Integrated Shipping Services EU 24 Hour Transmission
“For legal reasons this information can only be given to the best of our knowledge and is non-binding.”
24 Hour Transmission The process started in the United States after 9/11. The 24 Hour transmission is for security reasons only and has nothing to do with Customs or Cargo declarations Currently USA / Canada / China and Mexico require the 24 Hour transmission.
EU Countries
EU Regulation On January 1st 2011 the EU will implement their own version of the 24 Hour advance manifest, similar to that of the US / Canadian Customs. ENS - Entry Summary Declaration This new regulation will require all the carriers to provide the EU Customs with their manifest at least 24 hours prior to the vessel's loading The only exception is what the EU defined as Short Sea Locations with short transmit time to first port of entry). –Short Sea will send their manifest 2 hours prior to the vessel’s arrival at the First EU port. –All ports on the Mediterranean sea have been defined as short sea ports.
Type of Transmissions ENS – Entry Summary Declaration Arrival Notice (Vessel Notification) – 2 hours prior to arrival with list of containers Diversion – when the vessel changes the intended route ENS Amendment – any change to the data which was sent in the original ENS Transmission in English – carriers decided Each Partner transmits their own manifest (optional).
Which Cargo Needs to Be Transmitted? Direct Import to the EU countries Discharged in an EU port for transit by rail or truck to a non-EU destination Transshipped in an EU port for loading on to another vessel for carriage to a non-EU destination FROB (Freight Remaining on Board the vessel) during ports of call in the EU with a destination outside the EU.
Data Elements Shipper (EORI number where available) Consignee (EORI number where available) Notify Party (mandatory for “To Order” B/L) 4 digit HS code, but 6 digit HS Code is recommended Code for the type of packages Number of packages Shipping marks for packaged goods (not necessary for containerized goods) Container number Seal number Gross mass (in kilograms) UN code for dangerous goods Transport charges method of payment code (e.g. payment in cash, payment by credit card, payment by check, electronic credit transfer, account holder with carrier, not pre-paid).
Received Messages from the Customs Each transmission receives a MRN number which in some of the countries will take part in the import process. DNL messages sent to the carrier in order to hold the cargo until further clarifications have been made. Cargo can not be loaded until the Hold has been removed by the Specific Customs Authority which lodged the Hold. 3 ways that the Customs can control the import to the EU: Do Not Load (Deep sea container only) Controls at first port of entry Controls at scheduled port of discharge.
Violations and Consequences Each Customs Authority can impose penalties for the following: No ENS - cargo was loaded but there was no 24H transmission Inaccurate ENS – discrepancies between manifested data and actual shipment data. Amendments of ENS data without receiving authorization from the relevant Customs authority. – There are countries where even the approved amendment will still be fined. Filing deadline not met Possible Consequences Fines Not allow vessel to call at EU ports Cargo can be discharged at first port of entry (or any port which the Customs decide) for inspection on Merchants account Cargo can be delayed at scheduled POD for inspection.