How to search and apply for a part-time job Quick talk! Does anyone else in the tutor group have a part- time job already? Share your experience with the group.
Where do you start your search? What are the positive steps to apply for a job in this way? What are the pitfalls? h jobs/local-job- advice/jobs-in- london/ px?HPS=4_5c3Lo ndon Direct GOV Search engines Recruitment agency Online app
Where do you start your search? What are the positive steps to apply for a job in this way? What are the pitfalls? Word of mouth Newspaper
Task Apply for a job in your groups. What steps would you take to become successful? Think about what you should do and what to avoid. Feedback to the class to see if they have different conclusions than you. watch?v=SP8tTGfm4jU
Guidance on how to produce a good CV What you need to include Top ten hints CV example
Structuring your CV QUICK THINK! What do you need to include on a CV? Why is it important to show different aspects of yourself, such as academic credentials, a profile, key skills, hobbies and interests etc?
Top ten hints Open with a strong profile that highlights the very best of your abilities. Avoid gimmicks like strongly coloured paper, or photos. Use punchy dynamic language; avoid essay style writing. Now isn’t the time to prove your knowledge of uncommonly used words Don’t send the same CV to different employers.
Top ten continued… Make sure your CV has a clear structure. Don’t leave gaps of what has happened in your career. Always remember to check for spelling and grammatical errors. Ask a friend to read it over and to be brutally honest with you. Always add interesting ‘hobbies and interests’, it is a great talking point for your interviewer.
One more thing.. When asked for references, you need to give at least two contacts. Referees should either two professionals or one professional and one personal.
Cover letter The body of your cover letter lets the employer know what position you are applying for, why the employer should select you for an interview, and how you will follow-up.
First Paragraph The first paragraph of your letter should include information on why you are writing. Mention the position you are applying for and what interested you about the post. Middle Paragraph(s) The next section of your cover letter should describe what you have to offer the employer. Briefly mention your qualifications and how they match the job you are applying for. Final Paragraph Conclude your cover letter by thanking the employer for considering you for the position and when you are available for an interview.
What is the lay out of a professional letter?
Task Write a CV and cover letter. Get it checked by your tutor or member of the class for errors.
How to interview for a job
Quick think! What are the essential of a good job interview? How can you stand out from the crowd? What mustn't you do? qc
Role play a very good job interview and a very bad interview. The video can be recorded on mac, iphone or flip camera. Best videos win prizes! Competition Task h?v=HbJHkwHZCCM Can you do better than this? Don’t ya just hate this guy…
Being prepared –Thinking about the questions they will ask, having questions that you would like to ask Body language Clear communication – no slang, firm handshake, don’t slouch, don’t sit with legs wide open Politeness – Thanking them at the beginning and end, following up with thanks, Confident not arrogance HINTS AND TIPS