Senate Activities 2 Executive Committee Intra Faculty Council (IFC) Representatives Senators from each unit Service ranges from 7 months to 7 years Tenured, tenured-track, and non-tenured representatives By Laws from each unit Senate representation on most Campus Committees Available previous senate data (paper copies) were placed in the UMKC archives, current data maintained on the N-drive (password protected)
Dean/Provost Evaluation 3 Performed in the Fall, in alignment with the Provost’s 360 evaluation Three Deans were eligible School of Education (86% response rate) School of Dentistry (65% response rate) School of Pharmacy (71% response rate) The Provost (31% response rate) Summary data available within Bb to voting members
Honorary Degree 4 One nomination has been brought forward and affirmed by the senators Degree to be conferred in May, 2014
COACHE Survey 5 Completed in Mid-January Total Response Rate Total Completion Rate Total Retention Rate University of Missouri - Kansas City62.91%54.89%87.25% - College of Arts & Sciences66.88%59.38%88.79% - Conservatory of Music & Dance48.84%39.53%80.95% - School of Biological Sciences80.00% % - School of Computing & Engineering41.38%31.03%75.00% - School of Dentistry71.05%57.89%81.48% - School of Education68.97%62.07%90.00% - School of Law44.44%38.89%87.50% - School of Management70.97%64.52%90.91% - School of Nursing & Health Studies100.00%77.78% - School of Pharmacy31.82%27.27%85.71%
Budget Report 6 Tony Luppino
Ombudsman Report 7 Nancy Day
Anchor Course Report 8 Gerry Wyckoff
Discourse Course Report 9 Stephen Dilks
Inter Faculty Council (IFC) Report 10 Data Classification Policy Approved by UMKC faculty senate and IFC Total Rewards Update Talking points Workload Policy In draft format – please read, provide feedback to your senators and it will be discussed at the ensuing senate meetings CRR amendment Maintain gradebooks for 7 years FAS replacement Campus coordinator is Bonnie Postlethwaite, Dean, Libraries To be initiated in the late spring, early summer
Upcoming Elections 11 Co-Chair to replace Kathleen Kilway Inter Faculty Council Representative to replace Nancy Stancel
Budget Report 12 Chancellor Leo Morton