ESEA/NCLB Update 1
If questions arise, please contact the appropriate program coordinator directly. 2
Program Coordinators by Title Chief Academic Officer – Rachelle Tome, , Title IA – Basic Disadvantaged – Janette Kirk, , Title IA – Basic Disadvantaged – Jackie Godbout, , Title IA – Financial Management Analyst – Nancy Lamontagne, , 3
Program Coordinators by Title Title IC – Migrant Education – David Fisk, Title ID – Neglected & Delinquent – Jackie Godbout, , Title I SIG – School Improvement Grants – Travis Doughty, , Title IIA – Improving Teacher Quality – Margaret (Meghan) Southworth, , 4
Program Coordinators by Title Title III – English Language Acquisition – Nancy Mullins, , Title IVB – 21 st Century Community Learning Centers – Travis Doughty, , Title VI – Rural Education – Chelsey Fortin, , Title X – Homeless Education/McKinney Vento – Jacinda Goodwin, , 5
FY 16 Funding by Title Annual changes based on population, poverty and other data Preliminary FY16 allocations for Titles IA, IIA, and III will be posted on Title specific homepages at: 6
NCLB Electronic Paperwork System Performance Report and Application site usually opens late May/early June An notification reminder will be sent to NCLB Coordinators & superintendents $100 is used as a placeholder until final allocations are determined IMPORTANT REMINDER: The Application can be submitted and certified at any time. It is not dependent on the submission and certification of the Performance Report 7
Accessibility for Business Managers Reminder: Business Managers can login to Application and Performance Report with their Federal Reimbursement login and password. They will be given access to a ‘view only’ format of those documents. 8
Request to GEM Help Desk 9
TIMELINE- Due Dates FY14 Carryover Extension Report is June 30, 2015 FY16 Application submission is August 1, 2015 or prior to obligating new year funds FY15 Performance Report is August 1, 2015 or 30 days after summer programming If Title IA carryover exceeds 15% at the close of the FY15 Performance Report, the Title IA Carryover Percentage Certification is October 15, 2015 FY15 End of Year Carryover Report is January 15,
Substantially Approvable Notification There will be two approvals: Substantially approvable notice Final grant award approval notice Notice of Substantial Approval allows a SAU to begin obligating funds. However, the Application is still subject to Final Grant Approval. EDGAR Part 34, Section (no change, remains under EDGAR and not part of uniform guidance) 12
Pre-Award Costs Pre-Award Costs are obligations that occurred prior to substantial approval. If the Application is submitted by August 1 due date and obligations occurred on or after July 1, the SAU can request approval of Pre-award obligations. These pre-award obligations that occurred on or after July 1 include: NCLB Coordinator salaries, contract agreements for professional services, or purchase orders for materials, in preparation for the start of the school year. 13
Pre-Award Costs Please be advised: Applications not submitted in a timely manner will not be eligible for pre-award cost approval Please contact the appropriate program coordinator with specific questions or concerns 14
Federal Reimbursement System We will continue random selection parameters to identify when a SAU will be required to submit backup documentation prior to reimbursement. The program coordinator may request additional documentation as necessary to substantiate allowability of costs. SAUs that do not request reimbursement in a timely manner could be subject to selection for additional compliance review. 15
Use of Funds Supplement Not Supplant Federal funds must supplement, not supplant services, staff, programs or materials that would otherwise be paid with state or local funds (and in some cases, other federal funds). 16
Use of Funds In making a supplement not supplant determination, ask yourself the following questions: 1.What would you do if you did not have this money? 2.What services, staff, program are you required to provide by other federal, state and local laws of regulations? 3.Was the service, staff, program previously provided with state, local and/or federal funds? 4.Are federal resources providing a benefit to all students? – note: possible exceptions 17
Use of Funds Rebuttal to Assumption of Supplanting To rebut presumption, present this evidence: 1.Fiscal or programmatic documentation to confirm that in the absence of federal funds staff/services in questions would have been eliminated; 2.State or local legislative action; and 3.Budget histories and information. 18
Use of Funds Areas of Concern (including but not limited to …) Food (use of federal grant funds when hosting conferences and meetings) – only with written pre-approval from program coordinator Incentives-Prizes: Minimal—stickers, pens, pencils, books Pre-paid cards – unallowable Entertainment – Pure entertainment, unallowable Maine DOE Federal Grant Fiscal Guidance available at: 19
Funds Used for Administrative Positions At this time, indirect costs related to SAU administrative positions are not allowed. Incurred for the common purpose of more than one grant or the organization as a whole Not readily identifiable with the activities of the grant without overdue burden through monthly Time & Effort Certification General SAU administrative staff considered indirect usually include: Executive Officers, accounting, procurement, data processing, human resources, and business/central office staff. 20
Funds Used for Administrative Positions Direct costs that can be identified with a particular cost objective and chargeable to a grant include: Compensation of employees for direct administrative program responsibilities for which the time devoted can be specifically identified to the program Time & Effort must be available for the expense to be allowable; and The administrative program person must be identified and approved in the Grant Application 21
Examples of Direct vs. Indirect Costs A general way to determine whether employees are direct or indirect costs is to ask this question: “If the program funding did not exist, would the position exist?” If no, then it would appear to be direct. If yes, then it would appear to be indirect. Contact a Maine DOE Federal Program Coordinator if you have any questions or concerns. 22
NCLB Monitoring SAUs to be monitored in 2015/2016 at Initial notification letter will be mailed early June, 2015 and contain the on-site visit date should one be necessary Updated monitoring documents and PowerPoint will be posted by August 15, 2015 All responses and document submissions, due October 30, 2015, will be based on the school year 23
