The Evolution of Learning: from Classroom to Cloud Dr. Minjuan Wang Professor of Educational Technology San Diego State University (CA, USA) EBTIC Research Fellow Mwang aifei
San Diego, California Mind that Moves the World!
Corporate, government, K-12, higher-ed, non-profit sectors Training, ID, software development, performance improvement, distance learning, communication
Agenda Classroom Online learning Mobile learning Cloud learning EduHub This keynote serves as an introduction to several presentations later today, iCampus Impact study, MOOCS, and a Cloud-based learning system. The most basic and fundamental unit of academic life - the classroom and the authority of the teacher in it - is about to be turned inside out." Indiana University’s William M. Plater (2010) Minjuan Wang & Laura Bock
The Evolution of Learning Real Work & Learning Indistinguishable Open up time and place for learning Open up time and place for extended operations and improved decision making Knowledge Creation/ Exchange Ubiquitous (cloud) Personal Devices Empowered Future Mobile Learning Skills Transfer Now Data and analysis where and when you need it U-learning is not clearly defined. Some people dislike it—a jargon. I see it as a placeholder for any new ways of learning such as Cloud. E-Learning Pre-Web Information Transfer Classroom Learning Controlled Centralized Decentralized Authority- Centered Recipient- Centered Team- Centered Community-Centered (real and virtual)
Classroom As in the Award-Winning Movie: Not One Less It touches me deeply. I attended a school like this in China, back in the 70s. Temples We had to evacuate because the roof was falling down. Cold in winter. Nothing can replace classroom and personal touch.
Breeze/Adobe Connect Robust virtual classrooms.
Blended/Hybrid Classroom Using AdobeConnect A blended classroom: students in the Classrom and Online. They can interact through desk-mics. Hard to teach, a handful for the instructor. Need to remember people in both spaces, and maintain eye contact by looking at the camera. Online people can feel being ignored.
Online Learning: teach & research An instructional Design Model & a sample product Most of my work is captured in this model for Instructional Design. ID is the foundation of the field of educational technology. We design teaching and learning, with technology. 10
Cybergogy for Engaged Learning (Wang & Kang, 2006; 2007) Pedagogy: teaching methods for k-12 Andragogy: for adults Cybergogy: for online
This model shows factors that can increase students’ presence in all three aspects. Higher engagement->better outcomes Talk about Love and passion: emotional connection leads to better work.
About Presence (the Lana example) Emotive presence expressing feelings of self, others, learning About Presence (the Lana example) Social presence/visibility presenting oneself as a “real person” in a virtual learning environment Cognitive presence sharing information and resources, and constructing new knowledge Where are you? How do you feel? Lana attended class at 2am from Lebanon. She finally moved to campus and now lives and works in San Diego. Designing engaging instruction interactive, collaborative or solo and competitive Facilitating online communication Cultivating a better sense of self
Course Design Framework Cognitive Factors Prior knowledge/Experience Achievement of goals Learning activity Cognitive/learning style Cognitive Factors Cognitive Load Theory Behaviorism Engaged Learning Emotive Factors Feeling of self Feeling of community Feeling of learning atmosphere Feeling of learning process Emotive Factors Social Factors A real project—Wine tasting using the Cybergogy Model They later started a wine-tasting group on FB and met regularly in a local pub. Social Factors Personal attributes Context Community Communication Online Learning Environment Keller’s ARCS Constructivism Adult Learning Theory Social Constructivism
Research on Mobile Learning 15
Focused mainly on learning with mobile devices; techno-centric Old definition Focused mainly on learning with mobile devices; techno-centric
Focuses on learner mobility, learner- and community-centered New definition Focuses on learner mobility, learner- and community-centered 17
Learner Mobility Learners travelling on the high-speed train, or skate-boarding
Available Everywhere Updatable Anytime Shanghai Telecom ADSL Two-Way Satellite Xin Jiang University Ning Xia University 2.5G/3G Mobile Users Yan’an University SJTU,ZJU XJTU 西藏大学 Tibet University Classroom Cluster 教室群 IP Network Available anywhere Update anytime DEMO Thanks to the RD team from Shanghai Jiaotong University IP TV broadcasting Available Everywhere Updatable Anytime 19 19 19
E-Learning Classroom (hybrid) Jiaotong Blended Learning Classroom, with 200 in class and maybe 1000 online. 20 20 20
At Shanghai jiaotong U, students tune into a live English class using their cell phone. 21
Mobilegogy (Track 2A.1) An Evolution of Theories Take what has come before… …Adjust to what makes mobile unique Objectives for instruction and expected results and/or skills developed from learning.
Research on Cloud-based Learning: iLearning on iCampus Sources: Catherine’s Lit review; the mLearning team has good reviews that can be published. 23
The intelligent campus (iCampus) initiative ~ URL: “We shape our buildings, and our buildings shape our lives.” - Churchill Summarising we see that: Transformation is for real, it is now and we all address it. There is strong drivers and also barriers to overcome. Sourcing external help is making the difference, BT would enjoy discussing these options with you. And we all have one task ahead of us: Making our business transformations work! 24
A Recent Article from Chronicle A Technological Cloud Hangs Over Higher Education The instructor becomes the multimedia rainmaker who summons from the cloud… Library is in the cloud Lecture Demos in the cloud Everything is in the cloud—even some of the most popular instructors. The whole apparatus of instruction has moved into the cloud. The last sentence is full of irony! Cloud, the real cloud.
