AQ Amendment: Relevant UNC obligations and additional Validations Applied 27 May 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

AQ Amendment: Relevant UNC obligations and additional Validations Applied 27 May 2010

AQ Amendments: Summary Part 1  UNC provisions (TPD G1.6.3, G1.6.4 and G1.6.5) Part 2  xoserve system validations

Part 1: AQ Amendment Window

Part 1: Revised Value Restrictions Larger Supply Points  No restriction Smaller Supply Points  Must be lesser or greater than the Provisional AQ by not less than 20%  Except where the amendment would increase the AQ above 73,200kWh

Part 1: Conditions An AQ Amendment can be raised where:  the User reasonably considers that the Provisional AQ is derived from  incorrect Meter Readings  Meter Readings taken prior to User’s registration  incorrect Supply Meter Installation details  the AQ has been carried forward due the Supply Point being Isolated within year or insufficient Meter Readings

Part 1: User Warranties  When submitting an AQ Amendment, the User warranties:  it has applied a consistent methodology  it has applied a methodology that does not materially differentiate where requested AQs are greater than or less than the Provisional AQ  it has sought amendment of all AQs that it is able to under the UNC when applying the methodology

Part 1: Information Requirements User must specify  MPR  Two Meter Readings (in accordance with TPD H3 – Relevant Metered Period etc)  Relevant Meter Exchange information  Requested AQ User shall record evidence and make available if requested

Part 2: xoserve System Validation  AAI – AQ Amendment requests.  If the Meter Point is not part of any confirmation OR if the Shipper is not responsible for the provided MPRN, it would be rejected with SHI  If the provided confirmation reference is not the current live confirmation of the MPRN, it would be rejected with MPO  If smaller supply meter point is not eligible for AQ/WC amendment, then reject with STD  If an outstanding amendment referral exists for an MPRN, it would be rejected with AQA  If the requested AQ is less than 1, it would reject with STD  If the start reading date is less than , then it would be rejected with STD  If the end reading date is less than , then it would be rejected with STD  If the exchange start reading date is less than , then it would be rejected with STD  If the exchange end reading date is less than , then it would be rejected with STD  Invalid Imperial Indicator (other than Y/N), rejects with STD  Invalid Reading Units (other than 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000), rejects with STD  Invalid Exchange Reading Units (other than 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000), rejects with STD  Invalid Reading factor (other than 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100), rejects with STD  Invalid Exchange Reading factor (other than 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100), rejects with STD  Start reading is greater than processing date, reject with STD  End reading is greater than processing date, reject with STD 00160

Part 2: xoserve System Validation  Exchange Start reading is greater than processing date, reject with STD  Exchange End reading is greater than processing date, reject with STD  Invalid Manual check flag (other than Y/N), reject with STD  Number of dials out of permitted range (ideal range is 4 to 12), reject with STD  If reading unit, reading factor and imperial indicator are inconsistent, then reject with MMO  If exchange reading unit, reading factor and imperial indicator are inconsistent, then reject with MMO  If the end reading is less than start reading, then reject with STD  If the start reading date is less than the earliest supply point start date, then reject with STD  If the supply point is end dated and if the end date is greater than the supply point end date, then reject with STD  If the exchange start reading date must be equal to end reading date, otherwise reject with STD  If the exchange end reading date is less than or equal to exchange start reading date, otherwise reject with STD  If exchange TTZ is 0 and if the exchange end reading date is less than exchange start reading date, otherwise reject with STD  Sum of read TTZ and exchange read TTZ count should not go beyond 99, otherwise reject with STD  If the shipper is not responsible for the MPRN, it would be rejected with SHI 0010

Part 2: xoserve System Validation  All the readings except the start reading date should be greater than competition effective date, otherwise reject with MRE 471  If the current and proposed market sector is Domestic, then 20% amendment tolerance rule is applied. Meter AQ changes will be accepted only if it lies beyond the tolerance range with respect to xoserve calculated initial AQ. Reject reason provided is AQA  The requested AQ value (provided in the file) and the derived AQ (using the parameters in the file) should match, otherwise reject with STD  If the MPRN is primary and if either the current or proposed market sectors is I&C, then refer the amendment, otherwise reject it with MPO  If the provided MPRN does not exist on the system, then reject with MPO  If the start read date is not later than AQ-WC backstop date, then reject with STD  If the end read date is earlier than xoserve calculated end read date, then reject with STD  Outstanding AQ/WC Appeal referral exists for this meter point, then reject with AML  Insufficient information to calculate AQ, then reject with AQA  Consumption period less than 6 month, then reject with MRE  Post code not found, then reject with POC  Start reading/date not consistent with UKLink, then reject with RRR  End reading/date not consistent with UKLink, then reject with RRR  Exchange start read/date not consistent with UKLink, then reject with RRR  Exchange end read/date not consistent with UKLink, then reject with RRR 00013

Part 2: xoserve System Validation  TTZ count incorrect, then reject with RRR  Meter exchange not identified on amendment/appeal, then reject with RRR  Manual referral with insufficient supporting information, then reject with RRR  Appeal window not currently open for request, then reject with RRR  Exchange meter serial number not provided, then reject with STD  Exchange start reading date not provided, then reject with STD  Exchange end reading date not provided, then reject with STD  Occurrence of DM since start reading date, then reject with STD  Invalid value for number of dials or digits, then reject with STD  Meter point was not part of a live supply point for entire consumption period, then reject with STD  DM meter point cannot be appealed/amended to an AQ below the domestic threshold, reject with SPO 00013