(On-Premises) Infrastructure (as a Service) Platform (as a Service) Storage Servers Networking O/S Middleware Virtualization Data Applications Runtime Storage Servers Networking O/S Middleware Virtualization Data Applications Runtime You manage Managed by vendor You manage Storage Servers Networking O/S Middleware Virtualization Applications Runtime Data Software (as a Service) Managed by vendor Storage Servers Networking O/S Middleware Virtualization Applications Runtime Data
10x efficiency in admin to server ratio
90% decrease in power per-server costs* Cost Reduction in Public CloudCost Reduction in Public Cloud
$500M+ investment 700,000 square feet 7.5 miles of chilled water piping 26,000 cubic yards of concrete 1.5 million man-hours-of-labor 3400 tons of steel 2400 tons of copper 190 miles of conduit
Datacenter ScaleDatacenter Scale “Datacenters have become as vital to the functioning of society as power stations” – The Economist 500, ,000 sq. ft MW Hydroelectric powered Recycled water or outside air for cooling
General Purpose Programming Languages Compute Storage Management CDN Windows Azure Platform
HTML 5 and next- gen web Mobile and Client Devices Social and Geospatial Marketplace DataMarket