HS Department Chair’s Meeting November 9, 2011 Georgia Tech Research Institute
CCGPS “The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. These practices rest on important ‘processes and proficiencies’ with longstanding importance in mathematics education.” (CCSS, 2010)
Standards for (Student) Mathematical Practice 1. Make sense of complex problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4. Model with mathematics. 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. (CCSS, 2010)
Grouping the SMPs (McCallum, 2011)
Based on the Standards of Mathematical Practices, can you identify which one is used?
Grade Level # of Common Core Standards # of Transition Standards Major Mathematical Shifts 6472 Absolute Value (7 th ) Positive & Negative Rational Numbers (7 th ) Coordinate Plane (7 th ) Algebraic Expression Properties (7 th ) Central Tendency (7 th ) Graphing/Solve One-step Inequalities (8 th ) Mean Absolute Deviation (9th) Graphing/Solve Inequality Applications (8 th ) Properties of Angle Pairs formed by parallel lines (8 th ) Probability: Independent & Compound Events (8 th ) Random Samples & Summary Statistics (9 th ) Analyzing Function Graphs (9 th ) Interior/Exterior Angles in Polygons (9 th ) Distance Formula (9 th ) Surface Area/Volume Spheres (10 th ) Evaluate/Solve Simple Cube Roots (11 th ) 2012 – 13 A Closer Look
Proposed CCGPS Math Courses CCGPS Coordinate Algebra CCGPS Analytic Geometry CCGPS Advanced Algebra CCGPS Pre-Calculus Accelerated CCGPS Coordinate Algebra/Analytic Geometry A Accelerated CCGPS Analytic Geometry B/Advanced Algebra Accelerated CCGPS Pre-Calculus
Coordinate Algebra AlgebraGeometryProbability/Statistics Algebraic Expressions Solving Equations & Inequalities in One Variable Linear Equations & Inequalities Exponential Relationships (integer exponents only) Functions & Function Notation Models of Exponential & Linear Functions Arithmetic & Geometric Sequences Slope & Distance on the Coordinate Plane Transformations in the Coordinate Plane Interpret/Represent/ Compare Data Summarize Data Fit Functions to Data (limit to linear & exponential) Interpret Linear Models for Data
Analytic Geometry GeometryAlgebraProbability/Statistics Geometric Constructions Similar Triangles Congruent Triangles Proofs Right Triangle Trigonometry Circles Angles and Line Segments of Circles Area and Volume Formulas Complex Numbers Quadratic Functions Solving Quadratic Equations Fit Quadratic Functions to Data Independent Probability Conditional Probability Probability of Compound Events
Advanced Algebra AlgebraGeometryProbability/Statistics Operations on Polynomials Polynomial Functions Fundamental Theorem of Algebra Remainder Theorem Finite Series Polynomial Identities Binomial Theorem Rational Expressions & Equations Simple Radical Expressions & Equations Exponential & Logarithmic Functions Radian Measures Trigonometric Functions & Pythagorean Identity Modeling with Functions Model using GeometryStandard Deviation Normal Curve Inferences from Data
Next Meeting – Wednesday, December 7, Georgia Tech Research Institute - PLC Topic Janet Brown, Andrea Little, & John Richmond -Refreshments Mai Nguyen Darryl Valentine