Equitable Services Non-Public Schools Eligibility Public School responsibilities Non-Public School responsibilities Services IA, IIA, III Consultation Affirmation Non-responsive process 24
NCLB Program Coordinator Project Previously NCLB Administrative Project Intent to support a NCLB Program Coordinator Tasks could include but are not limited to: Compliance with Title I & Title IIA requirements Responsibility to ensure timely completion and submission of all NCLB paperwork & reports Oversight and monitoring of NLCB project implementation & budgets Collating of Title I and Professional Development data 25
Title IA Application Updates & Reminders Assurances, Needs Assessment & Planning Page: Item I--Requires an improvement plan if any school in the SAU did not meet the requirement to have 95% participation of its students in the State Assessment Describe steps to be taken to educate parents within the SAU/school encouraging student participation and to address opt out requests. If applicable, describe the SAU’s opt out process Copy of parent authorization opting student out of testing 26
Title IA Application Updates & Reminders If participation rate is less than 75% for the whole school, documentation of letters, mailings, information provided to parents and data related to the reasons for the “opt-out” will be requested. Not meeting the 95% requirement again in future years could include incremental penalties against the SAU’s federal Title IA funds. 27
Ranking of Schools & Distribution of Funds (R&D) Page New Community Eligibility Provision(CEP) Column The program exists under the School Nutrition Program-Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 Offers free breakfast and lunch for all students If a school participates in the CEP, place a Y in the CEP column. The Low-Income Count column for a CEP school could be its CEP count plus its 1.6 multiplier if Free & Reduced lunch counts are used for non- CEP schools. 28
ESEA Accountability Setaside Project Sheet Each PRIORITY, FOCUS, and MONITOR school will have its own ESEA Accountability Project Sheet. The SAU may use up to 20% of its total Title I allocation for ESEA Accountability Projects. The SAU determines its Title I program and fiscal priorities and allocates funds appropriately. At this time, the current school status will remain for the school year. 29
ESEA Accountability Setaside Project Sheet-MONITOR Schools SAUs with Monitor Schools MUST complete the purpose, project description and outcomes to reflect steps the district is taking in order to achieve Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs). SAUs MAY allocate Title IA funds to the monitor project to support professional development activities as outlined in its accountability project. MONITOR school projects are not eligible for matching funds. 30
ESEA Accountability Setaside Project Sheet- FOCUS/PRIORITY Schools SAUs with FOCUS/PRIORITY Schools: District to complete a summary of the purpose, project description and outcomes as outlined in the school improvement plan in DirigoStar. Ensures alignment between DirigoStar and NCLB Consolidated application Priorities and indicators outlined in Dirigostar are supported by the projects contained in the NCLB application. 31
ESEA Accountability Setaside Project Sheet- FOCUS/PRIORITY Schools Priority and Focus School Projects are eligible for matching program improvement funds Up to 20% of Title I allocation $100,000 maximum for match The Title I funding amount contained in project budget determines the amount of matched program improvement funds. Title I ESEA Accountability Project funds must be expended prior to spending the additional matching program improvement funds 32
Homeless Project Regular Homeless project to provide Title I services in non-Title I schools to identified homeless students as needed must be completed by all SAUs. A separate Homeless Liaison and Transportation project sheet must be used if Title I funds will be used to pay for a homeless liaison or transportation expenses. A webinar is posted on the Title IA Resource page: Or by using the following URL: ontent=true&pbMode=normal 33
Title Updates Title IC Migrant Education 34 Migrant Education is operated at the SEA level with Migrant Ed educators and recruiters hired by the Maine DOE and contractors. School districts work with the SEA to identify students who could qualify for Migrant services through the Migrant Education school survey (pictured right). All new enrollees to the school district should fill out the survey, which can be included in the “New Student Packet” whenever a new student enrolls in the school district.
Title Updates Title IIA Improving Teacher Quality Annual HQT Reporting – was due to MEDMS March 31 st. Not too late to submit for this year Failure to submit may result in delay of Application approval for FY16 35
Title Updates Title IIA A note about Time and Effort Certification: SAUs eligible for REAP flex capability … When Title IIA funds are REAP flexed to Title V and used to pay salary and/or stipends, Time &Effort Certification should list Title IIA as the funding source. Not Title V. 36
Title III Allocations Preliminary amounts indicate approximately $130 per English learner. In order to receive Title III funds, a School Administrative Unit (SAU) must have at least 20 English learners. To meet the federal $10,000 minimum grant requirement amount, if a SAU has fewer than 80 English learners, the SAU would have to join a consortium. 37
Title Updates Title VI Rural Education Note that although Title VI allocations are not made available until later in the fall, Substantial Approval will follow the same protocols as the NCLB Consolidated Application, including Pre- Award costs 38
Title Updates Title X McKinney Vento Homeless Liaison trainings occur in the Fall. Those who have not participated in a training for at least two years are strongly encouraged to attend. Ensure current contact information for McKinney- Vento Homeless Liaisons is provided to Jacinda Goodwin, State Coordinator at: 39
Title IA Performance Report No automatic 15% excess carryover waiver for funds If the SAU’s carryover exceeds 15% upon closeout of the Performance Report, the SAU has until September 30, 2015 to obligate the excess funds to reduce the carryover. The Title IA Carryover Percentage Certification Report must be completed by October 15, 2015 to calculate the statutory carryover based on expenses and obligations through September 30,
Web Resources NCLB Home Page: Federal Grant Management Handbook: grantmanagement.pdf grantmanagement.pdf NCLB Grant Application website: 42
43 Contact Title specific program coordinators with any additional questions.