February 2012 Access to HE Diploma Guidance on registering learners and awarding the Diploma.


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Presentation transcript:

February 2012 Access to HE Diploma Guidance on registering learners and awarding the Diploma

Access to HE Diploma Any amendments to the Access to HE Diploma courses should only be made in consultation with the following OCN staff: Director of Business Development and Access to HE Wendy Access to HE Support Officer Lara

Access Learner Registration Form The Learner Registration Form (LRF) has three tabs: Instr Ethnicity, Employment and Ability codes etc. ProgRun Start and End dates etc. Learners Learners details

LRF – ProgRun Tab Most of the information on this page of the LRF has been pre-printed The yellow fields must be completed or the LRF will be returned to the centre unprocessed

LRF – ProgRun Tab All units listed will be attached to the cohort. Please check that all the units in the course are listed and contact OCN if there are any omissions

LRF - Learners Tab All the fields on this page are mandatory, with the exception of the ULN. If any data is missing the form will be returned unprocessed.

LRF - Learners Tab Gender, Ethnicity, Employment Status and Ability codes are on tab one (Instr) of the LRF The fields requiring codes do have a drop-down facility to aid manual completion of the form

LRF - Instr Tab The fields requiring codes do have a drop-down facility to aid manual completion of the form

Access to HE Diploma The RAC is in three parts: 1.Summary Sheet 2.Learner Achievement 3.Data codes The RAC is a protected Excel spreadsheet which only allows data entry into specific cells The RAC can be completed and submitted to OCN in soft copy – although the summary sheet must still be printed and signed before any results are processed

Access RAC Summary Sheet A copy of the signed Summary Sheet must be received at OCN before any awards are processed The yellow fields must be completed or the RAC will be returned to the centre unprocessed

Access RAC Summary Sheet

This information is pre-printed from the information provided at registration

Access RAC Summary Sheet A minimum of two signatures are required to confirm the award of credit; one of which must be the OCN Approved Access Moderator

Access RAC Summary Sheet

This information is pre-printed and cannot be amended

FAQ What happens if a learners name is spelt incorrectly? Check your RAC on receipt. If a name is spelt incorrectly with the correct spelling. An updated RAC will be sent to you. If a replacement certificate is required because OCN were not notified in writing of a misspelling, the maximum replacement certificate fee of £50 could be charged.

FAQ What happens if a learner is missing from the RAC? Check your RAC on receipt. If a name is missing, please complete a learner registration form for that learner and to An RAC specifically for that learner will be sent to you.

Access RAC Summary Sheet The “Destination” codes are: This a drop-down box from which only approved codes can be selected

Access RAC Summary Sheet Has the learner achieved an Access to HE Diploma pass? This a drop-down box from which only YES or NO can be selected

Access RAC Summary Sheet Enter here the total number of credits achieved by each learner This must be done in pen on the hard copy; it is designed so the Moderator would complete this at the time of signing.

Access RAC Learner Achievement

This information is pre-printed and cannot be amended.

What happens if a unit is missing? Check your RAC on receipt. If a unit is missing please with details of what is missing. An updated RAC will be sent to you. If the new unit has to be approved for use in the Access to HE Diploma, there may be a delay. Access RAC Learner Achievement

The record of achievement is selected from drop-down boxes. There are differing selections for level two and level three units.

Only 60 credits can count towards the Diploma minimum of 45 at level 3; maximum of 15 at level 2 Any credits achieved above the 60 will be awarded as Additional credits. These are not graded. They will be listed on a “Transcript of Additional Credits Achieved” Access RAC Learner Achievement

The available achievement for Level Two Units are: P Pass E RPL/Exempt A Additional to the 60 credits available in the Diploma

Access RAC Learner Achievement The available achievement for Level Three Units are: P Pass M Merit D Distinction A Additional to the 60 credits available in the Diploma Y Achieved prior to Grading E RPL/Exempt

Access RAC Learner Achievement The blue boxes at the top of the page add up the credit total for units included in the 60 allowed for the Access to HE Diploma. The “Total” box will go Blue when 60 credits is achieved and Red if exceeded The Level 2 box will go Red if the 15 credit limit is exceeded.

Key Points to Remember: The Access to HE Diploma can only have 60 credits A minimum of 45 credits must be at Level Three A maximum of 15 credits can be at Level Two Level Two units are not graded Level Three units achieved after September 2009 are graded as either Pass, Merit or Distinction Level Three units achieved Prior to September 2009 and Grading must be indicated on the RAC with a “Y”

Key Points to Remember: If a learners achievement exceeds 60 credits, the additional units must be indicated on the RAC with an “A” If a learner achieves more than 15 credits at level Two The additional units must be indicated on the RAC with an “A” Units achieved through APL or Exempt units must be indicated on the RAC with an “E” APL and Exempt units at Level Three are only permitted if stated in the Rules of Combination for that course APL and Exempt units at Level Three are not graded and can only be achieved as a Pass

Key Points to Remember: The form must include Destination codes for all learners The form must be checked and countersigned by the OCN approved Moderator/Verifier for Access / Access to HE Diploma Completed RAC forms must be sent to OCN electronically RACs will not be processed until the original, signed copy of the form is received at OCN GCSE Equivalence and Diploma Certificates that depend on the award of GCSE Equivalence units may be delayed until the appropriate panels have agreed the GCSE Equivalence Awards

Certificates Full Access to HE Diploma Pass Transcript of Achievement for the Access to HE Diploma (graded) Learners who achieve 60 credits and meet the Rules of Combination will receive: Transcript of Additional Achievement (ungraded) For any achievement over the 60 credits, they will also receive:

Learners who do not meet the Rules of Combination, or who have not achieved 60 credits, will receive: Certificates Award of Credit for Partial Completion (graded) Learners who do not meet the Rules of Combination for the specified pathway will be tested against the Rules of Combination for Combined Studies, if available.

What happens if none of the learners have achieved? Please write “NO ACHIEVEMENT” across the Summary Sheet. Destination Codes MUST be provided regardless of achievement The Course Tutor and OCN approved Access Moderator must print, sign and date to confirm that they have sampled the work and agree there has been no achievement. FAQ

What happens if a mistake is made on the RAC? Please amend the RAC clearly and resubmit All original certificates must be returned to OCN with the RAC The Course Tutor and OCN approved Access Moderator must print, sign and date to confirm that they agree the amendment FAQ

What happens if a learners name is misspelt? Please complete a Replacement Certificate Form All original certificates must be returned to OCN with the RAC FAQ

What happens if a learner needs more time? FAQ To extend the learning agreement, please complete an NR Form The OCN approved Access Moderator must print, sign and date to confirm that they agree the extension

Registrations & Awards Team Registrations and Awards Manager(s): Stella Bawden and Eva Campo Registrations and Awards Officers: Michele Moore and Christine Wonnacott OCN Eastern Region John Tabor Building University of Essex Colchester CO4 3SQ Tel: Fax: