BOARD OF EDUCATION Finance Presentation Thursday, February 9, 2012
Agenda Budget Amendment Budget Discussion Summary 2
2011/2012 Budget Amendment - Revenue Decrease in projected property tax revenue. Increase assumption of prior year adjustment from state aid. Federal grant revenue increased to reflect approved grant awards. Increase Tuition revenue charged for non-resident Special Education students to reflect amount collected to date. Increase in state foundation allowance to account for greater than anticipated student count. Total amendment increases revenues by $439,220 3
2011/2012 Budget Amendment - Expenditures Wages and fringe benefits adjusted to better reflect current staffing levels. Federal grant expenditures were increased to reflect approved grant awards. Increase in tax abatement line item as we have spent 95% of our budget to date. Transfer $1,750,000 to Property Maintenance Fund Total amendment increases expensed by $1,927,709 4
2011/2012 Revenues 5
2011/2012 Expenses 6
2011/2012 Fund Balance Fund Balance assumes 100% use of carryover money. Carryover added as expense with Budget Amendment #1 in the amount of $2,188,683 7
Budget - History 8
2011/2012 Budget Amendment Summary 9
2012/13 Budget Development Budget Timeline Significant Impact Items Negative Positive Fund Balance 10
2012/13 Budget Timeline 11
Significant Impact Items Foundation Allowance Enrollment Retirement Rate Kindergarten ARRA Edu-Jobs Best Practice Money MPSERS Categorical Compliance Costs Collective Bargaining Facility Needs 12
Generated for each student and accounts for over 83% of all revenue Comprised of three components 1.Non-Homestead Millage 2.Hold Harmless Millage 3.State of Michigan 13
Enrollment Projections Projected student head count (Sept. – Sept.) increase/ (decrease) is a follows: Projected student blended count increase (decrease)is as follows: 10/90 Blended Count 10% previous February Count 90% of current September Count 14
Blended Count History and Projections 15
Declining Enrollment Impact 16
Retirement Rate Increases Note: * Rate for Pension Employees hired prior to July 1, 2010 ** Rate for Pension Plus Employees hired after July 1, Both rates will be adjusted down by 3 percentage points if the injunction in McMillan et al. v. MPSERS et al. preventing the use of the 3% employee contribution is lifted. 17
Retirement Rate Impact Assuming Wages stay the same, the retirement rate increase for 2012/2013 will cost an additional $780,000 18
2012/ 13 Kindergarten Programming Beginning school year, Kindergarten will be funded with a full foundation allowance for a full day program and ½ the foundation allowance for a ½ day program. The decision to move to a full day Kindergarten program will cost an additional $650,000 Maintaining the currently Kindergarten program would result in a loss of $1,227,000 of revenue. 19
Elimination of One Time Money 20
Summary of Significant Impact Items 21
Other Impact Items – Unknown Costs Compliance Costs P.D, Software, Evaluation, etc… Contract Expiration/Collective Bargaining Unclassified Employees ROEA – Teachers ROESA – Support Personnel Facility Needs 2011 Facility Assessment identified $20 million worth of projects 22
Facility Needs Facility assessment estimated the cost of the many building as site needs: The District has no funding source to address the identified building and site projects. 23
Facility Needs 24 Funding Options 1. Sinking Fund Millage Voter approval required Legally can levy up to 5 mills for 20 years Royal Oak Schools would only seek no greater than 1 mill for 10 years. Provides stream of tax revenue with no interest costs Used for major building renovations and repairs 2. Property Sales Market dependent Finite source
Facility Needs 25 Funding Options 3.Bond Issue Voter approval required Provides a one-time influx of funding Interest costs are incurred Used for major building renovations and repairs Millage levied to pay principal and interest 4.Find Funding Within General Fund Budget No millage election Deeper program cuts must happen to free up funding Will be insufficient to address needs
The Flip Side – Positive Impact Items 26 * Savings is subject to legal interpretation of PA 152 of 2011
Positive Speculation* 27 * Based on comments from Lansing suggesting no additional cuts to K-12 education will occur for fiscal year
Fund Equity Importance Cash Flow Prevents borrowing Interest revenue Emergencies Target Goal Auditor’s recommendation of 15% Board of Education established target of 15% Appropriate Use One-time money Designated for specific purposes Not for on-going expenditures 28
Summary Scenario – A* 29 * Does not include Positive Speculation amount. ** Assuming $53 million in revenue, fund balance would be 9.8%
Summary Scenario – B* 30 * Includes Positive Speculation amount. ** Assuming $53 million in revenue, fund balance would be 16.6%
Possible Action Steps Initiate Process to Develop Significant Expenditure Reductions for Continue to look at line items savings, but do not develop potential significant expenditure reductions Decide to use a defined amount of fund equity to address most critical capital need(s) Other 31