Getting to know the materials: Using the P scales Demonstrate the content and key messages from the materials themselves Welcome comments and sharing of experiences Session will put assessment firmly within the planning, teaching and assessment cycle. focus on P1-3 and other new aspects, but often applicable across the range. Ann Fergusson University of Northampton
Complementary materials Using the P scales + DVD Planning, teaching and assessing the curriculum for pupils with learning difficulties: * General Guidance * Developing Skills Focus on the 2 sets of updated materials Interdependent – complement each other Both planned to be used flexibly…pick & mix! P scales – look at aspects of the written guidance and see some examples of the teacher reflections and pupil case studies P,T & A – highlight 2 of the booklets specifically. Previous experience shown not as familiar as subject booklets
Assessment Celebrating achievement! P scales - one part of assessment process Range of assessment tools – fit for purpose Evidence of learning and responses Best fit approaches Professional dialogue - is key Must not lose sight of acknowledging achievements, partic at P1->3 Schools will have or develop a battery of assessment tools eg specialist schedules to help identify early responses as potentially affective communicative modes, routes to plan and map early cognitive development, functional assessments to clarify sensory needs and preferences Routine observations/assessments and sharing information are also key Using P scales for Assessment p….
Pupil profiles Often uneven profiles Expectations will vary according to age and prior attainment Progress is not one dimensional Learning of this pupil group often presents as a ‘spiky’ profiles … number of reasons School example of Maleeha p…. – attainment varies P2 P5Maleeha ** ** Maleeha case study
Linear and Lateral progress Identify progress within a P level Need to look for all forms of progress Informed by a range of assessment processes and tools Planning, teaching and assessing the curriculum for pupils with learning difficulties guidance and tools Progress is often context-specific – hence the uneven profiles We need to be clear about when and where attainment and progress is being made Then we can actively plan for opportunities to develop range of contexts
General Guidance Acknowledges diversity Guidance - learning opportunities Frameworks - planning for progression - recognising attainment General Guidelines - offer support for both This guidance is cross-curricular in nature. Responds to the diverse populations and uneven profiles 2 frameworks, that can be used for either planning or assessment
Recognising attainment Encounter Awareness Attention and response Engagement Participation Involvement Gaining skills and understanding Partic valuable for P1-3 to look at progress WITHIN a P level Charts the progress into developing anticipatory skills and intentionality – once this emerges, pupils are able to predict what’s going to happen/understand expectations & then able to be more actively involved Widely used for a number of more subjective/qualitative assessments and observations of eg Int Int ** Lauryn – showing diff levels of responding ACTIVITY-sheets
ACTIVITY Getting to know Ethan: Baseline assessment Information from all those who know him Find some starting points for planning
Maximising learning and progress: 1 Influential factors: holistic view priority needs, developing skills and teaching approaches Evidence of progress Ongoing assessment key to develop most effective ways to enable learning and progress to be made What are the essentials – pre-requisites to learning? ## Developing skills bklt: Holistic needs – therapeutic and other Comfort for learning,- positioning, access, lighting levels Behaviour for learning - working with others, turn-taking, attention span ** Getting ready to learn
Planning for progression Skill development Breadth of curricular content Contexts for learning Variety of support Range of teaching methods Negotiated learning Application of learning to new settings Strategies for independence HANDOUT: Skills/curricular - NC and other; new skills, established skills, emerging skills Contexts – here incl the 1:1, paired work, sm gp, whole class progression Also – learning specialist room v classroom, familiar v new etc Support – from staff (which- regular/familiar, less predictable), peers, by equipment Negotiated – tolerance levels, duration, context Generalisation - established skills but developing confidence/fluency ** Contexts for Learning ACTIVITY- sheets
ACTIVITY Moving on: Lauryn How do her responses vary between contexts? What influences these differences? Reflect on evidence from different settings
Maximising learning and progress: 2 Influences: contextual factors Vary teaching – pace, style, approaches Motivating and meaningful Using and transferring skills Getting ready to learn Contexts for learning Ongoing assessment key to develop most effective ways to enable learning and progress to be made What are the essentials – pre-requisites to learning? ## Developing skills bklt: Holistic needs – therapeutic and other Comfort for learning,- positioning, access, lighting levels Behaviour for learning - working with others, turn-taking, attention span ** Getting ready to learn
Progress within a level Establish key cross-curricular, functional skills Skills for learning and thinking Personal and other priorities Range of opportunities - to broaden contexts of learning and to enable lateral progression Consistency of staff responses Materials include 3 case studies of pupils who are on the cusp of progressing from P3 P4 They have very different strengths, needs and interests Case studies show a ‘snapshot’ on 1 day Do not necessarily show the path leading to this – short term ( as before, eg physical preparation) or long term ( time taken to get to this point)
Discussion share interpretations and judgements - responses and progress identifies context-specific /influential factors - learning and responding enables progress to be more effectively identified and planned promotes consistency in responding to learner Discussion is a vital part of the process By shared understanding, shared goals and approaches we are giving learners a greater chance of success Staff too benefit from this opportunity – particularly new or less experienced
Progression Guidance Project Education Show March 2009
Aims To familiarise delegates with the Progression Guidance Project, particularly; Purpose, structure, content Process and principles Linked initiatives Electronic professional development module Using data to make judgements about progress.