Cloud Learning A shared pool of learning courses, digital assets and resources are provided to learners and instructors, via computers and other devices on-demand, similar to a public utility - you can plug into it from anywhere
Cloud Learning Cloud Learning Application & Service Cloud Platform & Database Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Everyday, we use some type of Cloud. Or we are in the clouds. Cloud learning is built on the three services models (infrastructure, platform, and software)
CL: Characteristics Storage & Share Universal Accessibility Collaborative Interaction Learner Centered
Mobile Cloud Education ( Thus, mobile learning can be seen as a key enabler of cloud learning, and the process flow of mobile cloud learning is as follows (Rao et al., 2010): MCE or MCL, a novel unification of cloud and mobile learning, is a relatively new concept that holds great promises for the future development of education (Hirsch & Ng, 2010).
iTunes University (iTU) Mobile Cloud Education Over 500,000 lectures, videos & books. Content is submitted by K-12 school districts and 1000 universities in 26 countries New Educational Initiative App which integrates course materials with iBooks, iCloud, and other apps. iTunes U: Mobile Cloud Learning Turned iTunesU into a platform for creating full online classes iTunes U research (690 class): View iTunes University and try the App
Cloud Based Initiatives Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) MITx MIT’s new online learning initiative Targets a virtual community of learners Operates on an open-source scalable software Content is submitted by K-12 & over 1000 universities http://en.wikipedia A massive open online course (MOOC) is a type of online course aimed at large-scale participation and open access via the web. MOOCs are a recent development in the area of distance education, and a progression of the kind of open education ideals suggested by open educational resources. Though the design of and participation in a MOOC may be similar to college or university courses, MOOCs typically do not offer credits awarded to paying students at schools. However, assessment of learning may be done for certification. MOOCs originated from within the open educational resources movement andconnectivist roots. More recently, a number of MOOC-type projects have emerged independently, such as Coursera, Udacity, and edX.[1] The prominence of these projects' founders, contributing institutions, and financial investment helped MOOCs gain significant public attention in 2012.[2] Some of the attention behind these new MOOCs center on making e-learning more scalable either sustainable or profitable. While there is no commonly accepted definition of a MOOC, two key features seem prevalent: Open access. MOOC participants do not need to be a registered student in a school to "take" a MOOC, and are not required to pay a fee. Scalability. Many traditional courses depend upon a small ratio of students to teacher, but the "massive" in MOOC suggests that the course is designed to support an indefinite number of participants. Other features associated with early MOOCs, such as open licensing of content, open structure and learning goals, community-centeredness, etc. may not be present in all MOOC projects.[3] .org/wiki/Massive_open_online_course
College of Future Could Be Come One, Come All “We’ve reached the tipping point where every major university is thinking about what they will do online,” said Peter McPherson, the president of the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities. “In a way, the most important thing about these MOOCs from the top universities is that they provide cover, so other universities don’t need to apologize about putting courses online.” In the rush to keep up, elite universities are lining up to join forces with a MOOCprovider. Coursera, which began with Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania, Stanford and the University of Michigan in April, currently leads the field with 33 university partners. But edX, too, is expanding rapidly — the University of California, Berkeley, has joined, and the University of Texas announced that it would use edX courses for credit. Already, students in one Udacity class can get credit through the Global Campus of Colorado State University. Most MOOC providers are making plans to offer credit — and charge fees for certificates and proctored exams.
Touts key pedagogical constructs Social entrepreneurship company partnering with universities to offer free online courses Touts key pedagogical constructs Learner has multiple attempts to demonstrate knowledge Uses interactivity for student engagement Provides frequent feedback New cloud education venture, aspires to “build a free virtual campus which could reach the whole world”
Cloud Based Initiatives LoudCloud Systems A cloud-based LMS Allows instructional designers to construct a cloud-based Learning environment
A MCL System prototype Be simple on this one. The MCL system was presented in another session earlier. Feel free to read the report in the conference proceedings.
Cloud Architecture (More in Track 2A.4) Display and access internet learning platform Personal center Learning center Course center cloud-based mobile portal resource base learning portfolios user information web service multi-screen in one Identification continuous learning upload and sharing download and management ①SOA Subsidiary function ② based on HTML5 cloud application architecture webapp mobile application mobile browser HTML 5 Cloud appliation System adopts the Cloud management model and records users’ learning process, so as to achieve continuous learning on different terminals (devices). Cloud learning is built on the three services models (infrastructure, platform, and software) Cloud management can synchronize learners’ progress and record to the “cloud”, so as to support learning on different devices without interruption.
Finishing course learning View one Lesson: the Fantastic Fountain Learner login Course learning Course testing Course comment Finishing course learning
The Education Hub Initiative A Global Education Network with International links that spawns from the UAE. The initiative is to connect universities around the world through iClassrooms and other intelligent technologies.
Connection of the iClassroom@KAU to an international “EduHub” The initiative is to connect universities around the world through iClassrooms and other intelligent technologies.
Connected by iClassrooms Figure 3. Two immersive display prototypes showing user interaction with virtual learning labs.
The i-technologies in place at U of Essex
Selected Publications IEEE Transactions on Education British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET) Educational Technology Research and Development (ETRD) Educational technology and society Open Education Research Computers and Education See: Copies available by email.