Slide: 1 WCRP, JSC-31, Antalya, Turkey, Feb 2010 Ivan Petiteville (ESA, CEOS) ESA and CEOS Contributions to Climate Research Agenda Item 7
Slide: 2 CEOS SIT-24 |Darmstadt, Germany | 9-11 September 2009 Space Agencies’ Support to Climate Research ESA and CEOS space agencies mainly involved in: Observations of the Earth, Provision of EO products derived from those observations Support Climate and Earth System research by providing the data measurements and data products (up to geophysical parameters) for various usages: Research, Operational organizations like Met offices, Support to Decision Making,…
Slide: 3 CEOS SIT-24 |Darmstadt, Germany | 9-11 September 2009 Provision of EO data (from K. Trenberth: Observational needs for climate prediction and adaptation, WMO Bulletin 57(1), January 2008) Earth ExplorersENVISAT/ERS National Missions Meteo Missions (EUMETSAT) GMES Sentinels Data Access
Slide: 4 CEOS SIT-24 |Darmstadt, Germany | 9-11 September 2009 ESA’s Contribution Every day, ESA provides a large amount of EO data for free public access. Instrument data come from various satellite missions and instruments both ESA and Third-Party missions: ENVISAT, ERS, GOCE, SMOS, NOAA & Metop AVHRR, Terra-Aqua Modis, GOSAT, etc … ESA programmes in support to Climate: GMES ( Sentinels missions ) Climate Change Initiative, o Initially, production of 11 ECVs among the set of ECVs requested in the GCOS IP.
Slide: 5 CEOS SIT-24 |Darmstadt, Germany | 9-11 September 2009 ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) - Overview
Slide: 6 CEOS SIT-24 |Darmstadt, Germany | 9-11 September 2009 Two climate action paths CEOS IP for GEOSS in 2007GEOSS 10-year plan in 2005 CEOS response 2006GCOS-107 in 2006GCOS-92 in 2004GCOS-82 in 2003
Slide: 7 CEOS SIT-24 |Darmstadt, Germany | 9-11 September 2009 ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) Re-processing ex archive (e.g. calibration) ECV generation (e.g. validation & bias) ECV assimilation & assessment Education & Awareness Active Feedback Loop Long Term Archiving Programmes Multi-mission infrastructure International Climate Programmes EC & MS R&D Programmes IPCC Process, UNFCCC INPUT FROM OUTPUT TO “Deliver” “Show” “Gather” “Exploit”
Slide: 8 CEOS SIT-24 |Darmstadt, Germany | 9-11 September 2009 CCI Programme Objectives To realize the full potential of the long-term global Earth Observation archives that ESA together with its Member states have established over the last thirty years, as a significant and timely contribution to the ECV databases required by United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Implement all steps necessary for the systematic generation and regular updating of the relevant ECVs, A coherent and continuous suite of actions fully coordinated with on-going international efforts in the climate change community (eg. WCRP, IGBP, SCOPE, etc) Ensure full capital is derived from on-going & planned ESA missions for climate purposes, Focus on 21 ECVs (ESA missions :18 primary, 3 secondary) 6 Years / 75 MEuro
Slide: 9 CEOS SIT-24 |Darmstadt, Germany | 9-11 September 2009 ENVISAT Lifetime and Operations Extension
Slide: 10 CEOS SIT-24 |Darmstadt, Germany | 9-11 September 2009 ESA CCI: Scope & Plans -21 ECVs in scope of ESA CCI -GCOS requirements: 45 ECVs -24 ECVs not addressed by ESA CCI -Operational Meteorology and in-situ-based -Leading contributions by other CEOS Agencies -e.g. EUMESAT, NOAA, JAXA -SCOPE -First CCI activities on 11 ECVs -25 MEuro total over 3 years -ITT Q CCI activity on remaining 10 ECVs in future -Major ESA EO Programme developments on other ECVs -Earth Explorer Missions -Envisat continuity -Sentinel Missions
Slide: 11 CEOS SIT-24 |Darmstadt, Germany | 9-11 September 2009 Satellite-based ECVs Atmosphere Surface ( 0, 0, 6 ) Air Temperature; Precipitation ; Air pressure; Water vapour; Surface radiation budget; Wind Speed & direction; Upper air ( 1, 1, 3 ) Cloud properties, Wind speed & direction Earth radiation budget; Upper-air temperature; Water vapour; Composition ( 3, 0, 0 ) Carbon dioxide Methane & other GHGs; Ozone; Aerosol properties Ocean Surface ( 4, 2, 1 ) Sea-surface Temp; Sea-level; Sea-ice; Ocean colour; Sea state; Sea-surface salinity Carbon dioxide partial pressure Sub-surface ( 0, 0, 7 ) Temperature; Salinity; Current; Nutrients; Carbon; Ocean tracers; Phytoplankton Terrestrial ( 3, 7, 4 ) Glaciers & ice caps; Land Cover; Fire disturbance Fraction of absorbed photo-synthetically active radiation; LAI, Albedo Biomass, Lake levels, Snow cover, Soil moisture Water use, Ground water, River discharge Permafrost and seasonally-frozen ground CCI First Steps (11 ECVs) : Later in CCI (10 ECVs) : Not in CCI (24 ECVs)