Progression Guidance Project Between April 1st 2008 and July 2009 the Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) are working in collaboration with the National Strategies to develop progression guidance for pupils with SEN/LDD including those working below level 1 of the National Curriculum.
The progression guidance has been developed as part of the response to commitments made in: The Children’s plan 2007 To spend £18 million over the next three years to improve the quality of teaching for children with special educational needs, including; better data for schools on how well children with special educational needs are progressing that professionals need better information to understand what constitutes good progress for children identified with different types of educational needs, which can also form the basis of evidence-based discussions, support and challenge about each school’s performance in this area with Ofsted and School Improvement Partners. (not sure where this one’s from) The Children’s Plan One Year On: a progress report (2008); to provide better data for schools on how well children with special educational needs are progressing.
Talk to the flow chart. Start with the orange column – really emphasise the consultation The purple boxes detail the products - self explanatory but good to note the link to the new OfSTED materials and the alignment of this work with OfSTED. Janet Thompson, HMI is on the project board and the RAISE working group. The blue boxes detail the links. Very important for people to understand the involvement of OfSTED, QCA etc
The SEN Progression and RAISEonline: Principles April 2008 High expectations are key to securing good progress Age and prior attainment, as opposed to primary need, are used to inform expectations of pupil progress Moderation is key to improving the reliability of teacher assessment 21
Comments on the revised principles March 2009 High expectations are key to securing good progress Accurate assessment is essential to securing and measuring pupil progress Age and prior attainment are the starting points for developing expectations of pupil progress 22
HMI 2004: Judging Achievement – Year Groups Ofsted developed some initial judgements about progress as; Inadequate Satisfactory Good Outstanding
Using the data The Progression Guidance is not intended to replicate this The data in this guidance will support schools, LAs and SIPs to develop their own skills to be more able to evaluate progress and set targets The data, as always, is only the beginning of the story…..It’s how we use it to inform teaching and learning to ensure achievement for all.
Available data 1. KS1 to KS2 P level data 1.1a English 1.1b Reading 1.1c Writing 1.2a Maths 1.2b Using &Applying 1.2c Number 1.2d Shape& Space 1.3a Science 1.3b Scientific Enquiry 1.3c Life Processes 1.3d Materials 1.3e Physical Properties KS1 to KS2 ‘W’ – Level 5 1.4a English 1.4b Maths 2. KS2 to KS3 P level data 2.1a English 2.1b. Reading 2.1c. Writing 2.2a Maths 2.2b. Using &Applying 2.2c. 2.2d Shape &Space 2.3a 2.3b 2.3c 2.3d 2.3e KS2 to KS3 ‘W’ to Level 8 2.4a English 2.4b Maths KS3 to KS4 ‘W’ to GCSE (No P scale information) 3.1a English 3.1b Maths 4. KS2 to KS4 ‘W’ to Level 5 4.1a English 4.1b Maths Two data sets: 1. P level data gathered from a variety of sources……..2007 collection 2. National data for 2007 from ‘W’ onwards Available data
DRAFT NB For the purpose of the analysis a progress level equates to: L3 upwards -Whole levels KS1 ----L1-2 -Sub levels between 1c and 2 KS2--- L1- Sub levels P4-8----Whole P levels P1-3 ---- P scale sub levels
DRAFT English KS1 to KS2 matrices 1 level progress 2 levels progress
Ranges for converting APS back to Point scores Whole & sub levels Ranges for converting APS back to P scales/levels 0.5 P1i >=0 and <0.6 0.7 P1ii >=0.6 and <0.8 0.9 P2i >=0.8 and <1 1.1 P2ii >=1and <1.2 1.3 P3i >=1.2 and <1.4 1.5 P3ii >=1.4 and <1.6 2 P4 >=1.6 and <2.4 3 P5 >=2.4 and <3.4 4 P6 >=3.4 and <4.4 5 P7 >=4.4 and <5.4 6 P8 >=5.4 and <6.4 7 L1c >=6.4 and <8 9 L1b >=8 and <10 11 L1a >=10 and <12 DRAFT
DRAFT MATHS KS2 ( 2004) to KS3 ( 2007) KS2 prior attainment KS3 LQ KS3 Median result UQ P1(i) P1(ii) P2(i) P3(i) P2(ii) P3(ii) P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 L1C L1B
Understanding national & local data Introduction and overview Determining good progress Understanding national & local data Evaluating school performance Informing teaching and learning Setting targets Resources Section The effective use of data to support the evaluation of progress and outcomes for pupils identified as having SEN/LDD
Using data to inform teaching & learning DRAFT ePD Using data to inform teaching & learning Click on the links to find out more information In this section we will explore some of the key principles relating to teaching and learning for pupils identified as having SEN/LDD. We will also consider how data is used to inform the quality of teaching and learning for these pupils within mainstream schools, special schools and PRUs. A Pedagogy For All Assessment Improving Subject Knowledge Evaluating Interventions In addition to numerical data there is also an acknowledgement that there needs to be a broader evidence base for the collection of ‘data’ for those pupils who do not make linear progress or for those who are making very small steps of progress. For example for some pupils evidence of progress will need to be gathered through observations, filming of engagement in activities etc. When using data in this sense we also assume the use of this broader evidence base.
