No.CoM Block Plan Guidelines (October 2014) – ‘preferred outcomes’ (1-6 of 18) CoM Proposed Melbourne Planning Scheme Amendment C245 (April 2015) Comment 1Heritage Overlay HO7 applies to the entire site, desire to maintain a sense of history of the precinct and its evolution over time HO7 remains, C198 increased heritage grading D to C for some buildings on the Munro site Consistent 2Retain Mercat Cross hotel buildingAs for 1 above, project intent unchangedConsistent 3Podium street wall min 20m max 30m Podium street wall reduced to min 10m max 20m and mandated (DPO Framework Plan and 2.0 Schedule 10). Stringent tower separation controls introduced (DDO Table 1 to Schedule 63) C245 more stringent 4Varied parapet height (20m-30m podiums) Comprehensive design requirements (beyond parapets) demand higher architectural quality for podiums (DPO 2.0 Schedule 10 and DDO 2.0 Schedule 14) C245 more stringent 5Setback taller buildings min 10m (above 20m podiums) from street frontages Mandatory tower setbacks min 10m from podium street frontage (Refer DPO 2.0 Schedule 10) Consistent 6Limit overall building heights no overshadowing of new open space (current QVM Car Park) 11am-2pm *No overshadowing 11am-2pm at 21 June unless RA considers this will not ‘significantly prejudice’ the amenity of the public open space (site of current QVM Car Park) Variation* to measure (21 June) and RA provided with discretion Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal - Summary Comparison CoM ‘Therry, Elizabeth, Franklin, Queen Block: Plan (October 2014)’ and Proposed ‘Planning Scheme Amendment C245 (April 2015)’ 4 May 2015 Attachment 5 Agenda item 6.1 Future Melbourne Committee 12 May 2015
No.CoM Block Plan Guidelines (October 2014) – ‘preferred outcomes’ (7-11 of 18) CoM Proposed Melbourne Planning Scheme Amendment C245 (April 2015) Comment 7Minimise wind turbulence at ground level Specific wind speed criterion included as requirements of DPO (DPO 2.0 and 3.0 Schedule 10) More stringent 8Create pedestrian link between Franklin and Therry streets Included (DPO Figure 1 Framework Plan)Consistent 9Vehicle crossovers to be designed maintain pedestrian amenity and safety Vehicle ingress and egress to new development controlled by specific requirements in DPO (DPO 2.0 Schedule 10) Consistent 10Up to 400 car parking spaces from the number spaces permitted (MPS) for QVM patrons 720 existing QVM car parking spaces should be located on Parcel A (Munro site) and/or Parcel D (Southern Development Sites) (DPO 2.0 Schedule 10) Variation 11Activated street frontages (a) 80% ground level, (b) consider accessible balconies Therry and Queen Street, (c) mixed uses Active frontage requirements (a) included, specific above ground accessible balcony requirement replaced with active uses to promote visual surveillance (DPO 2.0 Schedule 10 and DDO 2.0 Schedule 14 ) Variation Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal - Summary Comparison CoM ‘Therry, Elizabeth, Franklin, Queen Block: Plan (October 2014)’ and Proposed ‘Planning Scheme Amendment C245 (April 2015)’ 4 May 2015
No.CoM Block Plan Guidelines (October 2014) – ‘preferred outcomes’ (12-18 of 18) CoM Proposed Melbourne Planning Scheme Amendment C245 (April 2015) Comment 12Activated Pedestrian mid-block with 60% display windows, food & drink premises etc. Mid-block link publicly accessible link included, without detailed 60% active frontage instead existing MPS Cluse – CBD Lanes calls for activation in new lanes. Consistent 13Car parking, store rooms window less performance spaces to be setback 5-15m from street frontage Active frontage requirements included without specific 5-15m detail requirement (DPO 2.0 Schedule 10 and DDO 2.0 Schedule 14 ) Variation 14Weather protection for pedestrians Continuous weather protection requirement in DPO and DDO (DPO 2.0 Schedule 10 and DDO 2.0 Schedule 14) Consistent 15Design capable of achieving 5 star green star Provision in Melbourne Planning Scheme (MPS)Consistent with MPS 16Review by Office of Victoria Government Architect (OVGA) Design Review Panel Intention that the OVGA review designs, remains, unnecessary to be included in C245 Not applicable 17OVGA to review of design drawings submitted by RA As for 16 aboveNot applicable 18Full planning assessment by OVGA As for 16 aboveNot applicable Queen Victoria Market Precinct Renewal - Summary Comparison CoM ‘Therry, Elizabeth, Franklin, Queen Block: Plan (October 2014)’ and Proposed ‘Planning Scheme Amendment C245 (April 2015)’ 4 May 2015