Unit 1 – Improving Productivity Jake Carey
1.1Why did you use a computer? What other systems / resources could you have used? I used a computer to finish my presentation which finished of well. I used it because computer has a lot of resources that helped make my presentation look good. I did not use publisher because it wasn’t suitable for the project I was doing that’s why PowerPoint was good for my whole presentation. I didn’t use word because it wasn’t good for what I was wanting to do. On the other hand using paper wasn’t a good option to choose because you cant add images, hyperlinks, tables and videos to posters.
1.2What skills did you need to learn in order to use PowerPoint? The skills I needed to learn to make a PowerPoint for the school was to know how to insert a video onto my presentation, add tables, hyperlink and also add images to my work(presentation). I needed to know how to do this because without these my presentation would be boring without all these and people would get bored looking at stuff they are not interested in so my PowerPoint skills paid of to make it interesting for the audience.
1.3What resources did you need to make the presentation successful? The resources I needed to make the presentation successful was a computer I also needed to have the appropriate software to create a presentation in. despite all this I also needed to have pictures, sound, videos, graph, and excel. We needed a camera to take pictures to put onto my presentation as we needed pictures of students, staff and also pictures of the school building.
1.4What factors might have affected how well you completed the presentation? (e.g. time / attendance / knowledge of software) Factors that affected me and my presentation from being completed was having time off from completing my presentation as it affected me because having a time period was hard. If I had time of it would affect the time I had left to complete the presentation. Also it would of affected me by not knowing how to use different software's to complete my work. Desktop publisher software I may have used in sharing information about the school because it allows you to make posters and leaflets which isn’t good for my sort of presentation.
1.6Why did you use PowerPoint to make your presentation? What other software was available? Why did you choose not to use them? I used PowerPoint to create my presentation because PowerPoint was the most suitable for this presentation. I could have used different software's to make my presentation but PowerPoint was most appropriate to use. I didn’t use publisher as I didn’t want to create a poster/leaflet as poster or leaflet wouldn’t have suited what I wanted to try and achieve.
1.7Were there any legal constraints or local constraints that changed the way you created your presentation? (e.g. copyright, file sizes) I had to check if I were able to use the pictures as copyright, also I had to check the video sizes to see if I was able to place on the presentation. I had to double check when getting pictures for my presentation from google to see if I was able to copy them onto my presentation, also I had to make sure that the videos, pictures, files were a big enough size to place on my PowerPoint.
2.2Which tools within PowerPoint made it appropriate for your presentation? I used images on the presentation, I also used animation because its entertaining and draws the audience in. Also video was good for my presentation because it shows the audience all they need to know about the school. Tools within PowerPoint are appropriate for this presentation because the PowerPoint needed to have images and videos to make it better so PowerPoint was the best software to use for my work. If I was to do a poster there would just be writing on there which will make it boring.
2.4What improvements do you think you could do to your presentation? Improvements I could use to improve my PowerPoint is adding more pictures, more info about the school. I also could improve my presentation by making my slides have more info because at the moment my presentation doesn’t have enough info to explain to people all about the school. I also need to add more pictures and web addresses to my work so people can click the web addresses to check out where I got all my accessories from in order to make my PowerPoint good enough for the target audience.
3.2What improvements do you think you could have done to improve your work rate? Improvements I could have done to improve work rate is to not to get distracted and to focus on my presentation every lesson to get the best work done. also I could of used time at home to improve my presentation in order to make it the best result. Therefore I could of done a lot more work at home in order to make my presentation the best it could be. I could of attended after school sessions to help out my presentation.