Use and Care of Vertebrate Animals: What Researchers Need to Know Brian Greene IACUC Chair and Associate Professor of Biology Missouri State University
Legislation and Guidance Animal Welfare Act (1966) and Health Research Extension Act (1985) stipulate animal welfare regulations ◦ Humane care ◦ Minimization of pain and distress Emphasizes minimal use of animals and appropriate justification ◦ The 3 r’s
IACUC Structure and Function Mandated membership Review all research proposals and monitor their activities Semi-annual facilities inspections and program review Annual report to OLAW Suspension of research activities if violations occur
Importance of IACUC oversight for researchers Institutional compliance – significant penalties for violations Training – improves study design Research quality – healthy animals yield better data Professional obligation – IACUC approval is often a prerequisite for publication and funding
What do I need to do? Complete online animal care training ◦ OSRP web page access IACUC link Occupational Health and Safety Screening ◦ Risk assessment form – filled out by supervisor ◦ Health history form – evaluated at Taylor Health Animal Care Protocol for each new study ◦ Submitted to IACUC address
Animal Care and Use Training Animal and Care Use Compliance Training Animal Care and Use This course utilizes materials from standard laboratory animal textbooks, the Animal Welfare Act regulations, the Public Health Service (PHS) Policy, the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, Occupational Health and Safety in the Care and Use of Research Animals, the Use of Experimental Animals at Missouri State University and the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, McGill University, National Institutes of Health. The modules provide information that all individuals who use animals in research, testing, and teaching should know. Questions regarding the course or requirements for certification should be directed to: Ms. Tracey Poston, Associate Director & Compliance Officer, Office of Sponsored Research and Programs Phone: (417) Resource Page Page 3 of 8age 3 of 8 Sponsored Research and Programs, Missouri State University | © 2006 | DisclaimerSponsored Research and Programs, Missouri State University | © 2006 | Disclaimer | EO/AA | Accessibility | Maintained by: Office of Sponsored Research and Programs | Last Modified: October 28, 2008| Phone: (417) | Fax: (417) | URL: of Sponsored Research and Programs Missouri State University Progress:
The research protocol: basic components Species and approximate numbers used Rationale for animal use, appropriateness of species, and benefits of research Complete description of animal use and care Descriptions of how injury and discomfort will be minimized to that which is unavoidable to conduct research and managed by anesthetics or analgesics Description of any euthanasia methods used
MSU Protocol Cover Page Project Title Contact Information ◦ Principal investigator Project Characterization ◦ Status (new, renewal, amendment to existing protocol) ◦ Type ◦ Research category
Protocol : Section 1 Personnel Information ◦ Identify everyone involved with project ◦ Describe all relevant training List online modules Lab–specific training Previous experience ◦ Project description Goals & objectives Design summary Justification Literature search
Protocol Section 2: Project Description Non-technical summary – explain goals, objectives, benefits of study, design and methods Justification ◦ Species used and numbers required ◦ Use as many relevant arguments as possible
Protocol Section 2.3 Required Keyword Search Evaluate literature for appropriate and/or alternative methods Important criteria ◦ Duplication of effort ◦ Use of animal model Must be current (< 2 months old) Required information: ◦ Date of search ◦ Keywords used ◦ Search resources ◦ Years covered by search results Written summary of results
Section 3: Animal Use Animal Sources, species, and numbers used ◦ Approved sources ◦ Wild animals collected with permission Animal facilities: ◦ Locations for all activities Animal husbandry summary ◦ Housing, food, environmental or lab conditions, etc. Animal procedures ◦ Check appropriate boxes ◦ Some require additional forms (surgery, field studies, etc.)
Animal Use – Pain and Distress Pain and distress categories ◦ Indicate number of each animal used in each pain category ◦ Category 5 pain must be carefully justified Pain alleviation ◦ Drug type and administration
Investigator Assurances Signed list of statements that confirms adherence to rules Declaration that everything is correct and that you will follow the protocol as approved Signature for PI and Co- PI (graduate student) Submit to:
Additional Resources IACUC web page ◦ MSU Animal Care Policies and SOP ◦ External web resources ◦ Downloadable forms ◦ Links to online training Outside resources ◦ IACUC guidelines of professional societies ◦ ILAR journal