Smartphones for Seniors Apps presentation by WIT Software
Smartphones for Seniors WIT Software Apps presentation WIT Software is developing 4 applications that will bring users autonomy and independence in their daily basis activities. An extra application is also being developed that will allow care providers to manage senior user’s information and monitor their activity. These applications are: Check Phone Balance (S4S Saldo) Activity Register (S4S Ativo) Daily Reminder (S4S Agenda) Medication and measurements reminder and recorder (S4S Saúde) Care providers’ app (S4S Gestor)
Smartphones for Seniors WIT Software Apps presentation Common features S4S applications were designed to provide a similar user experience between the different applications. Applications require users to authenticate, only the first time they enter the app, with a Live ID account. Once the user configures the UI (e.g. font size) for an application, the other S4S applications will automatically assume the same settings. Login formSimilar UI configuration page in all apps
Smartphones for Seniors WIT Software Apps presentation Check Phone Balance (S4S Saldo) The main goal of this application is to allow users to easily check their phone balance. The application automatically detects the mobile operator of the user’s prepaid card. The user just has to press a button to listen to his phone balance. The user can disable the automatic operator detection and specify one. App’s main menu Making the phone call to listen to the phone balance
Smartphones for Seniors WIT Software Apps presentation Check Phone Balance (S4S Saldo) Future developments The application is already fully functional. However, the list of supported mobile operators cannot be updated without updating the application itself. This list will be made available in the Web Services supporting the project so that this information can be periodically updated. The list of supported mobile operators will be automatically updated, through a Web Service
Smartphones for Seniors WIT Software Apps presentation Activity Register (S4S Ativo) Activity Register is an application that monitors and collects data about the user’s activity levels. Activity Register main goals are: Allow users to measure their activity levels throughout the day. Keep users motivated and encourage them to be physically active. Allow care providers to monitor the user’s last activity levels and manage their targets. App’s main menu showing the user’s current activity counters, on the bottom
Smartphones for Seniors WIT Software Apps presentation Activity Register (S4S Ativo) The main features of this application are: Measure various user’s activity levels, including: number of walked steps, traveled distance and the user’s activity status (e.g. sedentary, active, very active). Display collected data to user in detailed lists or charts. Users and care providers can set targets the user should achieve regularly, such as daily walking a certain number of steps or walking a specified distance in a monthly basis. Collected data is presented to the user in both detailed and chart views User’s and care providers can specify targets the user should achieve
Smartphones for Seniors WIT Software Apps presentation Activity Register (S4S Ativo) Future developments The features described before are already functional. However, there are other features that are still under development: Allow users to configure personal info, such as height and weight, to accurately calculate the user’s activity status level. Detect user falls and alert care provider through , SMS or phone call. The menu of the fall alert feature showing some configurable options
Smartphones for Seniors WIT Software Apps presentation Daily Reminder (S4S Agenda) This is an application that will provide users calendar features remembering them of important things they have to do. Daily Reminder main goals are: Improve user’s autonomy by triggering alarms that remind the user of important events. Improve user’s social life by providing means of easily inviting friends for events, such as a dinner or cinema session. App’s main menuCreate separate calendars to organize events
Smartphones for Seniors WIT Software Apps presentation Daily Reminder (S4S Agenda) The main features of this application are: Allow user’s to create events and organize them in separate calendars. Trigger an alarm when an event is happening soon. Invite other users for events, such as a family dinner. Search events by name, date or category. View pending invitations from other friends Accept or reject an invitation sending a custom message
Smartphones for Seniors WIT Software Apps presentation Daily Reminder (S4S Agenda) Future developments The features in this application are not yet functional, although the user interface is already implemented.
Smartphones for Seniors WIT Software Apps presentation Medication Reminder (S4S Saúde) The medication and measurements reminder and recorder is an application that will help users to prevent from forgetting of taking a medicine or measuring a vital value. Medication Reminder main goals are: Improve user’s autonomy by alerting him of a medicine he has to take or a vital measurement that needs to be performed. Provide history data of vital measurements and allow remote monitoring to care providers. App’s main menu
Smartphones for Seniors WIT Software Apps presentation Medication Reminder (S4S Saúde) The main features of this application are: Allow user’s to register their medication using icons that are visually similar to the real pills. Trigger alarms to take medication or perform vital measurements (e.g. blood pressure or glycaemia). Register the medication intakes (date and hour) to keep track of possible mistakes. Allow care providers to monitor collected data, determining if a medicine was forgotten. View medication to take Register medications using similar colors of the real pills or capsules
Smartphones for Seniors WIT Software Apps presentation Medication Reminder (S4S Saúde) Future developments Most of the features in this application are not yet functional, although the user interface is already implemented and the user’s medication is already being recorded.
Smartphones for Seniors WIT Software Apps presentation Care providers’ app (S4S Gestor) This application collects data shared by other S4S apps the user has installed, and presents it to the care provider responsible for that user. Care providers’ app main goals are: Allow care providers to monitor senior users (e.g. activity status or medication taken). Allow care providers to manage the users’ data (e.g. set activity targets). Note that users have to give permission for a care provider to access their information. App’s main menuThe list of users this care provider is responsible for
Smartphones for Seniors WIT Software Apps presentation Care providers’ app (S4S Gestor) The main features of this application are: Allow care providers to view data collected by the S4S applications the user has installed, such as the user’s last activity status (e.g. walked steps, traveled distance) shared by the Activity Register app. Allow care providers to manage the shared data, such as adding and removing targets from the Activity Register app the user has installed. Manage data from multiple users. View types of information collected for a specific user View user’s current activity targets and pending targets
Smartphones for Seniors WIT Software Apps presentation Care providers’ app (S4S Gestor) Future developments The application is already fully functional. For integrating with other S4S applications, this app uses a share model and command structures specified in JSON. This allows future apps to use this integration interface to exchange data and management instructions with the care providers’ app with no need of further developments.