1 Preservation Parcels Investigation Report to the Board of County Commissioners September 19, :30 PM
2 Preservation Parcels Investigation per County Commission Direction The Board of County Commissioners in early Feb 2005 directed staff to bring back a proposal to comprehensively address all privately owned land designated as Preservation on the Future Land Use Map. Follow-up discussion included investigating creation of new land use category that might apply to some of the private parcels incorrectly mapped as Preservation, but may warrant a higher level of Future Land Use protection than other land use designations provide.
3 Recommendations Parcels not under public or non-profit ownership should be corrected to Rural/Agriculture on FLU Map; new land use category not required. Parcels zoned Conservation (C-1) should continue to be zoned “C-1”. With the exception of one area in Chacala Pond Strategic Ecosystem, all parcels zoned Agriculture (A) should continue to be zoned “A”; work with Chacala Pond owners on appropriate zoning and/or other protection strategies.
4 Comprehensive Plan Framework for Natural Resource Protection Preservation Areas Land Use Category Publicly owned* lands intended for use as natural reserves or managed conservation lands Management plan for preservation area by responsible public/non-profit agency Subject to applicable Conservation Policies * or non-profit
5 Conservation Areas/Designations Apply regardless of Land Use Category Specific resources are protected through standards and processes based on site specific evaluation Protected conservation areas include: wetlands, surface waters, 100-yr floodplain, strategic ecosystems, listed species habitat, and significant geological features
6 Conservation (C-1) Zoning District Used for properties which have natural limitations to development because of their sensitive environmental character. Development permitted consistent with the land use designation and in accordance with natural and historic resources protections in Chapter 406, Land Development Code Allows Single family residence with minimum lot area 10 acres, subject to specified performance standards and development plan approval by Development Review Committee. Building impact area including footprint of house and other impervious areas not to exceed one acre; sited for least adverse impact to natural systems.
7 Summary of Investigation Staff investigated over 450 parcels having either public ownership or a “Preservation” land use. Most found to be publicly owned or have an easement for conservation purpose, and confirmed as Preservation. Some conflicting or unclear ownership found for 15 parcels. 48 privately owned parcels incorrectly mapped as Preservation.
8 Summary of Investigation 48 Parcels Incorrectly Mapped Existing Land Use Zoning Natural Resources
9 Preservation Investigation Locations
10 Lochloosa Wildlife Conservation Area – Area 1 Conservation LandsZoningWetlands & Floodplain Recommendation: Correct Preservation to Rural/Agriculture on FLU Map. Maintain “A” Zoning.
11 48 Parcels Not Publicly Owned: Characteristics 42 parcels in subdivided areas – 22 are developed e.g. residences, 1 cemetery, 2 misc. – 20 vacant 6 parcels outside subdivided areas – 5 vacant, 1 misc.
12 44 Parcels Less than 20 acres- Uses 27 parcels less than 5 acres, – 12 residences, 13 vacant, 1 cemetery, 1 misc. 11 parcels > 5 acres, less than 10, – 5 residences, 5 vacant, I misc. 6 parcels > 10 ac, less than 20, – 2 residences, 4 vacant
13 – 2 zoned Agriculture 28 ac w/significant wetlands and floodplain 103 ac some wetlands and floodplain, preservation buffer overlay – 2 zoned C-1 27 ac w/significant wetlands and floodplain 230 ac w/significant wetlands and floodplain Four Parcels 20 acres or More - Zoning, Acreage and Resources
14 Lochloosa Wildlife Conservation Area – Area 1 Cluster 2 Future Land UseConservation LandsZoning WetlandsFloodplainWetlands & Floodplain Recommendation: Correct Preservation to Rural/Agriculture on FLU Map. Maintain “A” Zoning.
15 Newnans Lake Parcel 1 Strategic EcosystemsFuture Land UseConservation LandsZoningWetlandsFloodplainWetlands & Floodplain Recommendation: Correct Preservation to Rural/Agriculture on FLU Map. Maintain “A” Zoning.
16 Paynes Prairie Area 1 Cluster 2 Future Land UseZoningWetlandsFloodplainWetlands & Floodplain Recommendation: Correct Preservation to Rural/Agriculture on FLU Map. Work with Chacala Pond owner on appropriate strategy for resource protection, such as C-1 zoning or other tools.
17 Results of Evaluation Incorrect Preservation designation on FLU Map should be corrected; New land use category is not required based on examination of existing uses, natural resources, and adequacy of adopted protections for resources on these 48 properties in context, and generally.
18 Requested Action Authorize staff to: Initiate amendments as part of upcoming small and large scale amendment cycles to correct Preservation designation to Rural/Agriculture on Future Land Use Map. Work with Chacala Pond owners on appropriate strategy for resource protection, such as C-1 zoning or other tools.
19 Conclusion of Presentation Questions or comments? Discussion?