IBM Software Group Washington Area Informix User Group Forum 2004 The DB2 DBA Checklist Dwaine R Snow, DB2 & Informix Product Manager
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Agenda Why Monitor? Monitoring tools available How to Monitor Daily Activities Weekly Activities Monthly Activities Summary
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Why Monitor? Ensure no problems exist or are imminent –Detect issues before they cause problems –Watch for trends and handle them accordingly –Detect changes in Database Apps Etc. Maintain performance
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Monitoring Tools Health Monitor / Health Center Snapshots –Table Functions –Snapshot Monitors Event Monitors Memory Visualizer Administration Notification Log and DB2 Diagnostic Log OS Tools –vmstat, iostat, ps, top, sar, etc.
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Monitoring Tools Typically need to combine DB2 and OS tools to get the complete picture –DB2 tools usually do not give the complete picture –Make sure the DB2 and OS info is captured at the same time Cannot correlate information captured at different times
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software How to Capture Snapshots When monitoring the “system” –Take the "snapshots" during: average workload peak workload Take the "snapshots" over a long enough period of time –not just over a one to two minute period this does not give a realistic view I would suggest taking the "snapshots" at intervals of 2 minutes (120 seconds) for at least 30 intervals. –i.e. vmstat > vmstat.out
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Daily Activities Ensure the instance is running Ensure all databases are “connectable” and consistent Examine alert log / error logs Verify the backup(s) were successful Verify logs are being archived Verify available resources Look for objects needing REORG / RUNSTATS Study DB2
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Ensure the Instance is running Can be done in various ways –db2start will indicate if the instance is already running –ps –ef | grep db2sysc | grep will work on UNIX / Linux –Verify the DB2 service is running on Windows
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Ensure databases are “connectable” Can be done if various ways –Connect to each database –List applications –List active databases For databases with no connections/activations –Get database configuration Verify the database is consistent Typically good practice to ACTIVATE all databases –Keeps the buffer pool primed
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Examine Logs Ensure there are no new alerts –On UNIX/Linux check the Administration Notification Log for new messages –On Windows check the Windows Event Log Check Diagnostic Log for new messages Check Application logs, if they exist Handle any error conditions immediately.
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Verify database backups were successful list history backup all for –Repeat for all databases Make sure backup image is not deleted –Is it on tape? Make sure backup image is copied offsite Nothing worse than crashing and having no “good” backup image
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Verify logs are being archived Examine the userexit log –Make sure no errors have been encountered –Make sure logs were archived recently Examine log path to ensure logs are being archived and cleaned up The BLK_LOG_DSK_FUL database config parameter will ensure DB2 will not come down if the log path becomes full
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Verify Available Resources Verify free space in table spaces –get snapshot for tablespaces on –list tablespaces show detail Should be no table spaces > 90% full Check for trends in table space usage –Keep table space info –Examine info from previous day(s) –Look for exceptional growth
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Verify Available Resources Check for contention for CPU, memory, disk or network resources –vmstat Sufficient free memory Run queue small CPU Usage < 80% –iostat No disk with tm_acct > 40% I/O evenly distributed No iowait –netstat No errors
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Look for Objects needing REORG/RUNSTATS Reorgchk –Examine for Overflows Non clustered indexes Ensure current statistics exist on ALL objects –Select stats_time from syscat.tables –Select stats_time from syscat.indexes Any new object(s) will need statistics
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Study DB2 Nothing is more valuable in the long run than that the DBA be as widely experienced, and as widely read, as possible. Readings should include DBA manuals, trade journals/magazines, news groups, mailing lists, web sites
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Weekly Activities Look for new or changed objects, applications Look for objects that break rules Look for security policy violations Archive alert / error logs Check for updates for key DB software
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Look for new objects db2look – e list tables select tabname from syscat.tables select indname from syscat.indexes get snapshot for tablespaces list tablespaces Verify against output from previous week
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Look for new/changed applications list applications –Verify against output from previous week –Should see no new application names get snapshot for dynamic sql –Verify against output from previous week –Should see no new stmts unless there are new applications For any new applications and/or statements –Ensure proper indexes, current stats
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Look for objects that break rules For each object-creation policy, i.e. –naming convention –storage parameters –etc. Have an automated check to verify that the policy is being followed. For example: –Tables should have indexes –Schemas should be identical between environments Especially QA / Test and production.
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Look for Security Policy Violations PUBLIC should NOT have connect privilege to any database Ensure SYSADM group only assigned to 1-2 people Users should only have required privileges Ensure Backup / Staging / Database directories have appropriate permissions
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Archive Alert / Error logs ZIP / tar & compress –Alert log –Administration notification log –Diagnostic log –Dump / Trap files Name the archive file with the date Do this on server and client
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Check for Software Updates Visit homepage of key vendors and look for relevant updates –DB2 Fixpacks –OS Hot fixes –Vendor App fixes Important to keep current
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Monthly Activities Look for indicators of exceptional growth Project future growth Project future performance based on above Look for OS issues Review configurations for tuning opportunities
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Look for Growth Indicators get snapshot for tablespaces on list tablespaces show detail –Keep results –Compare with previous results –Look for table spaces with exceptional growth Do the same for NPAGES for large tables
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Project Future Growth Particularly important for DSS / Warehouse Anticipate how much data will grow Ensure there is enough space in existing –Table spaces –File systems –Ensure staging space is adequate –Ensure backup location has sufficient space Anticipate need for more disk / memory / CPUs to maintain performance
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Project Performance Based on projected growth –Will there be enough disk space –Will there be enough I/O bandwidth –Will there be enough memory –Will there be enough CPUs Will new indexes be needed –Or changes to existing indexes –For OLTP, do not simply add indexes
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Look for OS Issues Use OS tools to check for –Paging –Memory usage –I/O contention –Run Queue –Network usage –File system usage Ensure no indicators of “poor health”
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Review Configurations Examine –DBM Configuration –DB Configurations –DB2 Registry Settings Look for opportunities for improvement Use Memory Visualizer to examine DB2’s memory usage
IBM Software Group | DB2 Information Management Software Summary A DBAs job is never done DB2 is the BEST performing database in the world But does require some baby-sitting The Health Center can automate some of these tasks –But still requires DBA intervention –For now…