In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System Longterm Observations for Climate Change and Air Quality from a Fleet of Passenger Aircraft 16 Partners.


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Presentation transcript:

In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System Longterm Observations for Climate Change and Air Quality from a Fleet of Passenger Aircraft 16 Partners Scientific institutions (D, F, UK) Aviation industry and aerospace Meteorological services Funding Agencies Users Scientific community Validation of models and satellite data GMES-Atmospheric Service Aviation

In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System Coordinator: ICG-2: Troposphere Research Centre Juelich The Aim of IAGOS Build a long-lasting infrastructure for monitoring the atmosphere from 20 in-service aircraft on a global scale. Provide high-quality information for monitoring of climate change and global air quality, including the impact of aviation. –Ozone, H 2 O, CO, NOx, NOy, CO 2, aerosol, cloud particles Specific goals: –Instrument Development –Aeronautic Certification –Data transfer, database, quality assurance –Partnerships with airlines and research institutes –Funding for longterm operation –Serve as a cluster for international cooperation

H 2 O, O 3 H 2 O, O 3, CO, NO y H 2 O, O 3, CO, CO 2 NO y, NO x, aerosol, cloud particles MOZAIC publications MOZAIC IAGOS CARIBIC From Research to Sustainability

In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System Coordinator: ICG-2: Troposphere Research Centre Juelich Justification for IAGOS The Value of Regular Aircraft Data Higher resolution than satellites (UTLS) Tropospheric profiles of CO, CO2, NOx, aerosol,.. Same instruments used for global measurements (QA/QC) Scientific Issues Ozone and water trend in the Tropopause region Ice supersaturation (persistent contrails, clouds) Air Quality (profiles of CO, NOx, aerosol) NOx budget (impact of aircraft) Climate change (CO2 profiles, aerosol) Validation of Satellite Products and Models

In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System Coordinator: ICG-2: Troposphere Research Centre Juelich Towards IAGOS Basic idea developed in 1980s –Global experiments with French research aircraft (STRATOZ/TROPOZ) Three succesful research projects (MOZAIC) –5 Airbus A340 with automatic instruments for O 3 & H 2 O, later also CO & NO y –Data from ca longhaul flights –Demonstration of feasibility (no interference with airlines‘ operation) –Sustainable partnership (CNRS, MF, FZJ, UCAM, Airbus, Airlines, i.e., DLH) Open for new partners (UMAN, DLR, BA, MPI-Jena,..) –Open data policy => growing record of publications

In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System Coordinator: ICG-2: Troposphere Research Centre Juelich IAGOS will form a cornerstone of IGACO/GEOSS and GMES Variables (priority 1) Air Quality Oxida-tion Capacity Cli- mate Strat. O 3 Depletion O3O3 CO UV-A, UV-B H2OH2O HCHO C2H6C2H6 NO x, HNO 3 SO 2 halocarbons aerosol opt. properties CO 2 CH 4 Variables defined by IGACO IAGOS

World Integrated Data Archive System: Includes WOUDC Reanalysis Assimilation of Real-Time Data by Forecast Models GAW Calibration & Quality Assurance Data Uses / Applications 1. Public UV Warnings 2. Public Ozone Bulletins 3. Research 4. Scientific Assessments 5. Forecasts of Ozone Depletion 6. Improved Weather Forecast Aircraft: GAW & IAGOS Surface-based: GAW WMO Space Programme WMO Real-Time Data Distribution: Weather Information System (WIS) The IGACO Concept Global Products

In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System Coordinator: ICG-2: Troposphere Research Centre Juelich Routine Aircraft Projects

In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System Coordinator: ICG-2: Troposphere Research Centre Juelich Water Vapour (MOZAIC) Most important GHG (2/3 of warming due to water feedback) Control of relative humidity in the upper troposphere ? Global distribution highly variable (Ice supersaturation) Influence on radiation (directly and via cloud formation) Formation of Persistent Contrails (flight management)

In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System Coordinator: ICG-2: Troposphere Research Centre Juelich Information on cloud needed => Backscatter Cloud Probe (BCP) Important for contrail & cirrus cloud formation and radiative balance Flight management !!! Interaction with cloud ?