Slide: 12 CEOS SIT-24 |Darmstadt, Germany | 9-11 September 2009 First 11 ECVS of ESA CCI Sea Level Sea Surface Temperature Sea Ice Ocean Colour Land Cover Fire Disturbance Glaciers and Ice Caps Cloud Properties Aerosol Properties Ozone Greenhouse Gases (CO2, CH4)
Slide: 13 CEOS SIT-24 |Darmstadt, Germany | 9-11 September 2009 ESA CCI: First Phase First Phase has a duration of 3 years: Definition, Algorithm Development, Prototyping Phase – 25 MEuro All ESA Programmes are implemented via contracts with industry and research organizations in ESA states Contracts are awarded via open competitive tender – CCI ITT to has been issued, deadline end of Jan. 2010, 11 contracts on ECVs to start early 2010 and 1 additional contract interacting with Key Climate Modelling Groups
Slide: 14 CEOS SIT-24 |Darmstadt, Germany | 9-11 September 2009 Main External Partners: CCI: International Coordination CEOS which serves as a focal point for Earth Observation related activities of Space Agencies (e.g NOAA, NASA, JAXA, EUMETSAT). Space Arm of GEO UNFCCC which coordinates the interests and decisions of its Parties on Climate Policy, GCOS which represents the scientific and technical requirements of the Global Climate Observing System on behalf of UNFCCC, Individual Partner Space Agencies with whom ESA cooperates bilaterally (e.g. EUMETSAT) International Climate Research Programmes e.g. WCRP, which represent the collective interests and priorities of the worldwide climate research, EC and National Research Programmes which establish research priorities and provide resources for climate research community within Europe (e.g. DG Research, DG-JRC) GMES Partners: EC DG Enterprise and Industry, user DGs ENV, EEA…
Slide: 15 CEOS SIT-24 |Darmstadt, Germany | 9-11 September 2009 ESA Climate Science Advisory Body WCRP is represented at Climate Science Advisory Body together with representatives from: Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), Joint WMO/IOC Commission for Oceanography Marine Meteorology (JCOMM), Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS) European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) ESA Earth Science Advisory Committee (ESAC) “Climate Science Advisory Body […] provides authoritative advice to the Executive, reflecting the interests and priorities of the worldwide climate research community, with respect to the GCOS requirements and ESA’s response via this programme.”
Slide: 16 CEOS SIT-24 |Darmstadt, Germany | 9-11 September 2009 CEOS’ Contribution (1/3) Coordinated approach implemented in response to the 1st GCOS IP in 2006, through a series of 59 actions. Execution of actions involves both Agency resources and CEOS groups such as WGCV and the CEOS Virtual Constellations. On-going review of new 2010 version of the GCOS IP coordinated response being prepared for the end of 2010.
Slide: 17 CEOS SIT-24 |Darmstadt, Germany | 9-11 September 2009 CEOS’ Contribution (2/3) Specific actions on-going to better coordinate the Climate-related activities like SCOPE-CM, CEOS response to GCOS, etc.. between CEOS, WMO, CGMS, etc … two dedicated meetings in 2010 on the subject with participants from those organizations and other entities. WCRP expectations are considered through the GCOS IP and by involving WCRP in the Space Agencies discussions.
Slide: 18 CEOS SIT-24 |Darmstadt, Germany | 9-11 September 2009 CEOS’ Contribution (3/3) CEOS co-leads two GEO “Climate” Tasks “Key Climate Data from Satellite Systems” (CL b). CEOS is POC “Sustained Reprocessing and Reanalysis of Climate Data” (CL-06-01). POC is WCRP (K.Trenberth) Ensure the development of international mechanisms to coordinate and maintain sustained climate data reprocessing and reanalysis efforts. With regard to the reprocessing of historical datasets (to obtain consistent long-time series of satellite records).
Slide: 19 CEOS SIT-24 |Darmstadt, Germany | 9-11 September 2009 Thank you !!! …. Questions ?