Customs Policy ECASBA 2008 Seminar 11 June 2008, Brussels Customs presentation 11 June 2008
Customs presentation 11 June 2008 Structure of the presentation: Current Issues “Security Amendment” Modernised Customs Code Strategy for the evolution of the Customs Union Customs presentation 11 June 2008
Customs presentation 11 June 2008 Security amendment Legal provisions: Regulation 648/05 (1) Authorised Economic Operators (AEO) Common risk management framework/Customs controls (common risk profiles, MS exchange risk information) Electronic pre-arrival declarations (Entry Summary Declarations, ENS) for goods entering the EU ICS Electronic pre-departure declarations (Exit Summary Declarations, EXS) for goods leaving the EU ECS Customs declarations including safety and security data ECS (Export), NCTS (Transit), MS system (Import) Customs presentation 11 June 2008
Customs presentation 11 June 2008 Legal provisions: Regulation 648/05 (3) Responsibility for providing the ENS/EXS: Reg. 648/05, Art. 36b 3 and 4 The person who brings the goods or who assumes responsibility for the carriage of the goods into the customs territory of the Community. Or ‘with his knowledge and consent’ (agreed interpretation): the person who acts in his name, or any person who is able to present the goods in question or to have them presented to the competent customs authority, or a representative Customs presentation 11 June 2008
Legal provisions: Regulation 1875/06 (Amendment to the CC implementing provisions) Implementing provisions for Reg. 648/05 (e.g. time limits) Includes Annex 30A (data requirement for ENS and EXS); Relevant for maritime transportation: Explanatory notes Table 1 (default data set) Table 5 (AEO reduced dataset) New table 6 to be introduced for ‘diversion request’ Is about to be amended: Fine tuned to reflect the agreed specifications Target date for final text: mid 08 Customs presentation 11 June 2008
Entry Summary Declaration Customs presentation 11 June 2008 Entry core processes: Step 1 Step 2 only if needed! Step 3 Step 4 Entry Summary Declaration Diversion request Arrival notification Presentation of goods Covered by functional specs ICS phase 1 To be defined and implemented by MS Reg. 1875/06, Art 181b Art 183e (new) Art 184g (new) Art 186 (1) (temp. storage) Prior to arrival, according to following slides When diversion is confirmed, prior to arrival Upon arrival Unloading of goods For all the goods on the vessel, including FROB for third countries (one or multiple ENS) For the vessel (for parts of the cargo if MRN /MRN item number of the ENS is provided) For the goods to be unloaded Added: Step 2 Diversion request, if needed Customs presentation 11 June 2008
Modernised Customs Code Regulation 450/2008 – OJ L 145, 4.6.2008 Implementation – 24.6.2013 IPs under construction… 15 May 2008 Electronic Customs Group
Strategy for the evolution of the Customs Union Commission Communication COM(2008)169 ECOFIN Resolution of 14.5.2008 Resolution of the EP expected to be voted on 17.6.2008 15 May 2008 Electronic Customs Group
Thank you for your attention Customs presentation 11 June 2008 Changed last bullet: should be avoided Customs presentation 11 June 2008