Using data to inform teaching & learning: Pedagogy for All Whole school pedagogy DRAFT ePD It is helpful to consider this professional knowledge as four interrelated domains. Quality First Teaching (QFT) is the entitlement for all children including those identified as having SEN / LDD. It is important that mainstream and special schools and PRus access current resources in the development of effective whole school pedagogy. These can then be used as a sound and proven base on which to build more individualised and targeted practice. These to go into Resources section Teaching repertoire of skills and techniques: Subject and curriculum knowledge: Teaching and learning models: Conditions for learning: – Click here responses Specific SEN / LDD links SEN / LDD teaching and learning: Learning and teaching for children with special educational needs in the primary years: Leading on Intervention: Maximising Progress: ensuring the attainment of pupils with SEN: Inclusion Development Programme:
DRAFT ePD Using data to inform teaching and learning: Assessment: The 2020 Vision Report saw the analysis and use of data as a key area for development. It focused, in particular, on assessment for learning. This National Strategies flow chart illustrates the importance of assessment in identifying pupils and determining and evaluating the impact of curricular targets and provision on their progress. Schools use a variety of assessment data to identify which pupils are not making sufficient progress based on their age and prior attainment. Accurate assessment is a vital component in developing an understanding of how pupils are progressing and in planning teaching and learning. Reflections…….( see notes) When considering this cycle it may be useful to ask the following questions with the focus on the inclusion of pupils identified as having SEN / LDD; Is this cycle of practice the remit of all staff in both mainstream, special schools and PRUs? Is this cycle part of the SLT discussions about attainment and progress for all pupils? Is this cycle divorced from the whole broader curriculum and limited to setting targets in IEPs? What criteria are used to inform judgements about whether a pupil is underachieving? For further information about Assessment for Learning go to : AfL primary AfL secondary 34
Using data to inform teaching and learning: Improving subject knowledge DRAFT ePD Let’s have a closer look at how a variety of schools use data to improve subject teaching…………. At XXX school (a secondary special school for pupils with complex needs) ‘staff’ assess progress using National Curriculum levels (and sub-levels) in relation to different attainment targets. They began by tracking progress in core subjects, then moved on to Foundation subjects. This helps teachers to identify patterns in progress across the curriculum. ACADEMIC YEAR 2008-9 SCIENCE SEPTEMBER BASELINE LEVELS SCIENCE END OF YEAR TARGET LEVELS SCIENCE FIRST ASSESSMENT LEVELS SCIENCE SECOND ASSESSMENT LEVELS YEAR 9 SCIENCE COHORT AT1 AT2 AT3 AT4 LEVEL PUPIL A 3a 4b 4c PUPIL B 4a 5c 5b PUPIL C 2a 3c PUPIL D PUPIL E 2b 2c PUPIL F 3b PUPIL G PUPIL H PUPIL I PUPIL J PUPIL K Answers: You may have noticed the following patterns - (We have also provided some brief background information to assist interpretation. This is information that the school would have about individuals) Pupil C remains static across the board, no progress made due to deteriorating behaviour Pupil F shows marked loss in areas assessed due to break-up of family and removal into care Pupil G has made less than expected progress due to prolonged illness and hospilisation Pupils D and I are in the same teaching group and would be expected to have very similar progress but Pupil D is progressing a little more slowly due to his deteriorating Duchenne muscular dystrophy Pupil K seems to have lower target levels than may be expected, especially in Sc1- his autism hampers oral work, dislikes handling things, reluctant to discuss and give explanations/reasons, finds the abstract difficult In general, Sc 3 seems to be emerging as an aspect of the curriculum that requires further investigation and perhaps attention within the school or subject improvement plan. The school’s Head of Science says that if these were real patterns, she would explore the following issues in order to determine what needs to be done: “more difficult concepts? resourcing? teacher expertise?!!” (The explanation marks are because she teaches most of the pupils for Science herself...) Emerging issues can then be addressed through changes to teaching content or subject plans for individuals, classes or departments. What patterns can you see beginning to emerge? What do you suggest the school should do as a result? 35
Filming: 5 schools Mainstream secondary Mainstream primary Special SLD/PMLD Special ASD Special non-maintained BESD
Talking Heads Overview: Sue Hackman Local and national data: Chris Beek Evaluation school performance: Adrian Percival Determining progress: Philippa Stobbs Setting Targets: Tony Mulhearn
Local authorities will receive notification of the publication of the Progression Guidance 2009-10 Booklet in June and will be able to order the booklet on behalf of their schools. The guidance booklet, alongside all the other materials will be available on NSonline by mid July.