing VP articles for delivery, VPMO commission is calculated wrongly. Ask supervisor to check the current configuration under menu “Configuration -> MO commission configuration.
5 SOFTWARE TROUBLE SHOOTING. DESPATCH S. no. PROBLEMSREMEDY 1While fetching the articles from counter/Spl journal/BOs, it shows error message with words “Unconfigured article type” Ask supervisor to configure bag types correctly under menu “Master -> Bag type” 2While viewing the delivery abstract both side, there is a huge difference of articles between receipt side and dispatch side, after autosorting. Pin range allotment is not complete. Ask supervisor to go to menu “Master -> Allot Pinrange” and rectify.
6 SOFTWARE TROUBLE SHOOTING. TREASURY S. no. PROBLEMSREMEDY 1While viewing SO Daily account / HO summary, out of account transactions are shown. It means the supervisor of the concerned branch has not verified the accounts in respective software. Ask him to verify.
7 SOFTWARE TROUBLE SHOOTING. SUB ACCOUNTS S. no. PROBLEMSREMEDY 1While printing BO slip, it shows message “printed in file ….” without printing through printer. Check the printer icon in the menu bar for any red circle. It means the printer is disabled. Click the icon. The red circle on the icon will disappear.
8 SOFTWARE TROUBLE SHOOTING. SB CASH S. no. PROBLEMSREMEDY 1While trying to login as PA, it shows error message as “You have not assigned any role” Ask supervisor to assign the counter to your name under the menu “Master->counter assignment”
9 The above items are not exhaustive. If the problem persists even after trying the above suggestions, contact the designated technology person of your office/division. Visit frequently the website of Postal Training Centre, Mysore for latest news/updates on software. The website address is / Also, register your name in the website created by our department especially for troubleshooting namely,