In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System Coordinator: ICG-2: Troposphere Research Centre Juelich winter (DJF) NOy in the Upper Troposphere (MOZAIC) summer (JJA) No significant enhancement in flight corridor during winter < 0.5 ppb NOy Enhanced NOy over USA and Europe in summer is due to convective transport and lightning Up to 3 ppb NOy (average!)

In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System Coordinator: ICG-2: Troposphere Research Centre Juelich NOy Anomalies Over Eastern US High NOy anomalies in the UT over the Western North Atlantic during summer and spring mainly due to lightning? PBL

In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System Coordinator: ICG-2: Troposphere Research Centre Juelich NOy MOZAIC NOy Upper Troposphere Summer 2003 MOZART-3 NOy above 610 hPa MOZART-3 NOy Surface (977 hPa) Models have difficulties to lift surface emissions into the UTLS. => Wrong predictions ?

In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System Coordinator: ICG-2: Troposphere Research Centre Juelich Aerosol

In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System Coordinator: ICG-2: Troposphere Research Centre Juelich Particle Distributions NH SH Global distribution highly variable, life cycles not well known Role of long range transport for regional levels (CO as tracer) Influence on radiation highly uncertain

In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System Coordinator: ICG-2: Troposphere Research Centre Juelich Challenges for CO 2 Surface fluxes of CO 2 on regional scales (Kyoto monitoring) are inferred from a network of ground based measurement stations using atmospheric transport models. These models have a large uncertainty in vertical transport (PBL depth, convective fluxes) Vertical profile information compensates to a large extent for the uncertainty in vertical transport CO 2 information from future satellite instruments (GOSAT) needs validation Routine profile measurements of CO 2 provide the link between remote sensing from satellites and the ground based network by sharing the same calibration scale.

In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System Coordinator: ICG-2: Troposphere Research Centre Juelich The Value IPCC has emphasised the need for measurement programmes MOZAIC data have been used by researchers world wide for studies of –Climate change, air pollution, model evaluation, satellite evaluation, impact of aircraft –>100 Publications More than 20 world-leading scientists have expressed the need for longterm continuation and expansion of routine aircraft measurements

In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System Coordinator: ICG-2: Troposphere Research Centre Juelich Support for IAGOS Organisations:WMO, SPARC, AERONET, NERC, IPCC Met. Services:ECMWF, KNMI, Meteo France, Met. Service Canada, NOAA Res. Institutes:MPI Hamburg, MPI Mainz, NCAR, DLR, CNRS, JRC Ispra, Universities of Kwazulu-Natal, Harvard, Albany, Irvine, Cologne, ETH Zürich, National Taiwan University Airlines:DLH, BA, AUA, Iberia, China Airlines, observational program anywhere in the world which would provide data of similar quality, quantity, spatial resolution and coverage (CNRS, NCAR, DLR, KNMI, DLR)...defines the three-dimensional spatial structure on temporal scales from diurnal to interannual (NOAA)...provides the observational basis for a fundamental improvement of the three- dimensional global model transport characteristics (KNMI)...important for research in the UT/LS region and an essential component of IGOS (SPARC, Meteo France, Uni Köln, University at Albany, DLR)

In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System Coordinator: ICG-2: Troposphere Research Centre Juelich Routine Aircraft Projects (from IGACO report, 2004)

In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System Coordinator: ICG-2: Troposphere Research Centre Juelich IAGOS-ERI will form one of the cornerstones of IGACO, which is currently implemented under the lead of WMO provide necessary information to GMES centres (vertical profiles of air pollutants) provide realtime data for weather forecasting provide vertical profiles of CO2 for Kyoto monitoring maintain and extend Europe's leading position in quasi-global high resolution in-situ observations

In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System Coordinator: ICG-2: Troposphere Research Centre Juelich Benefits as viewed by GEMS IAGOS provides high resolution vertical profiles (future satellite instruments will provide only 3 independent pieces of information in the troposphere) IAGOS has the potential to provide up to 20 profiles a day over Europe. In data assimilation (for the definition of the initial atmospheric state of a forecast run), vertical profiles provide a much better constraint than surface observations, due to the emissions that occur at the surface and introduce a high variability. Other routine airborne observations are not available