Oct 9-10, 2009 Princeton Park Hotel Bangkok, Thailand Workshop Session Day 2
MarketingITCTechnicalOrganizational Development Chain/ shortenMarketing info/flowOrganic farmingStrengthen orgn Value addingITC applicationProcessing(CP)Improve practices Mktg application business plan marketing plan Integration Info Tech Quality Enhancement Multi stake holder process (not just NGO support) Technology transfer Self initiative Target customer Proactive to customer Marketing info needs Branding (2x) Diversification New product
Taiwan / JapanIndonesia/PhilippinesMekong Group Cooperate with Institutions Sustainable EnterpriseApply marketing concepts (production – packaging) Develop BrandsCompliance with good Paractices (marketing Plan, financial, etc) Internal?export mktg DVDAgro processing centersFree trade agreement ExportITC applicationAFA to promote mktg Initiatives for the benefit of Asian Producers ProcessJoint ventureCooperative –better bargaining power
National Marketing Plans ◦ Identify follow up activities Nature Objectives ◦ Planning Specific activities Involved parties Draft operational plan
Conduct a workshop to determine producers and consumers on Organize a provincial workshop We build a company?? We monitor the activities?? Our product should meet the requirements on a timely manner
Product: organic products Plan is to expand our market for organic products; get new consumers We have aino marketing system. We have many members but we cannot make a unified marketing brand. So we can make an Aino brand for our organic products -e.g. Aino brand. We can make a package We will need experts to design the Aino package and commercialize our products We have many competitors in Japan training on organic products, including marketing. So we should be able to distinguish Aino products. We will ask members if we want to make Aino brand, discuss our strong points to market to our consumers
Next steP; research Next step: detail the activities we need to do to make the Aino brand
On consumer awareness, to be done by fnn, api and skp: enhanced consumer awareness will mean increasing marketability of your products. This means you will be doing activities that will enhance your knowledge on what the consumer wants. Api has processing component: question is for the rice milling unit accept only organic rice (answer is yes) Skp who will put up monitoring of progress of activities: this is good to put in plan Ainokai, twada more on branding and IT application : major tips include : when you make your brand or packaging, be very clear about your positioning. What position you want your product to have? What kind of customers are you targetting? This will help you in designing your brand and package.
Vnfu, pakisama: pakisama has an organized structure for marketing component. But has to be clear on what the support should be for each product. Vnfu: be clear what will happen after the workshops that will happen. What will be the action plans after the workshops? We can focus our workshop in a better way. In general, we commend the groups for being able to come up with a draft plan to capitalize on, and to develop further in their marketing activities, drawing from the lessons of the presentations.
Design and package waxapple DVD Objectives: promote the brand and be well- known, increase customers’ loyalty and improve waxapple farmers’ income Activities: design the DVD, form the team who will make the DVD TWADA will negotiate with members first to get approval for this DVD. TWADA will find budget to get equipments for this DVD. Then, training on how to use the DVD with customers, how to burn the DVD at home.
Collect information on supply and demand of tea and lychee so that farmers can access market and improve income We will invite researchers, marketing officers representing government, farmers and universities, reporters, Organize this workshop in one day We will try to use mass media to reach our customers
Preparation of business plan: data gathering, mapping - per commodity sector. The business plan is the framework for marketing enterprise Marketing research- get market information for the marketing aspect of the business plan Enterprise orientation-meeting with farmer leaders to establish their commitment to the enterprise program. December 2009 and beyond: setting of agro centers, search for financing,market development, product development, actual marketing and selling We want to start a marketing outlet in one of the big stores in Manila by December
We will make liquid organic fertilizer We want to establish rice milling unit (RMU) by December We will conduct market research for organic rice by December We will improve our packaging of organic rice, and have a brand of our product (Jan- Feb) We will have advertising or promotions through media, etc.
Gap: quality of organic product still not good Obj: ensure good quality of organic products -raise awareness on organic products -improve management structure of the organic federation Activities -training on internal control system, processing cycles,ets -follow up process of ICS book farmer-radio program and magazines to raise awareness for consumer