Concept of Operations Governance - Registry Good to share the steps and some of the practicalities of the SWIM Master Class to clarify them a bit better and allow participants to raise questions. Our objective is : to create SWIM Awareness to accellarate the uptake of SWIM as much as possible. The one who should benefit in the first place is yourself. SWIM Master Class Initiation Day Stéphane DUBET DSNA / SIA
THE SYSTEM WIDE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT for Air Traffic Management The Vision THE SYSTEM WIDE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT The Intranet for Air Traffic Management Right information, right time, right place Vous allez recevoir d’ici quelques minutes, devant vos proches que je remercie d’être venus aussi nombreux, votre diplôme d’ingénieur du contrôle de la navigation aérienne. Ce diplôme traduit votre réussite à la formation initiale de 3 ans dispensée par l’ENAC en alternance avec les unités opérationnelles de la Direction des Services de la Navigation Aérienne. Cette cérémonie me donne aussi l’occasion de remercier l’ensemble des personnes de l’ENAC et des organismes de la DSNA qui ont contribué à cette réussite. 2
The Principles SOA Net-centric System to System
The Definition “SWIM consists of standards, infrastructure and governance enabling the management of ATM information and its exchange between qualified parties via interoperable services”
Technical infrastructure The Work Program Towards SWIM Reference Models Transverse aspects Governance Compliance IM functions Information Services AIRM ISRM Technical infrastructure
Service Models Development Information Models Development Work in Progress Service Models Development Information Models Development SWIM Governance SWIM Design Middleware, Security AIXM WXXM FIXM
Governance Governance « Consistent management, cohesive policies, guidance, processes and decision rights for a given area of responsibility » Application to SWIM standards, policies, compliance, oversight, financial aspects
Compliance Compliance aims to demonstrate that the specified requirements relating to the activities (projects), services and service instances are fulfilled Benefits Confidence in services, level playing field Criteria Service design and properties, data quality, modelling, etc.
Infrastructure (standards) Governance (SLA) Master Class Compliance check Data (AIRM) Service (ISRM) Infrastructure (standards) Governance (SLA)
Not providing information Transition to the registry Looking through the SWIM Cloud Not providing information but providing means to obtain information Good to share the steps and some of the practicalities of the SWIM Master Class to clarify them a bit better and allow participants to raise questions. Our objective is : to create SWIM Awareness to accellarate the uptake of SWIM as much as possible. The one who should benefit in the first place is yourself.