T ITLE P AGE …. FIRST AMENDMENTS IN THE NEWS Topic: Name of newspaper: Article title: Date: Writer: Name(s): _________________ Friday, May 25, 2012
A. SUMMARY Summarize the news story and provide the 5 Ws of the story. What? When? Where? Who? Why?
B. ANALYZE Analyze the 2 sides of the debate. SIDE 1SIDE 2
C. CONSTITUTIONAL CONNECTION Show and describe the Constitutional connection, explaining how this news story relates to one area of the first amendment. Cite the part of the First Amendment that goes with your news story. Areas: Freedom of Speech, Religion, Press, Assembly, and to Petition the Government.
D. OPINION Provide your opinion here. If you are working with a partner, show both students’ opinions! Student #1 Thinks…Student #2 Thinks…
E. IMAGES Show an image and explain how it fits your new story topic. Photo/Political Cartoon: Explanation : ___________________